Napoleon Complex

This is where you post your RPs for Warfare, Pay Per Views, and for character development! The deadline for RPs for the current card will be posted in a countdown timer at the top of the forum.
Seth Rollins

Napoleon Complex

Post by Seth Rollins »

OOC: Sorry for the late post. Had something come up at work. Hate posting late but I figure late is better than nothing.

-The scene opens back up on Monday Night a few hours before Warfare is set to take place at the XL Center in Hartford, Connecticut. We see Seth Rollins standing outside of his locker room in his wrestling attire and a t-shirt that says "EBWF's Finest". Seth has his EBWF Breakout Title around his waist. As the cameras approach Seth smiles as he looks straight into the camera.-

Seth Rollins: Finn Balor versus Seth Rollins on Monday Night Warfare...or should I say Monday Night Rollins! You know what the first thing that comes to my mind when I think about you Balor? Napoleon Complex. Now I know you're not smart so let me break it down for you. And no I'm not talking about Napoleon Dynamite even if you're as goofy as him. No I'm talking about Napoleon Complex. Better known as Little Man's Complex. Basically what it means is when a small guy, much like yourself, thinks they're bigger than they are. You know...kinda like when a small guy is so small that they try to overcompensate with a big attitude. That pretty much describes you perfectly...doesn't it little man? I hope you don't mind me calling you that. I don't mean any offense by it...ah who am I kidding. Of course I mean offense by it.

Life must have been tough for you though being so little yet thinking you're so big. I honestly don't know what I would do if I looked like you. Probably kill myself. I can't imagine how hard it is for you to look into the mirror every morning. And I don't mean because you're probably not tall enough to see it. I mean because of how ugly you are.

-Seth busts out laughing before looking into the camera more seriously.-

In all seriousness though you know what really bothers me about you? All the hype. Empty hype too. It's like people hear the accent and want you to be better than you really are. I mean look at you. You're thirty six years old and what can you honestly say you've accomplished in your career? Now take it a step further and think about what you've accomplished here since debuting. To me you've been nothing more than an extra. Without Braun Strowman you're a nobody. Hell...with Braun you're still a nobody. I mean what have you even done since you debuted here? Fought in one tag team match? That's it? And you didn't even win it. You had the biggest guy on the roster on your side and you STILL weren't able to beat The Sumerian Death Squad. AND you were the one to get pinned on top of it all. That's kind of pathetic, isn't it?

And meanwhile you were losing your only match here with the odds stacked in your favor I was doing what I always do and that is putting on a REAL show for the EBWF fans. I was winning yet another match against yet another up and comer and we haven't heard from the guy since. Because that's what I do. I end careers. I hurt peoples chances at success because after facing me they know they will never live up to my success.

A lot of people think they can use their name as a way to get in here at EBWF but when they actually show up here and meet the talent that we have they ultimately fail. That's what I see happening with you Balor. I hope I'm wrong about you though. I hope you succeed here and go on to have a nice long career. Because quite frankly we could use something different around here and there's no denying that you're different. The thing I don't know, however, is are you as good as people say you are. I'm quite interested to find that out on Monday in the main event of Monday Night Warfare. MY show. The show that I've been running ever since I've gotten here. The show where I compete week in and week out while you do whatever the fuck it is that you're doing here. I've been busting my ass for months here. It took me months to even get a main event matchup and here we are in your first singles match and you're already in the main event and that pisses me off. And I know one of the only reasons you're in the main event is because of who you're fighting but that doesn't really matter to me.

As far as I'm concerned you don't belong in the ring with me. You haven't earned the right to step into MY ring and main event MY show. You haven't done a damn thing besides make friends with Braun Strowman. You can hide behind the big monster all you want, but at the end of the day when it all comes down to it this is a one on one matchup and you've got no chance in a one on one against the BEST wrestler in the world.

The way I see it the ONLY way you're going to have any sort of chance is if you bring that big walking piece of meat with you and TRY to get him to help you. The thing is he's so dumb that I'm not even sure he would comprehend what you're trying to tell him. Either way though tonight I'm going to show you how a real champ fights. I'm going to show you why I'm the best wrestler in the world and why all these fans come out to see me. I'm going to show you why I haven't lost a single match since coming back. Tonight I'm going to show you what greatness looks like. And maybe, just maybe, after we're done you will learn something as you're laying out cold in the middle of MY ring. This is MY show're just a guest. Remember that...

-Seth smiles into the camera before taking his EBWF Breakout Title off his waist and holds it up in front of the camera as the scene fades to black.-
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Ben M
Posts: 1185
Joined: Sun Feb 26, 2012 2:12 pm
Location: UK

Re: Napoleon Complex

Post by Ben M »

Thanks for posting this, Al! We don't count late RPs as a general rule of thumb... just makes it easier when sorting out results :)
Seth Rollins

Re: Napoleon Complex

Post by Seth Rollins »

I completely understand! Just hate not getting anything up especially when I already had it written.