Centre Bell
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Immediately after Monday Warfare
Bobby Roode: Cut it fellas!
Bobby Roode: I told you, didn’t I?! I told you all earlier this week that Roman Reigns would be just another stepping stone on my path to glory. My path that recently took a little pit stop. You see, while becoming the greatest champion in EBWF history is still the be all and end all there is something that has come up. Think of it like this, while you peasants are driving from one place to another
Bobby Roode: Seriously, who drives these days? When I have somewhere… ANYWHERE to go, my private jet takes me wherever I want to go. Anyway, while you people are driving on a long road trip and you have to take a break and stretch, maybe take a tinkle, you make a quick pit stop. My pit stop, in this scenario, is the King of the Ring tournament coming up. When the tournament begins, I will do what I did here tonight and defeat every single man, woman, and child put in my way. Hopefully it’s only men, because unlike you people, I’m not in to beating up on women and children!
Bobby Roode: With every victory in the King of the Ring tournament, I will get one stop closer to restoring the glory to the throne of the EBWF, proving that nice guys indeed finish last, and that it pays to be Roode!
XL Center
Hartford, Connecticut
Bobby Roode: If you get on Twitter right now, you will see that the movement I created a couple of weeks ago is the number one trend in the world right now. What’s that movement I speak of? Hashtag Restore The Glory. You see, even though I am a jerk and beat every superstar you adore, you just can’t help but love me! The fact that this is the number one trend right now…
Bobby Roode: Sorry about that, the crew is just setting up the scene for my next massacre.
Bobby Roode: The calm before the storm you may say. Rey, this will be the last silence you hear until I quiet your dreams and goals with a Glorious DDT in the center of that ring!
Bobby Roode: Ah, Rey Mysterio. The constant underdog, or as I like to call him, the midget that doesn’t know his place! Do you honestly think you have a chance of defeating someone as glorious as me, Rey? Last week I beat Roman Reigns, and a week before that I beat Tommy End… both of which, I am pretty sure, have had dumps bigger than you! See, Rey, I could sit here and tell everyone that I won’t underestimate you. Tell you that I respect how you have overcome the odds to even be where you are today. But honestly, I don’t want to do that. Honestly, Rey, I do underestimate you, but it has nothing to do with your size. I, like most in this business, don’t take you seriously because of how you use your size as a means to get to where you are! When things didn’t go your way, did you work harder to try to earn it? Nope. You went to management and complained. Cried that it wasn’t fair because you were so much smaller compared to the people you faced. In return, I guess management of several companies felt sorry for you, thought they would give you a chance. But when they gave you that chance, something happened. You actually showed that you had some amount of skills, and the normal people in the wrestling universe cheered for you, because you were just like them. Sadly, all of this has to come to and end tomorrow night Rey. While I do feel sorry for you, it isn’t because you are small and treated “unfairly”. I feel sorry for you because no matter what you do in that ring, you will never be as talented and glorious as me!
Bobby Roode: That rude interruption just now was actually a Mysterio fan on Twitter. Do you wanna hear what they say?
Bobby Roode: @ReyFan619 said, “Can’t wait for Rey to destroy you tomorrow night on #Warfare.” Well, I hate to be rude to a twelve-year-old child… actually, no I don’t hate that. Being rude is what the glorious one does! I’m not even going to take the time to respond to this spoiled brat, but I will say this to you right now Rey… Booyaka Booyaka, it’s glorious time! Tomorrow night this arena will be jam packed. And the one thing they are guaranteed to see is a Glorious DDT, and another stepping stone being laid down on my path to restore the glory. Rey, you are a nice guy, but tomorrow night you will learn the hard way that it pays to be… ROODE!