Liv Morgan's Facebook Live Videos
Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2018 9:20 pm
[align=center]Liv Morgan Posted Two Facebook Live Videos[/align]
July 18th, 2018
Liv Morgan posted the following videos on her public Facebook account right before Warfare this past week in Nashville, TN, where she crashed Alexa Bliss' in ring celebration:
July 18th, 2018
Liv Morgan posted the following videos on her public Facebook account right before Warfare this past week in Nashville, TN, where she crashed Alexa Bliss' in ring celebration:
A shaky camera opened up the scene. The camera fumbled around in a blurry fashion for a moment or two before it finally focused on Liv Morgan. She had on a tight black halter workout top that showed off her well toned midriff. She also sported a pair of black tights and her work out shoes. Liv’s long blonde hair was tied back fully into a ponytail and she had a towel over her shoulder. It was clear she had just got done with a workout and was currently backstage at the Bridgestone arena where Warfare was set to take place.
Liv: Yo Facebook Live!! It’s ya girl, Liv Morgan, comin’ at’chu live from Nashville, Tennessee. I’m here backstage before Warfare, I’m like hella early, yo. Got me in a good work out, yanno, finna shower and hit up catering later. I heard they be servin’ breakfast all day! Anyways, I’m just here doin’ my thing, livin’ my best life… yanno how I always be doin’ and what not. Then I overhear some chatter backstage from some of the employees that lil’ Miss Bliss is planning some extravagant ceremony for herself.
Liv shook her head and sighed.
Liv: This bihh thinks she’s the rightful winner of the Queen of the Ring, so she took it upon herself to fund her own lil royal party or whateva’ the hell ya wanna call it, yo. Either way, I’m done with this troll always gettin’ in my way. E’rrbody know I was set to be the Queen, forreal forreal. Sure... wearin’ a crown ain’t my thing, but it’s my ticket to the title. So I might as well have the crown, right?
Liv licked her lips and continued to look at the camera in her hand.
Liv: Well, she wants a party? I happen to love parties. I’mma let her have her pretend moment… yeah, ya heard me right. Alexa worked so hard, right? She’s been so mistreated and robbed of so much. It’s truly tragic, bro.
Liv pretended to wipe fake tears from her eyes.
Liv: So… I’m thinkin’… let us just see what exactly it is that she thinks she deserves. Let’s see what her lil shindig entails, yo. In fact, I think I just might attend it myself… you never know.
Liv winked at the camera and shrugged her shoulders.
Liv: But that’s not why I decided to make this video right here, nah uh. Ya see, I was on my way to the showers when I stumbled across this huge… err- carriage without wheels. Look, I dunno what the hell ya call this thing, but I think I know exactly who this is for…
Liv panned her camera around to reveal an eloquent looking palanquin. It was in immaculate condition. Liv turned the camera back to herself after a few seconds and shook her head.
Liv: Yeah… that ridiculous thing. Clearly something Alexa Bliss would pick. I wouldn’t be caught dead in that thing yo. Who she think she is? Cleopatra?!
Liv scoffed and walked over to a tool chest on wheels that was pushed off to the side of big open area of the arena. There was a few cans of spray paint and Liv got a huge smirk on her face.
Liv: Hey you! C’mere!
Liv signaled for someone to come over to her.
Liv: Here man, hold this.
As Liv handed the camera over, we could a glimpse of the backstage employee she was talking to.
Backstage hand: I really can’t do this, I’m very busy, I’m on a tight schedule…
Liv: Chill, bro, It’ll only take a moment.
Liv turned and grabbed the spray paint. She took the lids off and shook them up real good. It felt good to hold spray cans once again. It had been far too long since she’d used them on anyone or anything.
Liv walked over to the palanquin and began to spray paint the massive chair that Alexa was suppose to be seated upon. Liv drew all kinds of crazy graffiti on it and stepped back. The cans were both empty and she didn’t have any more to finish the rest of her artwork.
Liv: Damn, out of paint. Whatever, good enough for now.
Liv walked over and took the camera back.
Liv: That’s all, bro, thanks.
The stagehand quickly scurried off and Liv turned the camera back to herself. She smirked and looked back at what she had done.
Liv: I know Alexa is gonna love it.
Liv laughed and quickly left the scene of the crime. The camera was shaky for a few moments as she ran away before anyway could catch her. Once she made it a safe distance away, Liv slowed her pace and refocused the camera..
Liv: Alright ya’ll, sorry ‘bout that. Had to Am Scray before I got busted, ya feel me. I can’t get caught yet, I got more planned, yo. I’m gonna make it my mission to wreck Cinderella’s Ball. Stay tuned.
Liv winked at the camera and pressed the end record button. Scene cuts to black.
Another Facebook Live feed opened up and we see Liv Morgan once again. This time she had someone else holding the camera and the unknown person had the camera centered on Liv.
Liv: Alright yo, got all cleaned up, now it’s time to get some grub. They got unlimited pancakes in catering, so yeah. I’ma hit that up, yo. C’mon Timmy, leggo.
Liv waved for the camera guy to follow her. Liv was on head way to catering, just roaming down the halls when a cluster of backstage members are standing in the hallway talking in almost a panicked tone. They have several bins on wheels but the camera couldn’t catch sight of what was within the bins.
Stagehand: … What do you mean the confetti isn’t done yet?! How hard is it to chop up paper?!
Stagehand 2: I’m-I’m sorry. The shredder got jammed up and we spent an hour trying to unclog it and…
Stagehand: Then take scissors to it! It isn’t freakin’ rocket science! Jesus!
Stagehand 2: Oh-ok. Yes, sir.
The angry stagehand stormed off and mumbled something inaudible. The scrawny second hand stagehand seemed nervous. Must be new. He scrambled with the bins and pushed them down the hallway in a hurry. Liv raised an eyebrow and shrugged her shoulders. Her stomach rumbled with hunger.
Liv: Let’s get them pancakes, yoooo.
Liv said this outloud to no one in particular. She rubbed her stomach and inhaled deeply as they entered catering. Liv licked her lips and quickly grabbed a plate, tossing several pancakes on top of one another. She made her way down the table and grabbed some syrup. She noticed two huge 5 gallon jugs of syrup sitting off to the side of the table. Back up incase anyone tore through the syrup and pancakes like she was planning to do. Liv finally took a seat and took a few bites of the pancakes.
Liv: Ohhhh yeah bro that’s hittin’ the spot. Ya sure you don’t want any, Timmy?
Timmy: No thank you.
Liv: Alright, but you missin’ out bro.
Liv continued to eat her pancakes and enjoying the moment. Suddenly the angry stagehand walked into catering. He was talking over a handheld radio,
Stagehand: Rick, I need those two bins full to the brim with that confetti, got it? I don’t care if you have carpal tunnel after chopping all that paper, just get it done.
Stagehand 2: Roger that… Again, I do apologize s-s-sir…
Stagehand: No more excuses, get it done and get those bins up to the rafters for that Bliss segment or it’s gonna be my ass!
Stagehand 2: Got it.
The stagehand sighed in annoyance and ran a hand through his receding hairline. He went over to the table and helped himself. Liv stopped eating when she heard him say “Bliss segment”. Confetti… celebration… Alexa… a light bulb went off over Liv’s head.
Liv: I got a freakin’ brilliant idea, yo. C’mon.
Liv stood up and Timmy followed. Liv swiped the two jugs of syrup somehow without anyone else around noticing. She quickly made her way through the arena, trying to dodge as many people as she could. Carrying two jugs of syrup was kind of noticeable.
Liv: C’mon Timmy, keep up!
Liv made her way to the area that lead up to the rafters. Liv and Timmy made their way up there and looked around. The two bins were there but no stagehand. He probably split for a smoke break or something. Liv grinned, no one was around. She uncapped the lid of the jugs of syrup and made her way over to the containers that were in place to hold the confetti until it was ready to be used. Liv dumped all of it in and took off with the confetti carts.
Timmy: You’re gonna get me arrested or something. I didn’t sign up for this.
Liv: Live a lil my man, now come on. Cheese itttt!
Liv took off and Timmy followed suit. The camera went blurry again as they ran away once more. The camera feed eventually just cut out to black.