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Crossin' Nikki

Posted: Mon May 07, 2018 10:28 pm
by Jayme
OOC - Sorry for the short post again. Work hours have been a bit crazy and will continue to be next week. Anyways enjoy.


The camera focused backstage in the interview area with Renee Young. A huge EBWF logo hung on the wall behind Renee with blue curtain backdrop. Renee Young straightened out her shirt and cleared her throat before speaking.

Renee: Good evening ladies and gentlemen, Renee Young here backstage at Warfare. My guest at this time... Summer Rae.

A disheveled looking Summer walked into the frame and stopped at the side of Renee Young. Summer's hair was hung loose over her shoulders and messy. Clearly she had not even bothered to comb her hair before this interview.

Renee: Summer... welcome.

Summer put her hand up to cut Renee off.

Summer: That was the worst introduction in EBWF history... but I expect no less from you, Renee.

Renee rolled her eyes but seemed to mostly brush off Summer's insult.

Renee: Anyways, last week the EBWF universe witnessed your uh... well.. your message of truth? You mentioned about your lack of booking as of late, yet here you are this week, booked in a match...

Summer: Uh duh. Because I pointed it out. Ikeda was probably sweating bullets when I dished out pure truths last week. Like I said time and time again, I will not be silenced. The elite don't hold power over me and I WILL not conform to what they want me to do, just to appease the elite. I'm only booked a match because they are trying to discredit me. They are TRYING to make me look crazy! It only took me calling out the cabal, for them to schedule me? After months of absolutely nothing? Coincidence again? I think not!!

Renee: Well either way, you find yourself in a match this week against none other than Nikki Cross.

Summer: Yeah, so? Am I supposed to be scared of this lunatic? I've dealt with bigger bullies than her in the past, or those keyboard warriors online. Nikki is sloppy. Her appearance is quite lackluster, I'm fairly sure she doesn't even use vegan friendly shampoo... or shampoo at all for that matter. Hello, grease monkey. She doesn't give a damn about the universe, and I'm pretty sure she eats puppies for breakfast. Is this the kind of female talent you people want around here? Someone like Nikki who probably resorts to mainstream media for her news, is asleep to the corruption at hand, and who generally just stinks... I mean, that last one may not be entirely her fault. She is from Glasgow. Quite possibly the worst park of the UK. Some things are beyond your control, ya know.

Summer shrugged her shoulders.

Summer: Anyways Renee, I've wasted enough of my time speaking to the uninformed such as yourself. So I'm done here. Tah-tah.

Summer flipped her knotted messy blonde hair over her shoulders and headed for the Gorilla position. Camera fades out.