Past & Present

This is where you post your RPs for Warfare, Pay Per Views, and for character development! The deadline for RPs for the current card will be posted in a countdown timer at the top of the forum.
Ian B
Posts: 65
Joined: Fri Apr 22, 2016 5:23 am

Past & Present

Post by Ian B »

Scene opens on Tomasso Ciampa. his camera phone is in night vision and selfie mode. Ciampa speaks in a whisper.

Tomasso Ciampa: It's 3AM. Right now if you listen carefully...

Ciampa flips his phone camera around to better pick up the ruckus that is going outside his window. There is audio but nothing is caught on the camera. Ciampa reverts the phone to selfie mode

Tomasso Ciampa: That might sound like any old noise to the untrained ear but not me. This has been going on all week, I know what's happening. Those who would conspire against me are trying to play mind games. I know your game Braun. You've sent a bunch of goons to cause mayhem in my peaceful neighborhood. You're trying to throw me off my game. It's not going to work. Our business is done. Leave me alone, move on. I have, you should too.

Ciampa rubs his face

Tomasso Ciampa: I'm bored of talking about him though. I don't want to give that guy any more attention. I just wanted the world to see what I have to put up with. What else can I talk about? I know... Since we are forgetting all about what happened last week, and sure as hell forgetting about the week before. Let's talk about Warfare this coming week.

Ciampa cracks his neck and smirks.

Tomasso Ciampa: This week I got Matt Hardy. He's an interesting character to be sure, he's not in my league but then, who is? What has this dude done lately? Shined up our champion? Been there, done that. Beat up his tag partner? I've never done that. I should have when I had the chance, but as I think we've established pretty well, I'm not interested in ancient history. Matt Hardy is. Matt claims to have a gift, he claims to be some entity from outside of time and space. Judging from his behavior I could buy some of that. I've fought with my inner demons Matt. I could point you towards an amazing shrink. I won't. But I could. I will however give you some advise, from me to you bud. How you could be relevant. I know you're willing to listen to your superior.

Ciampa points at himself with a thumb

Tomasso Ciampa: Okay, Matt. How you become relevant is... Use your magical portal or whatever broken nonsense you want to travel back fifteen years. That is your only hope - be fifteen years younger, be handsome, be interesting, be in tune with what is happening in present day. That would improve you greatly. That was you in your prime Matt. 'member? Do you miss it? God bless you. You will never rise to that level again. You've not aged well. You call yourself a broken vessel, I can't help but agree. It's sad. I could have beaten you in your prime, this... whatever you are now. You're not even a worthy challenge for someone as incredible as myself. Have you seen yourself lately? Have you looked into a mirror? Does your magical special species still have a reflection or...? And then, look at me...

Ciampa moves the camera to show his ripped body.

Tomasso Ciampa: Peak physical fitness. Know the only other guy who is as ripped as me? EC3 but he's an asshole

Ciampa shakes his head.

Tomasso Ciampa: Honestly, so much negativity. I didn't need to bring him into this. This is Strowman's fault. He's disturbing my rest, trying to prevent me from being at my best, I know it. Making me cranky. Not getting to me. Just making me cranky. It's you who will suffer for it though Hardy. Don't blame me. Blame Braun. Hashtag Blame Braun.

Ciampa takes a deep breath then exhales loudly

Tomasso Ciampa: Maybe I do need to do something about him? I suppose that's something to think about? But first I'm going to hurt Matt Hardy. I think I might enjoy this one.

Ciampa shuts off his phone.