-The scene opened showing Renee Young sitting in an empty locker room. Across from her was an empty seat waiting to be filled. Renee was wearing a bright red dress and had a concerned look on her face. She looked around with concerning eyes before she was told that they were getting ready to start-
Camera Man: We start in 3…2…1…
Renee Young: Uh… Welcome ladies and gentlemen. My name is Renee Young, and I am here waiting for a new EBWF superstar to make his appearance. I’m not completely sure who it is, but I do have an idea that it could be…
-Renee stopped talking as the lights in the room began to flicker off and on. In between the flickers you could see Renee look around like she had no idea what was going on-
Renee Young: I have no idea what is going on!
-The lights continued to flicker off and on-
?????: YESSSSSS!! Do you see the powers I possess!?
-The camera panned over to the entrance of the room where the light switch was and Matt Hardy was seen flipping the light switch causing the lights to flicker-
Matt Hardy: Just one of the many powers I have gained on my various expedeeee…
Renee Young: Matt, we can all see you over there flipping the light switch!
-Hardy realized that, indeed, the camera was on him. With the lights on, he stared at the camera like a deer caught in headlights. Keeping his left hand on the light switch, he quickly raised his right hand up in front of his face as if to see if he was actually visible. Doing so brought an angry look to his face. With his left hand he quickly flipped the light switch down causing the room to go pitch dark-
Matt Hardy: Camera man, let us start this segment again… FROM THE BEGINNINGGGGGG!
Renee Young: Matt, we have already seen you. I don’t have all day, plus, it’s not like that video can be removed or anything.
-Hardy turned the lights back on-
Matt Hardy: What did you just say, Renee? What. Did. You. Just. Say.
Renee Young: We have already seen you?
Matt Hardy: No, not that…
Renee Young: I don’t have all day?
Matt Hardy: Close, but no cigarette…
Renee Young: Do you mean no cigar?
-Hardy got a disgusted look on his face. He turned the lights back off, but as he did, he screamed-
Matt Hardy: DELETE! -Hardy turned the lights back on, then back off again- DELETE!
Renee Young: Matt, we can’t delete what has happened here today. How about you just turn the lights on and come sit down in this chair across from me?
-Hardy turned the lights back on and with a look of disbelief and bewilderment on his face, slowly and suspiciously walked to the empty chair. Before sitting down, Hardy patted the top of the chair and looked it over. Once his examination was done, Hardy slowly sat down in the chair and stared at Renee with a look of intensity-
Matt Hardy: Posthaste Renee!
Renee Young: Matt, we literally just sat down… but… Okay. -Renee looked in to the camera- Ladies and gentlemen, I am sitting with…
Matt Hardy: Matt Hardyyyyyyy! At least, the vessel you have come to know as Matt Hardy!
Renee Young: Yes, Matt Hardy. Welcome to the EBWF Matt.
Matt Hardy: Great question Renee! You may not know this about me, Renee, but I have journeyed many an era. Many a destination. I have traveled to every country on this planet, every planet known the man, and even some planets that man has no idea exists. Yes, Renee, but even so, I’ve never found a place where I felt at home. Except The Hardy Compound of course.
Renee Young: The Hardy Compound?
Matt Hardy: The only place my soul has ever called home. The place full of mageeeeek! One day, you will learn more about The Hardy Compound, and my many expedeeeetions, but not today. Today, I shall converse with you about my debut in EEEEEEEEEEBWF! The Extremely Broken/Woken Federationnnnnn!
Renee Young: Matt, that isn’t what EBWF stands for…
Matt Hardy: From this day forward Renee, it shall be known exactly as that! Going by any other name will be simply UNACCEPTABLEEEEE! A mistake thou shan’t make, if thou have any intelligence!
Renee Young: Sorry Matt. That won’t happen again… Anyway, how do you feel about your debut match coming in the opening round of the King of the Ring tournament?
Matt Hardy: My feelings on my debut coming in the King of the Ring tournament? Renee, It’s wonderful! Although, becoming king of the ring doesn’t seem that hard, considering I have been the king of many a different nation.
-The camera cut to Renee, showing her confused and doubtful face-
Matt Hardy: I have been a king on every single continent this wonderful world has to offer. From Spain, to Saudi Arabia, to the United Kingdom, I’ve been the man in charge!
Renee Young: Matt, I’m not calling you a liar, but I’m pretty sure the UK has a Queen?
Matt Hardy: And what is behind every good queen? A strong, magnificeeeeeent KING! Undeniably, Renee, an ordinary mortal would sit here and tell you about how nervous they might be, but I am anything but ordinary. I’m EXTRAORDINARYYY!
Renee Young: You’re different, that’s for sure.
Matt Hardy: I’ve been successful as a king of a nation, I know I can handle being the king of Extremely Broken/Woken Federation.
-Hardy reached over to the table next to him and grabbed the glass of water. He took a drink-
Renee Young: Against my better judgement, I am going to continue to ask questions as planned. Matt, how do you plan on defeating Castle on Monday night?
-Hardy, in surprise, spit out his water all over Renee. Renee screamed, got up in anger, and stormed out of the room yelling that she was done with this fiasco. The camera cut back to Matt Hardy as he wiped his mouth with his hand-
Matt Hardy: This is absoluuuuutely absurd! I wasn’t told I was taking on a whole castle in my debut match! I’ve over taken many castles in my day, but I always had my men with me. Not that I need men, they are helpful when you have to defeat a whole army. I’ll have to go back to the drawing board and come up with a new plan if I’m going to have a chance at overthrowing a whole castle by myself!
Camera Man: Mr. Hardy, I think she was talking about your opponent, Dalton Castle.
Matt Hardy: Oh, YESSSSSS -Hardy laughed his normal laugh- That is a completely different story! This news is delightful! Defeating one man will be much easier than defeating a real castle full of enemies. And if an actual castle is a real castle, I guess that makes Dalton Castle a fake! A fake whose best redeeming quality is that he likes to dress up like a peacock. Peahen? I’m not one to ever assume genders. Dalton, you think looking like a peacock helps you? I house a peacock on The Hardy Compound. I house a lot of different species there, along with some of the greatest minds that have transcended time! But the peacock, yes, the peacock, is one of the dumbest creatures I ownnnnnnn. All they do is walk around and puff out when they try to act tough. Much like yourself, when you try to act tough. You stick your chest out, you talk like you think you are bad… but you aren’t bad… no, you’re… unsatisfactory! Your wrestling skills, your character, even your hair… all unsatisfactory… all will be DELETED in the first round of The King of the Ring tournament!
-Hardy laughed a hysterical laugh-
Matt Hardy: You, camera man, zoom in on this picture.
-Hardy reached down toward the table by him and grabbed a photo. He turned the photo toward the camera-
Matt Hardy: This is me fighting alongside Genghis Khan in 1197, a battle we eveeeeeentually won! I show you this as proof, not for me but for you, that I am indeed who I claim to be. Dalton Castle, if I can win a war, a real battle, what makes you think I will ever lose to you? You are one person, but of course, minus those two children you bring to the ring with you! Dalton Castle, this image proves that I am more than capable of traveling through space and time, which opens up a world of possibilities when it comes to how I will defeat, I mean delete, you! In all my times of battle, through all my encounters with some of the greatest battlers of all time, I have picked up many different styles and skills. All that matters, good sir, is that I will use one of those learned techneeeeeeeques to beat you and move on to the second round of the tournament to, once again, become king! -Hardy rubbed his hands together in front of him and got a crazed look on his face- Dalton, come face me one on one in the ring on Monday night and if you dare, bring your boys. I would love to be an equal opportunity eraser and DELETE all three of you from the running to become king! Delete all three of you I will, and it shall be -Hardy threw his arms up in the air- DELIGHTFUL!
-Hardy laughed his hysterical laugh as the camera zoomed in on his crazed face and eventually faded-