This is your fault Wesley!

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Kevin Steen

This is your fault Wesley!

Post by Kevin Steen »

The Scene opens in the back stage area of the Pepsi center as the camera shows Kevin Steen walking and asking " has anyone has seen Wes Ikeda or Angelina love " ( Wearing a pair of black gym pants and a shirt that reads Kill Steen Kill ) He then stops to ask a security guard.

Kevin Steen: Hey buddy! Have you seen Wes or Angelina around here?

Security guard 1: No sir I haven't.

Kevin Steen laughs

Kevin Steen: Of course not! Well if you see Wes, Can you give him a message for me?

Security guard 1: Sure

Kevin Steen then kicks the security guard in the gut and throws him against the wall. As the security guard is on the ground, Kevin Steen stomps him a few times before speaking.

Kevin Steen: Tell him im looking for him, And everything that is happening tonight is his fault including this.

Kevin Steen then stomps him again as he grabs his head an screams at the security guard. He then continues walking as he comes across anonther security guard.

Kevin Steen: How about you buddy, Have you seen Wes or Angelina around here?

Security guard 2: Please sir i dont want any troubl...

Before he can finish Kevin Steen punches him in the face, The security guard falls to the ground. As Kevin Steen continues punching him he says " I don't care what you want " Kevin Steen then stands up and looks into the camera.

Kevin Steen: You see this Wes! Look at what your making me do! I told you this was going to happen, I told you things were going to get worse. First it was Killian Dain, An now its even a bigger piece of crap Matt Sydal! I mean honestly who is making the matches around here? This is crap Wesly! I am a main eventer, I am a prize fighter, And you have me fighting Matt Sydal? A guy who couldn't cut it in WWE, A guy who has never been a world champion, A career tag team fighter Wes? No I don't think so! And until I start getting the respect I deserve, No one in EBWF is safe you understand me Wesly! Now More blood will be shed, More Violence will be on your hands. And what happens tonight to Matt Sydal is your fault Wes not mine!!!

Kevin Steen then begins walking away as the camera cuts and goes to the camera in the arena. " Unsettling Differences " by Blue Smock Nancy begins playing over the PA system. Kevin Steen then walks out onto the stage as the crowd starts chanting " Kill Steen Kill " He continues walking down the ramp as he walks around the ring to grab a mic. He then slides under the bottom rope and into the ring. as he looks around the arena he begins speaking.

Kevin Steen: Ok cut my damn music... Last week I beat Killian Dain, ( The crowd continues chanting " Kill Steen Kill " ) A nobody! An ended the stupid " Purge " So what do I get for that... To face another nobody, Some guy who wants to sit there and talk about my weight... But yet not only have I won more matches an titles then you MATT! But I have had more success in any one mouth of my career then you have had your entire career! You see Matt everyone here knows I am a much better athlete then you, They know I am a better man then you! And frankly Matt.. No one really cares what you have to say. No one wants to hear a sob story from someone who couldn't cut it in the ring! And you bet your ass I demanded a EBWF world title shot because I am a CHAMPION! You understand me! I am a prize fighter, And you Matt are just a loser who is looking for some sort of relevance around here.

Kevin Steen snickers as he continues speaking.

Kevin Steen: Now Matt, like I told that loser Killian last week, Don't ever bring up my family! Its Not my fault that you and Killian both wish you had my life and my success. I bet you thought you were going to be some hot shot in this business, But I have seen you both in TNA and WWE and even a little of your independent stuff, An I can honestly say you have impressed me... I never knew someone who has lost as many matches as you, Someone who was never in a main event, Someone with no balls!

Kevin Steen laughs

Kevin Steen: I mean seriously Matt your pathetic, Why are you even here? Why are you even still in the business? WWE cut you because you couldnt cut it, And your biggest win was against Matt Striker. ( Kevin Steen Snickers ) Matt Striker does interviews around here now! Because just like you he couldnt cut it, He couldn't handle the fact he was just a loser nobody! Hell I mean the only time you were even relevant was when Kofi Kingston was carring your dumbass threw matches. So we all know you cant win singles matches, We all know you have to be carried threw tag matches, And we all know one more injury will probably be your last...

Kevin Steen shakes his head as he continues speaking, As the crowd begins chanting " Mr. Wrestling "

Kevin Steen: Common now Matt, Just do yourself a favor an stay in the back tonight, Save yourself the embarrassment, And hate to break it to you MATTY BOY! With your career I would be embarrassed just to show my face... I would say go kiss babies and shake hands but you aren't even good enough for that, No one wants a loser like you kissing their baby or shaking their hand. Hell I don't even think you have any fans, Because they like me know that you aren't a winner, You aren't a fighter, Your a just a stupid losing idiot who doesn't belong in the ring. We all know your just one injury away from retirement Matt! But don't worry I will help you there tonight! Fact is Matt you will never be in the main event, And you damn sure will never hold a title around here. You and I both know this, Your just not that good Matt and it sounds like you know this too. So don't do this to yourself, Why don't you take this microphone and go do some interviews around here. Learn from Matt Striker, The ring is too dangerous for you. But I tell you what Matt After I win The EBWF world title I will give you the first interview. I will give you the opportunity for relevance around here something other then losing matches and being injured all the goddamn time!

Kevin Steen then looks around the arena as he continues speaking.

Kevin Steen: Matt personally man you can take your " Silat " and shove it because just like that stupid ass Killian and his " Purge " it means nothing in the ring. I do and say whatever I want. This is the Kevin Steen show. An tonight after I kick your ass all over the ring, After I make you bleed, After I retire you and send your ass back out of here. I plan on enjoying a nice T-bone steak with my sexy beautiful wife, Something you will never know because no one wants to be with a loser like you man. But hey maybe you and that big dumb idiot Killian should go pay for some women together.

Kevin Steen laughs as he continues speaking.

Kevin Steen: An Matt the only reason why you got free shit on the " Indonesian Islands " was because they felt bad for you. They seen you lose all the time and couldn't cut it in the Wrestling business, Or personally if you ask me everyone on the " Indonesian Island " were probably a bunch of idiot losers just like your self. Butt see Matty In Canada We would just kick your ass right out the country! Because we don't accept losers, We only allow winners in, Unlike EBWF.

Kevin Steen then pauses as he looks directly into the camera.

Kevin Steen: Plain and simple Matt! I don't like you, I don't respect you, And if you come out here tonight I am going to kick your ass! I am going to put your losing ass on the shelf for good!! An that is just a fact MAN!!! ill See you soon Matty boy!!

Kevin Steen then drops the mic as " Unsettling Differences " by Blue Smock Nancy starts playing over the PA system. Kevin Steen drops on his back and rolls out of the ring, as the screen fades and goes to commercial.