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Welcome to the Kevin Steen show.

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 9:38 pm
by Kevin Steen
The Scene opens up a few minutes before Warfare is set to begin, Renee Young is in the middle of the ring holding a microphone. Most of the crowd is in their seats as Renee Young begins to speak.

Renee Young: Tonight we have a packed show. Including the debuts of a few new faces here in EBWF. And one of them is my guest at this time, Ladies and Gentlemen.... Kevin Steen!

The crowd begins to stand and go crazy as " Unsettling Differences " by Blue Smock Nancy starts playing over the PA system. The crowd begins chanting " Kill Steen Kill " As Kevin Steen throws the curtain to the side and walks out onto the stage. ( wearing a pair of black gym pants and a shirt with his face on it and underneath reads GUILTY! ) The Crowd begins cheering and chanting louder " Kill Steen Kill " Kevin Steen stands on the stage for a moment looking around at the crowd with a smirk on his face. He then slowly begins walking down the ramp, He continues down the ramp as he then climbs onto the apron an into the ring. He then walks over to the turnbuckle and stands on the second rope with his arms out, He then points to himself an says " I am the goddamn man " As He stands up there he looks around an smirks again. He jumps down off the turnbuckle an leans against the ropes, He then looks at Renee with a smirk on his face as the crowd continues to chant. The Music cuts off an Renee Young begins to speak...

Renee Young: Kevin Welcome to EBWF, An I have to say it seems like the crowd loves you. ( Renee pauses for a moment as the crowd cheers ) First let me ask you how are you feeling?

Kevin Steen then looks around the arena before speaking.

Kevin Steen: Ahhhhh oh Renee... Does it matter? I mean really do you even care? I have worked with you before and honestly... I don't like you. So give me the mic and just stand over there. Well WELCOME TO THE KEVIN STEEN SHOW!!! ( The crowd continues the Kill Steen Kill chant ) Now Everyone knows who I am, And Everyone knows that I really don't like or respect any authority, But yet Wes Ikeda decided to hire me anyway. ( Kevin Steen snickers while shaking his head ) But from the looks of things around here I can see why. But Wesley it was a bad move for you because I want you to understand exactly what is going to happen from now on around here. This is the Kevin Steen show an I am going to do or say anything I want when ever I want. And neither You or Angelina love are going to stop me. Now you are going to give me a shot at the EBWF World title. I am not going to wait, I am not going to ask, And I am damn sure not gonna fight a bunch of nobody's like Killian Dain. No Wesley I am telling you right now you are going to give me my shot one way or another.

The crowd begins chanting " Mr Wrestling " as Kevin Steen pauses for a moment while looking around the arena.

Kevin Steen: Now Killian, I seen your video an i have to say im glad you have taken such a liking to my career. An i even made a video for you, Of all your career highlights. Lets take a look.

The titontron then begins playing a video on loop of Killian Dain running back and forth in the ring from rope to rope. As Kevin Steen smirks an claps he continues speaking.

Kevin Steen: Wow Killian! What a great career you have had so far. Fact is i wasnt even going to fight you because i think you and i both see the lack of talent around here but also personally you are below me. Your entire career has been a joke, And compared to me you arent even on the same level. I mean hell we were both in WWE and while i was winning titles, And fighting in the Main Event, Your big fat ass was running around with two other idiots fighting bottom of the barrel talent. And Killian don't ever mention my family again I know your extremely jealous of my beautiful wife an my life in general, I know you wish you could be me, An have the success I have had, But your just not that good man. I mean im sure we all know that the only women you get are the one's you have to pay for. ( the crowd laughs ) But that aside Killian, You wanna talk about the purge and how everyone should be scared, An how you are going to clean up EBWF of the weak talent? But guess what! I am not scared, And Im damn sure not a weak talent we both know this. But you think showing a tombstone with my name on it is going to frighten me? Come on Killian you should know better.

Kevin Steen smiles and continues to speak

Kevin Steen: But Killian.. Hate to break it to you but.. You are one of the weak talents around here, An there is damn sure no way some loser like yourself is even going to come close to ending my career, Or even beating me tonight. No trust me that isn't going to happen. But seriously Killian you and I are not so different, We both want almost the same thing, To get rid of some of these non talented morons in the back, To fight anyone who gets in our way, But see Killian, The difference is, I am a champion, I am a prize fighter, An I don't respect anyone management included. You See I have done a little research on you " Big Damo " an I know your a big fan of the Orlando Magic...

The crowd boo's loudly..

Kevin Steen: wait a minute now folks, We all know the Oklahoma City Thunder are just as bad..

The crowd boo's even louder as Kevin Steen laughs

Kevin Steen: And Just like the Magic and the Thunder Killian, We all know you arent winning any championships anytime soon.

Kevin Steen pauses and continues to laughs as the crowd keeps booing loudly

Kevin Steen: In Fact to be frank Killian, You just simply suck. But me once i get my shot i will be the EBWF Champion. And it start tonight with me kicking your ass! And then you Killian well you will stay at the bottom of the roster fighting in matchs that mean absolutly nothing. Because unlike you, Everyware i have gone i have been a World Champion, I have been in main events, Its what I do. Hell its all I do. But I tell you what Killian I like you man so after I am done beating your ass you can join me in the Steen for Champ campaign. And I will teach you how to be a champ, I will give you a chance to be relevant around here an to be more then just a bottom of the card guy. Give you a chance to actually have a career and maybe even fight in a Main Event. How does that sound big guy? So just do yourself a favor tonight and don't show up, Stay in the back, Because if you come down to the ring the only one that will be getting " Purged " around here will be YOU! So take your Purge, Take that tombstone, And hell take your bullshit career, And shove it!! Because the only thing you will be known for is Kevin Steen kicking your ass in his first match here in EBWF!!

Kevin Steen pauses as the crowd starts chanting " Kill Steen Kill " again as Kevin Steen begins speaking again...

Kevin Steen: As far as Wesley an Angelina go! I want my answer by the end of night. Do what's right and give me my shot. Otherwise I will cause hell around here. And trust me Wesley I will turn this place Into total Chaos and whatever happens would be your fault not mine.

Kevin Steen then drops the mic as " Unsettling Differences " by Blue Smock Nancy plays on the PA system. Kevin Steen stares into the camera. The scene then cuts to a commercial.