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A Long Time Coming

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 3:20 pm
by D.J
The scene opened up outside of LAX airport in Los Angeles, California

Producer: You all set?

Mike Mizanin: Of course!

The camera man counted him in.

Mike Mizanin: Mizfits! It's your favorite wrestler NAY your favorite human- coming at you live from LAX in Los Angeles, California with a big NAY huge announcement. Are you ready? Today- I'm going to do something that I never thought I'd do.. I'm going to do something that I never thought I'd have the guts to even attempt to pull off. I have to be honest, that though I've performed in front of literally millions of fans world wide.. I can tell you all that I've never been more nervous than I am right now. Mizfits.. today is the day.. that I am going to ask Mickie James.. to become Mickie Mizanin.. and because all of you Mizfits are my family.. I wanted to share this moment with all of you. Right now Mickie thinks that we are about to catch a flight to Atlanta in about 20 minutes for Summerslam. What she doesn't know.. is that I'm going to be a little late to LAX.. as in I'm not going to be there.. at least that what I'm going to tell her. We are also currently filming season 1 of our new reality show- so she is used to all these camera's being around..I know sneaky and SMART. So it's time to get this plan in motion.

Miz called Mickie's phone and had it on speaker.

Mickie James: (On Phone) Hello? Babe where are you!? They're literally about to board.

Mike Mizanin: Oh yeah, sorry I don't think I'm going to be able to make that flight. Let me call them and get us another one for a little later.

Mickie James: (On Phone) Mike are you kidding me? You told me you needed to get on this one because you had t...

Voice In the Background: May I have everyone's attention. Flight 111D to Atlanta Georgia has been delayed one hour. We apologize for this inconvenience. Once again 111D to Atlanta has been delayed one hour.

Mickie James: (On Phone) Well it literally got delayed- so I don't know how you got that lucky.. but hurry up and get here.

Mike Mizanin: Okay I'll be there soon. Why don't you go get a glass of wine, and I'll see you in a half hour.

Mickie James: (On Phone) Yeah I'm going to.. love you.

Mike Mizanin: Love you too.

The Miz ended the call.

Mike Mizanin: I knew this would work- so the flight isn't really delayed.. it's leaving.. without us.. but now is when the fun really begins.

The Miz was followed by a camera inside a back entrance of the airport. He was led to a separate Jet Bridge that had been decorated with roses and candles. He nodded with approval.

Mike Mizanin: This looks absolutely perfect. I'm definitely ready.

The camera cut back inside to Mickie who was finishing up her glass of wine.

Voice in the Background: May I have everyone's attention. Flight 111 D to Atlanta has been moved to gate FF. Once again flight 111 D to Atlanta moved to gate FF.

Mickie quickly paid for her tab.. and called Miz. Miz was already in his position waiting for her. He answered the phone.

Mike Mizanin: Hello?

Mickie James: They moved the flight to another gate, it's FF now. Are you almost here?

Mike Mizanin: Yes I'll literally be there in 10 minutes don't let them leave without me!

He said this with a smile. Mickie was too stressed to catch the facetiousness.

Mickie James: I don't think I have that kind of power.

Mike Mizanin: It was a joke babe.

Mickie exhaled.

Mickie James: Oh right sorry.

She quickly smiled. As Mickie arrived to the gate a TSA employee came up to her.

Mickie James: Okay- I gotta go- hurry!

TSA Employee: Ms. James. We are ready to board now.

Mickie James: I thought it got delayed an hour it's only been 15 minutes.

TSA Employee: I'm sorry - the plane arrived earlier than expected. We are boarding now.

Mickie James: Oh well hold on let me call my boyfriend and tel..

TSA Employee: I'm sorry it's going to have to be now.

Mickie James: Well I don't even see anyone else...

TSA Employee: Right this way..

Mickie followed the TSA Employee against her will, but the second she ented the Jet Bridge she became very emotional. She put her hands on her mouth and began to walk down the ramp. As soon as she saw Mike at the end standing there.. she nearly broke down. Miz was smiling and she made it to him.

Mickie James: They didn't let me call you.. I thought I was going to have to fly alone! The horror!

The two shared an extremely genuine laugh, as it was clear that Mike even in this moment was so in love with her quirky energy. He had tears starting to well up in his eyes, as he took Mickies two hands and held them.

Mike Mizanin: Mickie- it all started with you just NOT taking no for an answer when it came to me.

Mickie started giggling as she was smiling ear to ear.

Mike Mizanin: There was just something about you, that no matter what my situation was- I was drawn back to you- and there was just something about you and the way you always made me feel, that made it IMPOSSIBLE for me to stay away from you. I knew there was no denying that YOU were the one I was supposed to be with then.. and YOU are the one that I'm supposed to be with for the rest of my life.. there was simply no denying YOU.. period. So Mickie...

Mickie managed three words over her incoming sobs.

Mickie James: Oh my god..

She covered her mouth with her hands as Mike dropped to one knee.

Mike Mizanin: Would you make me the happiest man on the face of the earth.. and be my wife?

The tears were coming on stronger now, but she nodded furiously, as was her way, and finally let out a big screaming resounding..

Mickie James: YES YES YES!

Mike laughed in relief and happiness. He stood up and laid a big kiss on Mickie's lips and the two embraced. Both coming to tears in happiness.

Mickie James: Wait.. so are we going to Atlanta now?

The two laughed again.

Mike Mizanin: Tomorrow.. we have celebrating to do!

Mickie James: YAY!

Mickie and Mike walked back up the jet bridge hand and hand into the airport. Stealing a couple more kisses on their way. They were off to celebrate their engagement! The scene faded to black.