Posted: Mon May 14, 2018 7:20 pm
The scene opened up in a dark alleyway. All of a sudden Rey Mysterio jumped into the frame. He breathed heavily into the camera as if he'd been doing parkour. He had a red mask on and a black tank top with red 619 on it. He looked dead into the camera.
Rey Mysterio Jr.: I don't care.. I don't care what people want to say.. what they want to think when it comes to me. Rey Mysterio Jr. has always been a little bit mysterious. I'm not on the surface.. it's hard to know what I'm thinking. Two weeks ago, I took out The EBWF Champion. I turned on him, and he got destroyed. I didn't feel bad about it and I still don't. All my career, I've been overlooked by pretty boy, arrogant, pieces of shit like The Miz. They do their hair all up with gel, they brag a little bit, then they get ahead.
Rey paused dramatically.
Rey Mysterio Jr: My opponent at Warfare is the same type of thing. Bobby Roode, Mr. "Glorious" same type of pretty boy, arrogant, no talent loser like The Miz. We saw what happened to him, and that is exactly what it is going to happen to Bobby Roode. So go ahead Bobby, overlook me, doubt me, it'll be the last mistake you ever make in the EBWF.
Rey shoved the camera down and the scene cut to static.
Rey Mysterio Jr.: I don't care.. I don't care what people want to say.. what they want to think when it comes to me. Rey Mysterio Jr. has always been a little bit mysterious. I'm not on the surface.. it's hard to know what I'm thinking. Two weeks ago, I took out The EBWF Champion. I turned on him, and he got destroyed. I didn't feel bad about it and I still don't. All my career, I've been overlooked by pretty boy, arrogant, pieces of shit like The Miz. They do their hair all up with gel, they brag a little bit, then they get ahead.
Rey paused dramatically.
Rey Mysterio Jr: My opponent at Warfare is the same type of thing. Bobby Roode, Mr. "Glorious" same type of pretty boy, arrogant, no talent loser like The Miz. We saw what happened to him, and that is exactly what it is going to happen to Bobby Roode. So go ahead Bobby, overlook me, doubt me, it'll be the last mistake you ever make in the EBWF.
Rey shoved the camera down and the scene cut to static.