Sights and Sounds of Greatness

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Sights and Sounds of Greatness

Post by Billy »

Curtain Call youtube channel
Video uploaded 7/27/18

The video opened on Aiden English, Raquel Diaz and Elias Samson standing in front of the usual Curtain Call backdrop. Elias was holding a shiny black acoustic guitar in his hands while Aiden and Raquel stood with their arms around each other.

Aiden English: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to another exciting edition of Curtain Call! This week I’d like to introduce you to a new series regular joining the family! My close friend and tag team partner last week, Elias Samson.

Elias Samson: Hey youtube!

Aiden English: From time to time Elias will be gracing us with his exquisite musical stylings. I think you are all going to enjoy what he brings to the table. You all of course know my wife Raquel Diaz!

Raquel Diaz: If you’re joining us for the first time, don’t forget to subscribe and hit the bell to get notifications when we post a new episode of Curtain Call!

Aiden English: You’ve got this routine down now!

Raquel Diaz: I had a great teacher.

Raquel pulled Aiden down slightly and kissed him on the cheek. He winked at the camera.

Aiden English: We have a few great segments planned for you on this episode. We’re going to jump right into the first one now!

The screen faded to a black background with the Curtain Call logo across the middle of the screen. The next scene opened up on Aiden English and Raquel Diaz, who were sitting at a table in a small bistro like restaurant. The table was set with a candle in the center and the room itself was somewhat dark. They were holding hands across the table and whispering to one another as the sound faded up.

Raquel Diaz: Thanks for bringing me out tonight. I know we’ve been busy on the road these last couple of weeks.

Aiden English: We needed the time away from the ring alone. I’m just glad we had a few moments without interviews and signings.

A sommelier approached the table with a mid range merlot in one hand and a towel over his other. He slightly bowed to the table as he introduced himself.

Sommelier: My name is Tyler. Can I interest you in a glass of wine?

Aiden English: Yes, that would be great.

Sommelier: And for the lady?

Raquel Diaz: Oh. Yes!

The sommelier poured each of them a glass of the wine and took his leave with a slight bow. The couple turned back to face each other and took a sip of their wines. Aiden picked up his menu and started to browse through it.

Aiden English: I think I’ll have a chicken piccata or something similar.

Raquel Diaz: I was thinking I’d have something in a red sauce.

Aiden English: Yeah, not me. I don’t want heartburn all night.

Loud Female: Are you serious? You’re going to do that right now? You can’t even go a single night without hitting on someone in front of me?

Loud Male: I can’t help it if people come on to me in public!

Loud Female: You don’t have to return the favor.

Aiden English and Raquel stared off to the side in the direction of the voice for a moment. The voices quieted and the couple returned to their menus. A waiter approached the table with a pad of tickets and a pen in his hands.

Waiter: I am so sorry for your wait. What can I get for you this evening.

Aiden English: Go ahead my love.

Raquel Diaz: Thank you! I’ll have the grilled chicken penne. Light on the sauce please.

Waiter: Of course.

Aiden English: I’ll have the chicken piccata and can I get a glass of water please?

Raquel Diaz: Oh yes, I’ll take a water as well.

Waiter: I’ll go and put your order in and I will be right back with your water!

Aiden English: Thank you.

The waiter turned and walked away from the table. Aiden squirmed a bit in his chair to get comfortable.

Loud Male: Do we have to do this every night?

Aiden English: We get one night out and these two are going to ruin it.

Aiden turned and looked at the loud couple and then put his head down in his hands. Raquel turned to see what had Aiden so instantly distraught and also dropped her head into her hands. The camera panned across the restaurant toward the table with the loud couple. There sat two actors dressed to look like Seth Rollins and Paige. The actress dressed up like Paige was several shades too dark for the role and wearing makeup that almost resembled the makeup of a geisha. The man dressed to look like Rollins looked like his arms might break in half if he picked up a breadstick without using both hands. The fake Paige stood up and splashed water in fake Rollins’s face.

Fake Paige: That woman hit on you and you flirted back! You do this everytime we go out together!

Fake Seth: They hit on me when I come out alone too! Everyone hits on me, because I’m just so amazing!

Fake Paige: You’re a jerk!

Aiden stood up from the table and approached the couple. He walked around the tabled and leaned on it to make sure his face was in the shot. He plastered a huge fake smile on his face for a few seconds.

Aiden English: Would you two mind taking your domestic dispute outside? There are paying customers trying to eat here!

Fake Seth: I’m the King of the Ring! You can’t tell me what to do.

Aiden English: I’m asking nicely, King. Not just for me, but for everyone trying to enjoy their food in peace.

Fake Seth: I don’t care about everyone else!

Fake Paige: You tell him honey!

Aiden English: Hey! Take it outside or keep a lid on it!

Aiden started walking back toward his own table in the foreground of the shot. The fake Rollins jumped up to his feet and followed him.

Fake Seth: You’re just mad that I won the King of the Ring and you couldn’t even make it to the finals!

Aiden turned to face the fake Seth Rollins.

Aiden English: Yeah. But, I’m also tired of listening to you talk.

Fake Seth: So do something about it Drama boy!

Aiden English kicked fake Rollins in the gut, doubling him over. Aiden lifted the man up over his head and delivered a power bomb through the table the two actors were arguing at. Fake Paige instantly jumped up and started to check on the fake Rollins.

Fake Paige: You idiot! You could have hurt him. He has a big match coming up this week.

Aiden English: Nah, he’s just going to lose Monday.

Fake Paige: You can’t beat my beau without bringing help to the ring.

Aiden English: If that were true I’d bring help to the ring. It’s not though so he’s no need to worry about anyone else.

Fake Paige: He’s not worried about you! He’s the King of the Ring and I’m his Queen!

Aiden English: Yes, he’s the King of the Ring. I know, it’s all he can talk about lately. Honestly, it’s for the best that he’s stopped talking about the Breakout Championship because that’s mine now.

Fake Paige: You just wait and see!

Raquel Diaz: Do you ever shut that ugly mouth of yours Paige?

Fake Paige: You know Aiden, you and your stupid wife deserve each other.

Raquel Diaz jumped up from her seat and attacked the fake Paige from behind. She leveled her with a clubbing blow to the back of the head. Raquel drug the fake Paige by the hair back to the table she and Aiden had been sitting at. Raquel lifted her up and delivered a Gory Bomb onto the table. Diaz walked over and put her arms around Aiden.

Aiden English: You should think about getting back into the ring. With moves like that you’d be sporting gold in no time. The big wigs would have no choice but to elevate you to the top right away!

Raquel Diaz: I’ll keep that under consideration. Let’s get out of here though. I don’t want to eat anywhere trash like this is allowed in the door!

The shot faded back to the Curtain Call logo. As the logo screen faded out an image of Aiden English standing alone in a white walled room came into view. He had a grim look about him and was wearing a black suit and tie.

Aiden English: Ladies and gentlemen. Domestic abuse, even emotional abuse is no laughing matter. If you or someone you know is being abused, please seek help immediately.

A jump cut in the video brought us to a new logo. In bold red letters on a silver background the words “Tennessee Two-Step” were written out on the screen. Two men recently featured on EBWF Warfare! were sitting on barstools in a small set dressed with a potted plant and some generic paintings on the wall behind them.

Disembodied Interviewer: Please, introduce yourself for everyone watching.

Ryan O’Hare: Hey, I’m Ryan O’Hare.

Frank Woods: And my name is Frank Woods!

Both: We are Tennessee Two-Step!

Disembodied Interviewer: So, recently you were both featured on an episode of EBWF Warfare, how does it feel to get that call and how did that come about?

Ryan O’Hare: I’m not sure how it got started but Aiden actually did a lot of the leg work. He shopped around to some local promoters looking for a tag team.

Frank Woods: Yeah, they had a quick build to the introduction of Elias and brought us on to help with that.

Ryan O’Hare: I think at one point English said that there was talk about him partnering up with another superstar before Elias signed on but that all changed quickly.

Disembodied Interviewer: Do you think the EBWF will have you back in the future?

Ryan O’Hare: I hope so! They pay better per night than the local scene!

Disembodied Interviewer: Care to give a number?

Frank Woods: Nope! The contract says that we’re not allowed to.

Ryan O’Hare: On top of the monetary compensation, we got to rub elbows with some of the best wrestlers in the industry backstage. That experience alone is invaluable.

Frank Woods: And, we’re working to get back on an EBWF show in the future.

Ryan O’Hare: We’d like to do a little more work with Aiden and Elias.

Disembodied Interviewer: Is that a challenge of sorts?

Frank Woods: Absolutely! I’ll pack my bags and head for South Carolina now!

Ryan O’Hare: Actually, the shows in North Carolina this week!

Frank Woods: Damn, always get those two mixed up!

Disembodied Interviewer: Actually, I talked to Elias before the interview and he said to send one of you on to Greensboro and he has a spot for you.

Frank Woods: It’s my turn!

Ryan O’Hare: Alright. I’ll take the next solo call!

Frank Woods: YES!

Ryan O’Hare: I’m kind of sore that you’re going to be at Warfare when there are two HUGE title matches!

Disembodied Interviewer: So do you both actually follow EBWF? If so, who are your favorite wrestlers?

Frank Woods: Oh yeah! I’ve always been a tag fan so I love Tommy End and Michael Dante.

Ryan O’Hare: I tend to favor the high flying wrestlers. I like Matt Hardy and Seth Rollins.

Disembodied Interviewer: Are you going to be watching the Seth Rollins and Aiden English match this week?

Frank Woods: From the back!

Ryan O’Hare: Rub it in huh? I’m excited to see how this match goes. This title match has been in the works since before King of the Ring!

Disembodied Interviewer: That’s all the time I have to interview you this week. Thank you both for your time. We will catch back up with you soon for more questions. Be sure to let all of your fans know you’re going to be on tv again!

The shot of the two wrestlers faded to black. As the screen faded back from black Elias was sitting on a stool with his guitar across his lap. Aiden English was standing beside him with a microphone in front of him. Elias was wearing a headset microphone as well.

Aiden English: Ladies and gentlemen, we are the Sights and Sounds Orchestra.

Elias strummed a few chords on his guitar in order to find the right key and structure. He launched into a song.

Aiden English: Monday night War-fare,
This week in Greensboro.
I hope Seth Rollins,
Ain’t too scared to shoooow.
A long time in the making,
This match was foretold.
Monday night Seth Rollins,
Is about to lose his GOOOLD!!

Elias Samson: Seth is a loser,
That’s the way it’s always been.
He gets his title one more week,
From now till theeeennnn.

Aiden English: North Carolina!
Is about to see a sight.
When Aiden Englissssshhh,
And Seth Rollins fight.
The King of the Ring
Can keep his crown,
The Drama king of Kings,
Is gonna beat him dooowwnn!

Elias Samson: Seth is a loser,
That’s the way it’s always been.
Seth Freakin’ Rollins,
There’s no way you can wiiiiinnn.

Aiden English: The story of Seth,
Is a sad one to telllll.
Gained his Kingly glory,
Then immediately felllll.
Hope he sleeps real tight,
With his title close at hand.
Because come Monday Night,
His hide will be tanned.

Elias Samson: Seth is a loser,
That’s the way it’s always been.
Every girl he dates,
Ends up with better men!

Elias strummed a final chord and the two wrestlers lowered their head. A canned applause track played for a few moments.

Aiden English: You can download 'Seth is a Loser' now on iTunes or stream it using Spotify. We have been the Sights and Sounds Orchestra. Thank you!

The screen faded to black.

EBWF Facebook Live! with Renee Young
Monday 7/30/18 an hour before Warfare!
Greensboro, North Carolina

The white skull EBWF logo on a black background adorned the preview screen of the facebook video after it had already aired. Once clicked on the video sprang to life with Renee Young on the left side of the screen already dressed for Monday Warfare later that night. Across from her stood the collection of Aiden English, Raquel Diaz and Elias Samson. Aiden was wearing a new pair of black tights with “English” in shiny gold at the front top and an array of angry drama masks down the outside of each leg. Elias was wearing what appeared to be denim tights and an eclectic mix of scarfs and various scraps of material as a belt. Both men wore a black t-shirt that said “Sights and Sounds Orchestra” in gold letters with guitars and drama masks around the lettering. Raquel Diaz was wearing a black dress with gold accessories to match. Renee Young had an EBWF branded microphone in her hands.

Renee Young: Thank you to everyone joining us on Facebook Live! If you’re watching this after the stream has ended make sure you comment replay and let us know! I’m Renee Young and my guests at this time are Aiden English, Raquel Diaz and new EBWF superstar Elias Samson. Thank you all for joining me here, I know you have a big night ahead of you Aiden as you finally go one on one with Seth Rollins for the Breakout Championship. What are your thoughts on that HUGE matchup tonight?

Aiden English: Well it seems to me that the time is finally at hand for Seth Rollins to hand the Breakout Title to the rightful champion! It is time for me to begin my first title reign in EBWF. It is time for Seth Rollins to stop running his mouth! But he wont. See, he gets his kicks from running around telling everyone that I and several others have over inflated egos when he has the biggest head in the industry. The biggest ego and the biggest disparity between how good he is and how good he thinks he is. Now Renee, I know Seth grew up in Iowa and Iowans aren’t exactly known for their.. vocabulary. So let me explain that in a way he might understand. Seth Rollins thinks he’s the best in the business. SPOILERS! He’s not. I’m sure he’s going to have a lot to say about King of the Ring. And, I’ll be the first to admit that I didn’t win King of the Ring. In fact, I didn’t even make the finals. No, Tommy End took me out of the tournament. Tommy End kicked my head off like he did to Jimmy Havoc. But, let’s be clear because Seth is going to try and paint this in a certain light. A very incorrect sort of light. Tommy End beat me. Seth Rollins did NOT beat me. Seth Rollins HASN’T beat me, Seth Rollins WON’T beat me and Seth Rollins CAN’T beat me. See Seth is going to try and tell you that because he beat Tommy End and I didn’t that means he can beat me. What Seth won’t tell you is that I lost to a fresh Tommy End and the End that he beat wasn’t even at fifty percent. I took Tommy End past the limit and we tore the house down. Then Seth got a Tommy End who struggled to find his own feet in the finals. Seth didn’t struggle against Jericho like End did against me. Not, because Seth is great but because, and no disrespect to Jericho, but he’s a little past his prime. So Seth beat an exhausted Tommy End when he himself was still operating at almost his full potential. Seth Rollins is going to push this agenda down your throats. He beat Tommy End, End beat me so basically he beat me. But, and I think you all know this, Jimmy Havoc proved a couple weeks back that there is no LAW OF EQUIVALENCE in professional wrestling. That’s right, I’m an educated man Renee. Beating wrestler A, who beat wrestler B, is not the same as beating wrestler B. No, when Seth came up against Jimmy Havoc, who had also lost to Tommy End in the King of the Ring tournament, he got BEAT. He got beat, he took a week off and now he’s coming back to get beat again. He knows it, I know it and now you all know it!

Aiden had become more animated at the end of his rant and stepped forward slightly without noticing. Renee reeled backwards but returned quickly as Aiden noticed and stepped back besides Raquel. Diaz rubbed on his shoulder.

Renee Young: You have had a lot of harsh words for the Champion for several weeks. Based on my interactions with him over the last couple of months, he doesn’t seem overly concerned about you.

Aiden English: That’s all an act Renee.

Renee Young: Maybe he just doesn’t find you to be a threat.

Aiden English: He didn’t think Jimmy Havoc was a threat either Renee and you see where that landed him. Speaking of Jimmy Havoc, I’d like to extend a congratulations his way for his own number one contendership. A congratulations and a good luck in his match tonight. What a brave new world it would be if Warfare kicks off next week with two brand new champions in Aiden English and Jimmy Havoc. In fact, if that happens I promise the EBWF Universe that they will be treated to a CELEBRATION unlike anything they have ever seen before. They will be treated to an event ten times better than any hair brained coronation they’ve seen this year.

Raquel Diaz: It doesn’t matter if Rollins considers my husband a threat. I think Aiden has made it clear that Rollins and the rest of the inhabitants of his home state aren’t the brightest crayons in the box. What he thinks and the truth of the matter are two very distinct things. Rollins can run around from arena to arena and deliver the same uninterested promo he has been giving you since Aiden claimed the number one contendership. He can pretend he doesn’t know who Aiden is. He can pretend to be disappointed. He can make any claim he wants about my husband not earning this title shot. None of that matters when Rollins climbs into the ring with a real King, the Drama King. Seth is going to get beat because Aiden is a threat, he’s always...

Aiden English kissed Raquel on the top of the head, stopping her mid sentence. She looked up at him and the anger on her face instantly dissolved into a loving smile.

Aiden English: He’s going to tell you I’m nothing to be worried about. That he has no respect for me or my skill. He’s going to claim he’s focused on the Miz. He’s not fooling anyone Renee. Seth Rollins is about to get the shock of his life. I’m taking that title tonight and you can take that check to the bank.

Renee Young: And you go right back to the verbal attack on Seth Rollins. Seth has said several times that you are a big talker.

Aiden English: I’m sure he has, he likes to talk big about everyone else talking big. You want to know what else Seth is going to lean on when he talks about me? He’s going to bring up the fact that all my big wins have questionable finishes. How I had to bring in Ciampa to beat the monster among men. I had to use illegal maneuvers to beat the Viper. And, for the most part all of that will be true. I don’t deny that I’ve used everything at my disposal to win in the EBWF. I openly admit that I don’t always follow the rules. But, when Seth makes these kinds of claims he’s simply expressing that I’m a smarter and more motivated wrestler than he is. He’s highlighting the fact that I’m ever hungry while he’s riding out the success he’s already achieved in my absence.

Aiden leaned forward toward the camera ever so slightly.

Aiden English: More than likely he’s going to parade Paige out here and talk a big game about them being the King and Queen of EBWF. Maybe he’ll even make disparaging remarks about my wife like he tried to about Zahara. That would be a fatal mistake for Monday Night Rollins.

Aiden stepped up into the camera with a very serious look on his face. He tilted and pulled the camera up to face him.

Aiden English: A FATAL MISTAKE.

Renee Young: Fatal?

The camera panned back down as Aiden was pulled away by his wife. She tugged him back into place beside her. She gave him a nonverbal ‘what the hell’ before looking at Renee.

Raquel Diaz: That’s not what he means? It’s a figure of speech and not a death threat. My husband respects Jimmy Havoc, but he’s not Jimmy Havoc. He’s not out here to talk about killing anyone or maiming anyone. He’s here to talk about winning wrestling matches!

Aiden laid his hand on Raquel’s shoulder and smiled at her out of the corner of his mouth.

Aiden English: No, let me speak on this before it gets taken out of context!

Renee Young: Please!

Raquel Diaz: Dial it back six or seven notches love.

Raquel took his hand off her shoulder and gripped it tight at her side. She was prepared to squeeze if he got out of line again.

Aiden English: If Seth Rollins has something to say about my wife, let him say it. Let him throw away his career and all its possibilities. Let him run his mouth and motivate me to do more than take his title. If you’re listening Seth, I’d caution against talking about my wife in the manner you talked about Zahara! I’m going to take MY title either way. But, you say one word about my wife and your parts unknown in the same sentence and this little back and forth we have is going to become a much more personal exchange!

Renee Young: Do you really think it’s likely that Rollins will say something about Raquel?

Aiden English: Seth Rollins or Paige herself may have something to say. It seems to be their modus operandi when dealing with other wrestling couples. It’s not something I’m willing to rule out and it’s not something I’ve looked into yet. For all I know he’s already said something and I’m bringing him this warning too late. Has he said something about my wife to you Renee?

Renee Young: No! Nothing!

Aiden turned to more directly face Renee. She put her free hand in a stop gesture. Raquel instantly went to squeezing on Aiden’s hand but he ignored the sudden pain.

Aiden English: I’ve been hard on you in the past. Hell, we’ve both been hard on you. I wouldn’t fault you for keeping it a secret if he did.

Renee Young: Nothing, I promise.

Aiden relaxed a bit and Raquel let her grip loosen. He gave a quick glance down at his hand, throbbing red in his wife’s.

Aiden English: I dig the honesty Renee. Let me reward that now by admitting something you might not expect from me. I respect Rollins for the pedestal he puts Paige on. That’s the way a man should view his significant other. It’s one of the few things I’m willing to admit that Seth and I have in common. The other things include the fact that we grew up outside the business, a virtual stones’ throw from each other in Davenport and Chicago. Furthermore he’s with Paige. A woman from a wrestling family and raised to be a part of the industry. Her family is wildly famous in Norwich and maybe even the whole of Norfolk! Thanks to Paige’s work in the states that fame may even spread across all of England to a lesser degree. I’m married to a woman also born and bread to be a part of this industry. My wife was born into the Guerrero Dynasty! A legendary wrestling family that has achieved fame and success on a global level. Her father, the late great Eddie Guerrero was an ICON of his time. A legend with a laundry list of title reigns and accolades.

Aiden pulled Raquel’s hand up and kissed the back of it.

Renee Young: Is that a topic you two are willing to talk about?

Raquel Diaz: Yeah, it’s not a secret who my parents are.

Aiden English: Anytime I can brag about this catch I will!

Raquel playfully slapped Aiden on the shoulder. Elias was still just standing there starring off into space. He sort of kicked his foot idly.

Renee Young: How does your connection to Eddie Guerrero factor into this match?

Raquel Diaz: If you don’t mind my love. I’d like to share something.

Aiden English: Go ahead.

Raquel Diaz: Aiden has a love for wrestling like you wouldn’t believe. He spends hours upon hours watching other wrestlers. When he goes in to review tape on an opponent, he pulls matches from people with similar styles, legends he wants to live up to and wrestlers who have beat his opponent in big matches. I always find him watching one of dad’s matches while he’s preparing a meal or listening to an interview or segment while he’s in the gym. Aiden English lives wrestling, that’s why he’s so amazing in that ring!

Renee Young: This is a side of yourself you hide from the fans Aiden. Why is that?

Aiden English: I’m a private person outside the ring.

Renee Young: So is it safe to say Eddie Guerrero is one of your idols?

Aiden English: Obviously! It’s my respect and admiration for my wife and my late father-in-law the influences my style and my tactics. You see, Eddie left this industry with advice on how to make it to the top. He left a road map to achieve the kind of success he had. It requires a couple of different things that I bring to the ring and Seth Rollins just doesn’t. It requires a very minimum level of charisma which Seth isn’t capable of mustering. It requires a sort of understanding of your limitations, your strengths and your opponent that Seth can’t comprehend. More importantly, it requires a moral fluidity that I have put on display in the past and Rollins likes to point out as a weakness. You see Eddie was fond of a certain turn of words. Lie, cheat, steal. Anything required to seal the deal, get the pin and walk away with the win. Seth Rollins doesn’t understand that you have to be willing to get things done by any means necessary in order to become a true legend in this industry. That’s why he’s never going to amount to anything more than a flash in the pan. He may burn bright now but eventually he’ll burn out and ironically enough everything he’s built will get burnt down. BY HOOK OR BY CROOK, Seth. I am coming for my title and there’s nothing you can do to stop me from taking it. You see, all is fair in love and war. You’d do well to keep that in mind while your running around talking about how I can’t win a fair fight. A fight is a fight, a win is a win and record books don’t lie.

Elias sauntered off screen. All three of the others took note of this before continuing the interview.

Renee Young: What do you say to the fans who share Seth’s distaste for your actions in the ring?

Aiden English: EBWF Universe. Say hello to your new Breakout Champion! Winning is what I do. You don’t have to like my tactics. You don’t have to like me. You can boo and jeer all you want to. I’m going to win, I’m going to keep winning. You’re stuck with the Drama King!

Renee Young: There has already been talk that Elias figures into your plan to win the title tonight. Is there any merit to this?

Aiden English: Maybe! Why would I give away my plans so close to the finish line? You think I’m some sort of Bond villain? I don’t have a long monologue about my plan to take down Seth Rollins that gives away some key element and allows him to steal victory at the last minute. No, I have a plan in place for Seth Rollins and it’s a simple plan. Win.

Elias sort of nonchalauntly walked back into the shot and stepped in between Aiden and Renee. Aiden nodded in approval but Renee took a step back, taking her half out of the shot.

Elias Samson: I don’t think I need concern myself with Rollins this week. Aiden’s got this one under control. See i’m not here for Seth and I don’t plan on being ringside for his match with Aiden tonight. No, Renee. Let’s bring it back around to the relationship talk. I liked that conversation. I’m going to be in the back with my guitar, looking to light my own flame in the EBWF. Rollins has Paige. Aiden and Raquel are just the cutest couple ever!

Elias pushed his forefingers into his cheeks mockingly.

Elias Samson: It seems like everyone in the EBWF has a significant other. Everyone that is except me, Renee. I’m going to look to change that tonight. You know, maybe you can help Renee. I’m sure you’ve got the scoop on who’s a free agent!

Renee Young: I’m not sure I want to be involved in your love search.

Elias Samson: I understand completely. You know if Liv Morgan is single?

Renee Young: Yeah, I’m not helping even a little!

Elias Samson: You come and find me later if you change your mind!

Elias turned and left the interview again. Moments later the clack of something opening came from the distance followed by the sound of Elias warming up his guitar.

Renee Young: He’s a character!

Raquel Diaz: He grows on you Renee. Just give him a chance.

Aiden English: Hey! You two are talking about one of my closest friends!

Raquel Diaz: I know my love, I didn’t mean anything by it.

Renee Young: I’m not surprised that the two of you get along to be honest.

Aiden English: What is that supposed to mean?

Renee put her hand up again to defuse the situation and let out a slight chuckle. Aiden was clearly getting a little too upset about this.

Renee Young: Nothing, I’m sorry. Let’s get back on track. Any last words for the fans watching live or Seth Rollins?

Aiden English: I’ve got nothing left to say about Rollins. I’m already in Greensboro. I’m already dressed for the match. I’m not looking to the horizon. Seth Rollins and the Breakout Championship are my sole focus. Tonight I claim my first title of many to come. Mark this date in the history books so you can come back to it when I’m giving my hall of fame acceptance speech.

Renee Young: Thanks for your time and thanks again for everyone joining us on Facebook Live! Make sure you tune into Warfare tonight to see Aiden English take on Seth Rollins for the Breakout Championship and Jimmy Havoc take on Dalton Castle for the Gateway Championship!

The video ended.
Shaul Guerrero
*EBWF Women's Champion (x2)*
*2019 & 2021 Women's Royal Rumble Winner*
Aiden English
*EBWF World Champion (x3), Gateway Champion, Breakout Champion (x2)*
*2019 King of the Ring and Royal Rumble Winner*