Breaking the News

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Breaking the News

Post by Billy »

The scene opened on Aiden English sitting at a large wooden desk with a black curtain behind him. The set was made up to look like a newsroom. English was wearing a black suit, with a powder blue button up and black tie. Aiden had a stack of loose paper in front of him. He nervously shuffled and straightened the papers. A little box appeared at the top right hand side of the screen with the EBWF logo with comic inspired green stench lines and flies coming off of it.

Aiden English : This just in, something is still rotten in the state of Denmark! Something is festering. A putrid wound on the surface of EBWF that no one wants to talk about. A deep seeded corruption that seeks to stifle the top talent and promote inferior superstars. Who is behind this corruption? Does the fish rot from the head as they say. We go live to correspondent Jesus for more information. What have you got for us Jesus?

The shot cut away to a man in a suit and tie outside the EBWF headquarters with a microphone in his hand. The microphone had drama masks on each side. At the bottom of the screen a little decorative border with the name Jesus and the title Correspondent in it appeared. He paused the few seconds that all live journalists pause before talking.

Jesus : Thank you Aiden. I’m here at the headquarters of EBWF trying to get to the bottom of the rampant corruption reported by multiple employees of the company. So far no one here has been willing to give a statement. Last week on Warfare, EBWF employee Corey Graves, pointed out at multiple times in the show that the EBWF Management seems to be targeting members of the staff in an attempt to stifle their careers and hold them back. Two superstars who appear to be the targets of this vicious and unjust assault are Summer Rae and the Drama King. These two amazingly talented individuals have both reported unfair treatment at the hands of the management of the company. Summer Rae was kept off television for several weeks in an attempt to diminish her impact on fans. The Drama King was placed in opening segments on consecutive shows, despite a winning record. This seems to be an attempt to lessen the value of the companies brightest star. We’re hoping to get word from one of the executives of the company but they have been tight lipped about the situation. I’ll remain here at the scene looking for answers to the growing conspiracy. Back to you in the studio Aiden.

The screen cut back to Aiden at the desk. Now he was joined by Richard who had his own stack of papers.

Aiden English : I’m joined by Sports Correspondent Richard with an update on the upcoming EBWF King of the Ring. Richard, who do you favor for King of the Ring this year?

Richard : Thanks Aiden. This King of the Ring is going to be a spectacular event! We could see such exciting names as Marty Skrull, Bobby Roode and Seth Rollins. We’re hearing rumors of new talent debuting this week on Warfare who will perhaps take part in the event. However, the main attraction of this King of the Ring season is going to be a man who already has a crown, that’s right the Drama King himself! I see him as the odds on favorite to take the entire thing and be crowned King of the Ring. He has an outstanding record in EBWF and been proving week in and week out that he’s got the talent to be the top performer in the company. No matter what happens it’s going to be great. What are your thoughts Aiden?

Aiden English : You’re always right on target with these sorts of things Richard! We are glad you could stop by! I’ve just got word that the Drama King is about to go live with a press conference. We’re going to cut away to that and we will be right back to talk about it!

The shot changed to a podium in front of a red curtain with gold accents. The podium had an emblem containing the drama masks on it. There was a slight murmuring sound effect but no one is in the crowd. Aiden English walked onto the screen with his wrestling gear on. He stepped up to the podium and tapped on the microphone to check it.

Aiden English : Lately the news has picked up on all the dirty things going on behind the scenes in EBWF. And, the EBWF doesn’t seem to be open to talking about it. I on the other hand am more than willing to explain things for my fans and the community as a whole. I have the proof you want that corruption is running rampant in EBWF! All we have to do is look at the last two weeks of programing! Opening the show? The best damn talent EBWF has, the Drama King, Aiiiiiiden Enggggglish!!!! Maybe we can look past that first week and say, that’s how all new talent is treated. But, is it? I seem to recall someone else debuted last week. Only he didn’t come out at the start of the show. No, I came out at the start of the show and continued my undefeated streak. Closing the show, in what should have been MY MAIN EVENT, is a debuting Roman Reigns. It looks a hell of a lot like favoritism from my point of view! Roman Reigns, week one is out here main eventing Warfare in a losing, embarrassing showing. Meanwhile I’m wasting away in the opening matches, bringing destruction to those opposing me. Shane Douglas is gone, he didn’t even make it to Warfare after the beating I gave him two weeks ago! I’m not sure if he’ll ever walk again, let alone wrestle! Do you think Daniel Bryan will be back in the ring anytime soon? I don’t! I think he’s as done and buried as Shane Douglas is. Did Roman Reigns end the career of Bobby Roode? No. No he didn’t. He was given a spot he didn’t earn, while those of us more deserving were disregarded and disrespected by management!

The crowd sounds escalated for a few moments. Aiden shifted his weight and looked around at the “crowd”. He pointed in a direction. A prerecorded voice played over the crowd sounds.

Voice 1 : Mr. English, are you the only one being treated this way?

Aiden English : Actually, there are two other people in the EBWF who seem to understand what is going on around here. Corey Graves gets it! I’ve been disrespected and I continue to be disrespected! Middle of the card this week? Do I look like a middle of the pack superstar? No! I’m a headliner and I deserve to be treated like a headliner! I’m the Drama KING! I AM going to be shown the respect I am owed! Summer Rae has eyes on the situation here in EBWF. There are certain people around here trying to hold back real talent. People telling us to make the most out of the disrespect they’re showing to us. Telling us that we need to think about things differently. If you don’t know who I am talking about, you haven’t been paying attention! Summer sees it. Cory sees it. And, Mauro is a freaking sheep. He’s the one towing the company line and acting like there’s nothing going on. Cory, you should keep an eye on this one, I think he may be in on the scheme to hold talent back!

Aiden pointed in a different direction and a different voice played.

Voice 2 : With all of this going on are you able to focus on your match this Monday at Warfare?

Aiden English : This Monday? Am I focused on this Monday? No. I don’t need to focus on this match. Grabbing the win at Warfare is going to be a Breeze!

Aiden doubled over in fake laughter at his terrible joke. A laughter track played along with him.

Aiden English : In all seriousness, Tyler Breeze is the first real competition I’ve been given here in the EBWF. He’s a former champion! A former Tag Team and Breakout Champion! He’s one half of the Gorgeous Guys along with Noam Dar. Not only that but like myself, Tyler Breeze is wrestling royalty. They call him Prince Pretty! And therein lies the problem. He’s a prince, I’m a KING. He’s outside his depth getting into the ring with me. I am not just a King, I am the King! The Drama King! Prince Pretty is so far down the line of succession he might as well be calling himself Secretary of Energy Pretty. Not quite at the bottom of the barrel, but not far off. He’s not a commoner who needs to be in the crowd like Daniel Bryan was. He’s not a decaying artifact like Shane Douglas, only fit for the Royal Museum. No, he’s Baron Beauteous.

Aiden pointed at another spot in the “crowd” and a female voice played.

Voice 3 : Do you expect Noam Dar to be at ringside? And if so, do you think that plays a part in your strategy for Monday?

Aiden English : I would expect nothing less if I had my own personal assistant. So yes, I expect he will be at ringside and I suppose he could interject himself into the match to assist his superior. I’m prepared for that sort of outside assistance for Breeze. But, I would offer a word of warning to Mr. Dar. I have nothing against him, just like I have nothing against Tyler Breeze. I’m beating up Breeze because the company says that’s my job this week. If Noam inserts himself into my match, it’s going to be a personal beating. I beating like the one I gave to Douglas and Bryan. A career ending beating. An unrelenting and unremorseful deconstruction that I will level on both members of the Gorgeous Guys. I’ll change the landscape of the Tag Team division Monday if Noam Dar decides he needs to take part in my match against his boss Tyler Breeze.

Aiden pointed back in the direction of the first question and the same voice played.

Voice 1 : This is Tyler Breeze’s first match since Wrestlemania nearly a month ago. Surely he’s rested and looking to come back from his loss in the Tag Team Championship match.

Aiden leaned back and stretched his back for a moment.

Aiden English : Maybe, he’s preparing to try and pull himself back up to the glory of having a championship. It’s been a while. He’s lacing up his boots and getting in the car to drive down the road to his next reign. Facing me isn’t just a roadblock in his path back to gold, it’s an insurmountable wall. I hope that he’s a tad bit more resilient than those I’ve faced in the past, because he doesn’t deserve the destruction I offered those two. He’s going to get beat. That’s a foregone conclusion. How bad he gets beat is up for debate. If I go a little wild Monday, I promise I’ll visit him in rehab and support his return to action. That’s enough questions for today. Thank you all for your time!

Aiden English turned and walked away from the podium. The crowd sounds grew loud as the scene stayed focused on the podium for several seconds after Aiden vanished off screen. Then suddenly the shot snapped back to the newsroom. Aiden was back in his shirt and tie. He was joined by a younger blonde woman in a navy blue blazer.

Aiden English : Wasn’t that just an extraordinary press conference by the Drama King, Anne?

Anne : It sure was Aiden! I’m constantly surprised at how brave he is in his outspoken defense against the corruption in the company. If the top brass is behind this, he’s basically calling out his bosses for their unfair practices.

Aiden English : That’s so true. He’s becoming a modern day hero for the working man, willing to stand up to corruption in the workplace even though it could potentially make his working life more difficult.

Anne : Let’s talk about the companies open response to the accusations of both Summer Rae and the Drama King. After weeks without an appearance on EBWF, Summer Rae makes an open confrontation and finds herself in a match. The Drama King politely raises concerns about his constant appearance in the opening match and now this week he’s going to be going on in the middle of the show.

Aiden English : Yes, it would seem that the person behind these actions is also blatantly trying to cover them up. You have to think that this just shines a brighter light on the extensiveness of this issue. How many more employees are being impacted by this?

Anne : You also have to wonder what is going to happen with Corey Graves, Aiden. Afterall, he pointed out the corruption on Warfare this past Monday. We have to be hoping that nothing bad comes from his bold stance on this topic.

Aiden English : It would be sad to see anything happen to Graves. He’s a wonderfully talented commentator and just a fantastic person. We could hope that he is spared any further punishment as he already has to work with Mauro Ranallo.

Anne : Yes, it’s tragic the kind of things Corey already has to put up with in the workplace. He will continue to work with Ranallo this Monday at Warfare. Speaking of the upcoming Warfare, the Drama King is set to go one on one with member of the Gorgeous Guys, Tyler Breeze.

Aiden English : When you give someone a match against a tag team wrestler, is it ever really a one on one match? History shows us that the partner not in the match always tries to involve themselves.

Anne : That’s got to be a major worry for the Drama King, but as we heard him say in the press conference, this win is going to be a Breeze.

Aiden once again doubled over in fake laughter at the terrible joke. He slapped the desk repeatedly. Anne looked at the doubled over Aiden and cleared her throat in a loud display. Aiden sat back up rigidly and nodded.

Aiden English : My apologies Anne, that joke just got me. Just like all the other bold statements made about Tyler Breeze by the Drama King. Judging by the track record of the Drama King, I see no reason we should doubt his ability to beat Tyler Breeze, and you have to think that beating a former champion makes a great case for the Drama King being a part of the title picture.

Anne : Well, Breeze has mostly been in the Tag Team Title picture and reliant on other superstars to carry him to victory over more talented wrestlers. So maybe, this doesn’t make quite the case it should, but it does allow the Drama King to extend his winning streak another week. His continued winning makes a great statement to anyone watching. The big hope is that the corrupt management don’t arbitrarily keep him out of the title scene because of his outspokenness.

Aiden English : There is always that possibility. I’m sure the fans would be disappointed and outraged to see such a talent go unrecognized. Not only that but if wrestlers continue to leave the company after being beaten by the Drama King, eventually there will have to be title shots or title vacancies. We’re going to keep out eyes on the situation and keep you up to date on everything related to this massive scandal.

Anne : I’m sure we will be seeing a lot more of the Drama King in the EBWF news.

Aiden English : Thanks for joining us tonight Anne. Now we move onto our final story! We take a few moments to remember the careers of Shane Douglas and Daniel Bryan who both met a tragic end to their career this month. For EBWF News, I’m Aiden English. Be safe universe!

The screen faded to black, then up on footage of Warfare from April 30th. The footage started with Aiden’s opening clothesline, flashed to his hip toss on Douglas and settled on Aiden hitting the Director’s Cut. Another fade up to a sterile looking background. A pamphlet for hip replacement surgery came into focus. The screen cut away to footage of Aiden English coming to the ring for May 7ths Warfare. Quick flashes of Aiden hitting double knees on Bryan, stomping on Bryan and finally the Director’s Cut. The screen went black. Large red numbers appeared on the screen in succession. 1…..2…..3…. The screen was black again.
Shaul Guerrero
*EBWF Women's Champion (x2)*
*2019 & 2021 Women's Royal Rumble Winner*
Aiden English
*EBWF World Champion (x3), Gateway Champion, Breakout Champion (x2)*
*2019 King of the Ring and Royal Rumble Winner*