Malicious Compliance

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Malicious Compliance

Post by Cory »

The camera opened up on The One Percenter backstage. He took a big swig of his bottle of Smart Water and shook his head.

EC3: Seth Rollins? Are they serious about this? I am still recovering from the battle I had with Dalton Castle two weeks ago! I'm still injured! I haven't even attended my damn hot stone massage, and they want me to wrestle some wacky daredevil that flings himself out of the ring ever chance he gets? Well, let me tell you what I think about that noise.

EC3 took a final drink of his water, capped it, and then threw it off camera, chucking it hard at a wall.

EC3: THAT'S what I think about it! I mean... I'm still going to do the match, but I'm not going to like it. I'm going to hate it. And they'll definitely be hearing from my agent. As soon as I get one. Shutup!

The One Percenter stormed off angrily as the camera faded out.