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Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2018 10:51 pm
by rick
- The scene opens backstage at the FedEx Forum, as the camera is pointing towards the entrance way curtain. After a few seconds we see Rob Van Dam making his way threw the curtain into the backstage area holding the back of his head in pain. As he's walking passed the gorilla position we see Renee Young walk up to him with a microphone in hand-

Renee Young- Rob I know this might not be the best time, but I was wondering if I could get your thoughts on the match you and Seth just had out there.

RVD- You're right Renee you have horrible timing. I really don't have that much thought of it, I got my ass beat and that happens sometimes. Seth Rollins just proved why he holds the Breakout title. I definitely need to step my game up if I'm going to be a serious player here in the EBWF.

Renee Young- Since you are now out of the King Of The Ring tournament what do you think the future holds for you here in the EBWF?

RVD- Look it was just one match. I'm just getting back into the groove of things, and I'm never going to use my age as an excuse. I might be on the wrong end of forty, but I feel like i haven't lost a step. I keep myself in the best shape possible, and Seth just got the better of me out there tonight. I'm sure are paths will cross again somewhere down the line, and it will be a different story. Until then congratulations for moving on in the tournament Seth. But the future is always going to be bright for Rob Van Dam. I mean I am still the whole fucking show, and even in defeat I look better than a-lot of people.(RVD smirks)

Renee Young- Well it's good to see Your confidence is still there.

RVD- Of course it is. No one is ever going to be able to beat the confidence of yours truly, Mr Monday night. It was great speaking to you Renee but I got to hit the showers and something else.

Renee Young- No problem, and good luck on whatever comes next.

- The scene ends as we see RVD walking down the hall passed Renee. He walks into his dressing room still holding the back of his and the camera cuts to black-

- The scene opens back up this time backstage at the Verizon arena in Little Rock, Arkansas. The camera pointing to the Garage area where the cars come in at. After a moment or two we see an old school green and white VW bus roll up and stop. The door opens and a fog of smoke comes pouring out, and through the smoke steps Rob Van Dam, wearing a tie dye shirt, and black sweat pants. He's holding a black gym bag over his shoulder, and take a deep breathe of fresh air as he smiles and starts walking into the building. We See Renee Young approach him in the hallway before he can get to his locker room.-

Renee Young- Rob If I may get a word with you, I was wondering if you've heard about your big match tonight?

RVD- Renee you know you can always get a word. I know it's a pleasure for you to interview Rob Van Dam. To answer your question though, no I do not know the big match I have for tonight. I've been on sort of a healing trip of sorts since last week when Seth Rollins beat me, but hey whatever that's water under the bridge. Why don't you fill me in on this big match tonight Renee.

Renee Young- Well Rob tonight you're in a triple threat match against Aiden English and Marty Scurll to determine the number one contender for the EBWF Breakout Championship.

RVD- Woah triple threat huh? Honestly this is a big opportunity for me, so I'm not taking this lightly. On one hand I've got to take on the Drama King himself, Aiden English. You know Aiden you seem to be a little uptight sometimes, so after this little match I think I'm going to show you how to chill RVD style. I know you've been on this little win streak but it stops here. You're not going to take this opportunity I have to get back at Seth Rollins.

Renee Young- What about The Villian Marty Scurll? Do you have any words for him?

RVD- You know Renee I honestly don't know a-lot about this kid, other than he has a cool nickname, and I guess that's cool. But You need more than a cool nickname to hang in the ring with the whole fucking show Rob Van Dam. I'm not taking anything away from this kid I know he has talent or he wouldn't be here, but he's not going to win this match tonight. Neither him or Aiden English will get in my way of getting a shot at Seth Rollins. Sorry to cut this interview short Renee but I need to get focused and ready for this match tonight. I know I dissapointed last week, but it's not going to happen again.

- The scene fades as we see RVD smile at Renee Young and walk into the dressing room-

Re: Overcoming

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2018 2:00 pm
by Billy
I didn't watch a lot of ECW before WWE bought it up and kind of vanilla-ed RVD. I look forward to seeing more of your work. Good luck this week!