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It’s SHOW time

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2018 9:09 pm
by Charles
-It is a beautiful summer day on the eastern shore of Maryland as Paul "Big Show" Wight is seen inside the garage pacing back and forth as the birds chirp all around the house as he becomes deep in thought. His wife Ashley suddenly opens the door to the garage to remind him that lunch is almost done. She shuts the door as Paul "Big Show" Wight gets in his truck and lifts the console and pulls out a dated letter from his father.-

August 5th, 1982

I am not sorry for doing this but daddy is going to leave. I will not be coming back because I have fallen in love with someone else. I thought I could handle being a dad but the truth is outside of your mom I disliked you the most. I never wanted kids and your mom knew that so when you were born I felt trapped and resented you the moment you were born. You will never amount to anything and if you do it will be false hope. You get to deal with your mom now because I am done and you are far from a man and will never learn how to be a real man because the closest thing you have in your life is leaving. Good luck to you on your life journey but good riddance for me. I can now live the life I wanted with no regrets.


Your father

-He holds the letter very tightly trying not to become over emotional. He realizes now what the issue with him has been all his life. He destroys the letter ripping it into two and walks inside to have lunch. Once lunch is complete he walks upstairs and sits down at the computer desk and pulls out an old journal. He opens to the first available page and starts to write.-

Dear Journal

Today is a special day in my life for all the wrong reasons. You see on this day thirty-six years ago my "father" decided that family life was not for him. He had no idea the impact that moment would have on my life. He took the easy way out like the bastard he is. If I ever saw him again it would not end well for him, however, because of that moment years ago I have become a man who is loved and cared about by his family. I have become a better man then my father could ever imagine being. I need to let go and realize that my past is always there but what I do with it is completely up to me. This is a secret that my family does not even know because the scars are deep but I need to speak out about it.


Paul 'Big Show' Wight

-He closes the journal and places it back on the pile of books. He decides to lay down for a bit placing his head on the pillow. He is close to falling asleep when his phone goes off and he answers it.-

Paul 'Big Show' Wight- Hello, this is Paul how can I help you?

Jim Cornette- Hey Paul, this is Jim Cornette I am sure you remember me back in the day of Mid-Atlantic wrestling and being a promoter. I just recently retired from that business and wanted to discuss something with you if you have a few minutes.

Paul 'Big Show' Wight- I can spare a little time right now just have to be quick, not sure when the kids may come running in

Jim Cornette- I can certainly understand that and truth is I am starting a podcast that is going to have a former or present athlete on each day and the fans ask questions getting to know things about you most do not know. How does that sound?

Paul 'Big Show' Wight- Sounds interesting for sure but what are you going to call it?

Jim Cornette- I have been wrestling with names and decided on "Inside the wrestler" what do you think?

Paul 'Big Show' Wight- I think it will work but since I am just a guest it probably does not matter what I think. When did you want me to come on the podcast?

Jim Cornette- How does this tonight sound?

Paul 'Big Show' Wight- I suppose I can make that work. I will be in touch with you just send me a text with the address and I will do my best.

Jim Cornette- Sounds good and thanks again I look forward to seeing you.

-Jim hangs up the phone and Paul falls asleep for a few hours. He is awakened by the kids running in and jumping on him as he smiles and holds them close. Ashley walks in and hands him a letter from EBWF as he opens it and reads the content so the family can hear.-

Paul 'Big Show' Wight we are writing you this letter to let you know that we have decided to accept your application and bring you in as part of our full-time roster. You will be in the ring this upcoming warfare and your debut match will be against Andrade Cien Almas. Best of luck to you and we look forward to seeing what you can bring to the company.

-Paul places the letter back in the envelope and places it on the nightstand next to him. He looks at his family and they are all smiling and want to go out and celebrate tonight. He tells them tomorrow works better because of the podcast appointment he just made and the family agrees. Ashley and the kids decide to go do some back to school shopping as he gets himself motivated. He gets dressed and heads downstairs and lights a smoke out on the porch as his phone goes off with the address promised to him earlier. He recognizes that it is at the local high school and takes a seat to relax before going. He has one more cigarette before he walks the short distance to Dorchester High School. He opens the door walking inside and notices Jim standing there waiting for him as both men shake hands.-

Paul 'Big Show' Wight- Here I am Jim lead the way.

-Jim and Paul walk to the media room where everything is set up for the show. Jim takes a seat grabbing a headset and begins speaking.-

Jim Cornette- Welcome everyone to a brand new podcast where we go in-depth with some great entertainers of the world. The very first guest on the show truly does not need an explanation so here he is Paul 'Big Show' Wight.

-Paul 'Big Show' Wight walks over grabbing his headset and takes a seat.-

Paul 'Big Show' Wight- It is very nice to be here tonight Jim and I hope this is only the beginning of what your podcast will become.

Jim Cornette- Thanks for coming on such short notice. Let us get right down to business, shall we?

Paul 'Big Show' Wight- Sounds great to me let's do this.

Jim Cornette- Most people know that you have been wrestling for many years but rumor has it you took a break for a while. Is there any plans to return?

Paul 'Big Show' Wight- I did take some time off to let my injuries heal up. I recently got the itch to get back in the ring so I went looking for a place that I feel suits me the best. I got the confirmation today and I am officially a member of the EBWF. It is certainly a different company outside the WWE but I will be a leader in the company and lead by example. It is important to always back up what you say and I demand respect and will get it one way or another.

Jim Cornette- Glad to hear you are getting back into the wrestling atmosphere. What is your motivation though behind wanting to try this again?

Paul 'Big Show' Wight- I need to be honest about something so the whole wrestling community knows this. I was not always an outgoing lovable guy like you see today. My life as a child was destroyed when my father left the family to go make another life for himself. My motivation is that right there it is the reason I breathe and support my family including my mother. I never want to be like my father and it breaks my heart because my children always ask about their grandfather and I cannot bring myself to tell them the truth about it. This new journey is not about if I can do this again because I have already proven myself on this stage. The new journey is about redemption and taking back what my father robbed me of which is happiness and joy. I have always been a good that takes pride in my work but it became routine but no more of that. This is a new chapter in my life where I prove my worthless father wrong and show him what I have become.

Jim Cornette- Well I am truly sorry about that experience and no words can really express my deepest sympathies. How do you feel your motivation will help you in the match this week?

Paul 'Big Show' Wight- I suppose it will help me stay more focused than in years past. This is a whole new concept for me using motivation for my career in the ring. I never really thought about the impact it may have on me but I know for my opponent it cannot be good when your opponent is focused and ready to go. I am sure there will be someone begging for mercy and it will not be this guy.

Jim Cornette- Speaking of opponent I am sure you have gotten word on who it is by now so care to say a few things about him?

Paul 'Big Show' Wight- Well I suppose I can speak about Andrade Cien Almas. He is not worth my time really but I will be respectful because it is your show. I feel that Andrade is a cocky arrogant man who needs someone to set him straight. Rumor has it though that it is not something easily accomplished since he has been in the entertainment business. However, Andrade, you have never stepped inside the ring with the World's Largest Athlete. I earned that name because when people see me they feel intimidated. I know for you I am sure that does not matter and you are never scared of a challenge which is wonderful because that is what I expect from all my opponents. I am not sure if you are listening but if you are I am willing to give you a chance just to not show up and save yourself the embarrassment in front of not only the fans but the company. When they realize the mistake they made hiring you and realize my potential your career will be done. I know you have a lot of pride because of where you have come from and I can certainly relate as I mentioned earlier but our stories have taken us down different roads and yet we are about to clash for the first time ever. One more thing before I close this topic is that the only thing Andrade has known in his life is failure and that includes his relationships as well. The only thing that gets action in his relationships is his hand.

Jim Cornette- The last question I have for you is at age 46 are your expectations any different from say twenty years ago? If so what are the expectations?

Paul 'Big Show' Wight- My age will never truly define me or limit me to what I think I can do. I always want to win and be impressive when I do it. My expectations remain the same which is dominate my opponent and make them realize the mistake they made by coming down that ramp and into my ring. Andrade, I truly do wish you the best of luck because you will need every bit of luck to take me down. You will respect my authority even if I have to beat it out of you.

Jim Cornette- Thank you for your time tonight and thank you to all the viewers and now it is time to take one call from a viewer before we conclude.

-He connects to the caller and welcomes him to the podcast as the caller speaks-

Big Show, you really are a pain in the ass. You just keep hanging around and most of us just wish you would retire already because quite frankly this is a young athletic business once again. It has passed you by and to think this Andrade Almas would really lose to you is absolutely hilarious. You talk about him not showing up for the match but maybe it is you who should consider not showing up. I would really hate for something to happen to your family if you did. So what is it going to be?

-Suddenly a loud scream comes across the air as Big Show instantly shows emotion and rips the headpiece off and storms out of the room and down the hallway kicking the door open. He hurries to the parking lot and begins running home scared to death about what has happened. He gets to the porch and hears silence as he storms in and sees everyone just relaxing watching television. His phone goes off as he looks at the text message.-

Your family is safe for now big boy but for how long? The mind games are real and you cannot handle all that. You have a family to think of so stop being selfish sleep well tonight but keep my eye open.

-He notices the number is private and sends a message to Jim Cornette updating him.-

Hey, Jim, it was a false alarm and some sick joke by someone and mark my words I will find out who is behind this I do not care who I have to destroy along the way. Sorry about the abrupt exit I am sure you understand.

-He places his phone on the table and changes into a green shirt and white basketball shorts and sits down next to his wife and kids and watches television.-

OOC: This is my first attempt at a storytelling concept so please feel free to PM me and give me your opinions or thoughts. Good Luck to my opponent