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REAL Women's Champion

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2018 12:59 pm
by Tony S
Looks like it’s another one against Jayme. Nothing much to this one, just figured we’d play up the controversial finish as SummerSlam. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, then you’ve got some reading to do. Anyways, I hope you all enjoy.

Warfare cut backstage to Renee Young. She stood there for a moment as she got the signal to begin. She raised the microphone up to her lips.

Renee Young: ”We are fresh off the heels of what is being talked about as THE greatest SummerSlam in EBWF’s history. We have a new EBWF World Champion. We have a first ever Queen of the Mountain. It was a big night for the men, but the EBWF Women’s Division stole the show. And one of those women are with me right now..”

Renee motioned to her left as the camera panned out. Into the shot walked Alexa Bliss. With bandages around her ribs and shoulder. Alexa looked pretty banged up, but she still had a sour look on her face.

Renee Young: ”Alexa.. At SummerSlam, you joined seven other women in what is being considered one of, if not the greatest matches in the history of EBWF. What does that mean, as a woman, to be making these strides to make women’s wrestling sought after?”

Alexa looked at her.

Alexa Bliss: ”What does it mean? I would love to say that it means that a new era in women’s wrestling was beginning, but it’s not.. No. This “new era” is just as corrupt as the last one. Did you watch the Queen of the Mountain Match all the way to the end?”

Renee Young: ”Of course.”

Alexa Bliss: ”Then you saw that I was robbed.. Once again. That no good general manager made the wrong decision when she said that Zahra Schreiber hug up the real Women’s Championship.”

Renee Young: ”Alexa, you did steal replica championship from a fan..”

Alexa shook her head.

Alexa Bliss: ”Yeah, that’s not the point. If you watched the match, you would have saw that Zahra and I, we battled it out on top of the ladder. Where, if you play it back in slow motion, you would see that the belts, they got mixed up. Zahra let go of the real championship and I took it. If really look at it, I hung up the real EBWF Women’s Championship. Not Zahra. But no.. Instead, Angelina takes the word of a few referees who didn’t see what was going on at the top. Did Angelina bother going and looking at the tape? No. Did Angelina bother taking a couple days to find out what really happened? No.”

Alexa looked off and rolled her eyes before she continued.

Alexa Bliss: ”No.. She made up her mind on who she “thought” should have won the match.. And just like the regime before, Angelina said, screw Alexa, let’s make someone else the champion.”

Renee Young: ”I don’t think Angelina would do something like that..”

Alexa Bliss: ”You don’t? Really? You really don’t think Angelina Love… One half of the Beautiful People.. A group that prided themselves in pointing out all the ugly people in the EBWF Universe. A group that made jokes at the expense of the rest of the roster. You really don’t think someone like that would screw over someone who is a threat to her legacy.”

Renee Young: ”Her legacy?”

Alexa Bliss: ”Yes.. Angelina was the original mean girl.. She claimed to be the baddest bitch on the roster, but now.. Now that’s me. Now, I run this division and she knows it. She knows it, and she’s going to stop at nothing to keep me down. To bully me out of what I deserve, the EBWF Women’s Championship.”

Alexa tried to move, but she grimaced from her pain.

Alexa Bliss: ”But tonight.. Tonight she’s not going to be out there. She’s not going to make the decision. So tonight, when I go out there and I beat Zahra, I will prove that I’m the best. I will prove that I should have won at SummerSlam.. No.. I will prove that I did win at SummerSlam. I will prove that right now, I should be the EBWF Women’s Champion, and the Queen of the Mountain.”

Renee looked at Alexa, but she kept her mouth shut as Alexa continued.

Alexa Bliss: ”After I beat Zahra tonight and prove that she’s just a worthless, dangerous.. Freak. I will go back to Angelina’s office and if she doesn’t reverse her decision from SummerSlam.. I’ll go higher.. I’ll.. I’ll go to the Board of Directors and make sure she loses her job!”

Without another word, Alexa stormed off. Renee lowered the microphone and shook her head. The show returned to ringside.