Lighting the Broken Path

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Lighting the Broken Path

Post by Billy »

9/29/18 video uploaded to and EBWF’s Facebook
Unknown Location

The camera opened on Aiden English with the Breakout Title hung over his shoulder. He had a folded up steel chair in his hands and a single spotlight rained light down on him. Everything not touched by the spotlight was in total darkness, obscuring his surroundings. Aiden opened the chair and dropped onto it backwards. He wrapped his arms around the back rest and leaned toward the camera with a smile.

Cameraman: Why are we here?

Aiden English: We’re here to address the Universe and recent events. Well, more accurately I’m here to talk and you are here to record it so that everyone in the Universe can listen.

Cameraman: Are you ready?

Aiden nodded.

Aiden English: Hello EBWF Universe, it’s time for a chat. A simple chat with simple structure, and more common tone. A chat that has everything and nothing to do with my opponent this week, Matt Hardy. How does it have everything to do with him you ask? Because. We’re going to have a chat about reincarnation, new beginnings and past lives. It has nothing to do with him because we’re going to talk about the multiple lives of YOUR Breakout Champion, Aiden English. We’re going to talk about my reincarnation. You see Hardy and I have as many things in common as not and one of those common things is that for a time here I was BROKEN. I was shattered and shaped in my old lives; in another place; in another time; with other allies and enemies. I was misused, I was controlled and I was changed into something else by the masters of my old lives. They had enslaved me and dictated my thoughts and my actions. They made me into the form they wanted and I carried that form shaped from my many lives in the old world to this new one. I brought that baggage with me to the EBWF Universe and wore that form because it was all I knew how to do. I even dug back into the old world and pulled another from it, with all his baggage and brokenness in tow. Sadly, I fear that I leaned on his baggage to support the weight of my own. For that, I am truly sorry. I saddled him with the same fate I found. I forced him into living the life given to him in the old world because I didn’t give him room to grow and flourish. In time, I hope he will enjoy success and growth. I hope his reach will extend beyond the old world and he will leave that six strings of baggage behind. Change is the way of this world. You see, two weeks ago an opportunity to evolve was presented to me. An opportunity to be reborn away from the old form I’ve carried for so long. I’m proud to say that I seized that opportunity to abandon my old life and be reborn, reincarnated as something new. Therein lies one of the many differences between myself and Matt Hardy! He is a passenger on the winds of change. A simple viewer of the sands of fate. I refuse to be passive, I am not satisfied watching change happen around me and to me any longer. I will be the man I choose to be, not the one selected by some unseen, unknown and uncaring overlord. Like Hardy, I have had many former lives. I was a singer. I was a silent movie star. I was a tag partner. I was for a short time a town crier. All of those lives were given to me. The actions of those lives predetermined by their creators. Then I came into the EBWF Universe an amalgamation of all these things I had been before. I expected the treatment I had received and I took my resentment out on those at the top of the company, even those who did not deserve it. I was in the mud and so I slung it at everyone who appeared a threat. I clawed, I scratched and I won match after match by any means necessary. Along the way I abandoned parts of me that I felt weighed me down. My dignity. My honor. My respect. Then, I claimed the Breakout Title and rather than allow myself to be elevated by that achievement, I brought it down into the mud with me. I tarnished it by word and by action. I made a mockery of this belt even as it hung around my waist because I was still living as my old self. Even before the events that inspired my rebirth there was nagging doubt creeping into the back of my mind. Something was missing and I was seeking my voice, searching for my personality, adjusting my motives and adapting my style. Then inside the ring Jimmy Havoc and the Miz found themselves the victims of Tommy End and Michael Dante and I was given a choice. I could continue the life given to me in the old world or I could SEIZE my new life and be reborn a deserving champion. I could have walked away from the ring like Elias and carried on as the cowardly villain my old life had cast me as. I could have left the arena and been safe to carry on winning by any means necessary to retain this title as long as possible. To further tarnish both the title and myself. I could have remained stagnant and isolated from the EBWF Universe, clinging to the remnants of the old world. Instead I CHOSE reincarnation. I slid into the ring and I turned the tide on LEGION because it was the right thing to do. Because, it was what I needed to become the man I wanted to be. Opportunity knocked and I flung that door open wide. Sure, I’ve put myself at risk of revenge attacks. Sure, I’ve had to come to terms with my past faults. Sure, I’m still paying the debts of the actions of my old life. I’ve been born again, but not yet forgiven and I have no misgivings for the feelings of those I have wronged in the past. I will make amends. I will continue to evolve. I will become the man I want to be and not the man someone else has planned for me. I will no longer be the coward who hides behind his words and a twisted ideology. I will no longer be the champion who takes his role and makes a mockery of it. I will no longer sit idly by and be changed by my inaction. I will not run. I will not hide. Even if I am alone I will fight to my last breath to make the most of this new life I have TAKEN for myself. I will...

A scream came from offscreen, quiet at first but growing until it drown out Aiden talking. The camera whipped around to reveal a door leading out to a hallway. The surroundings were dilapidated, fallen into ruin from years of neglect. Across the hall another door was visible with a little placard reading ‘A65’ afixed next to it.

Cameraman: What was that?

The camera whipped back around to Aiden, still sitting on the steel chair with his arms wrapped around the back rest.

Aiden English: It was nothing, focus. There is nothing to fear.

Cameraman: Maybe it was… you know them?

Aiden English: You don’t worry yourself with LEGION. They may claim to be everywhere but Tommy End is neither omnipresent nor omnipotent. He does walk in the darkness. In fact he carries it with him, they all do. And it has empowered him. He is powerful. He is not fearsome. He is a man who draws on the darkness because he has not been shown the light. I was once as he is, and I too thought it was the darkness that made me strong. I was wrong and Tommy End is wrong. Matt Hardy thinks it too. He thinks the dark parts of his mind, the broken parts are what give him his strength. The darkness is a crutch and it is a chain. It holds up the weak and holds back those who have eclipsed its power. Matt Hardy and Tommy End are both held back by their darkness. They are made weak by clinging to it instead of standing on their own. I know, I walked in that same shadow. I was walking in that shadow at King of the Ring when Tommy End handed me my first singles loss by kicking my head off. I was in that shadow for a long long time. Now I walk in the light, I embody the light. It powers me, it moves me, it protects me.

The scream came again and again the camera whipped around to the doorway. Just as the door came into frame a dark figure fled away. The cameraman let out a yelp and jumped backwards.

Cameraman: There was something in the door, watching us!

Aiden walked around the cameraman and back into focus of the shot. The spotlight followed him.

Aiden English: It was nothing to be feared. Worry not, for there is nothing which hides in the darkness that is not afraid to come into the light.

Suddenly the bright light over Aiden flickered and went dark. What little light remained in the scene was reflected off the Breakout Title.

Cameraman: Are you sure? This is getting to be too much.

Aiden English: I will handle this. You shall see.

The camera followed as Aiden walked toward the door.

Aiden English: I will not run. I will not hide. Even if I am alone…

Aiden walked out the door and started down the hall. The camera only followed him to the edge of the door. It fixed on him as he walked a good distance. The hallway was dimly lit as none of the lights on the ceiling were on. The scream came again. Aiden turned his head to the side and then followed the noise down a side hallway out of sight. There was a moment of silence. Then, a loud roar and a series of softer screams. An intense bright light shone from the hallway Aiden had walked down and the screams ceased. Again there was silence. The light slowly dimmed. A series of clicks echoed down the hall. Aiden emerged from the hallway unscathed. As he walked back toward the camera the lights in the hall came on as he passed under them.

Aiden English: There is nothing to fear. The evil presence that made this place its home has been dispelled by my new found light.

Cameraman: How are you doing that?

Aiden English: Doing what?

Cameraman: Turning those lights on?

Aiden walked back into the room. As he passed through the threshold he pulled something off the outside wall. He moved back to the chair and sat back down under the bright spotlight. The camera followed him. Aiden held up the small placard from outside the door. It read ‘A66’.

Aiden English: The light follows me and flows from me. I will shine it into the darkest recesses of this Universe to cast out the evil as I have done here. I will leave this world a better place. For I have become a better man, a better wrestler and a better champion! I shall no longer languish in darkness and despair. Monday I will shine my light on Matt Hardy and heal him of his brokenness. I will cast out the demons that have made him their host like I have done this place he came to reside in. I shall lift away his lunacy and leave him lacking that lock which has lead him limping down a lane of loneliness. I shall lividly lampoon the lackeys of lightless life.

Aiden took in a deep breath.

Aiden English: I’m going to FIX Matt Hardy by pushing him past the breaking point. I’m going to collect all of the pieces and number them so he can put his life back together. Matt Hardy is Broken but I’ve already broke out, I’ve broken free from the darkness within and I’ve returned with the light to help people like Hardy break away from their broken states. Monday is the event horizon for Matt Hardy. The point of no return. He will be presented a choice. Step into the light and bask in its glory or turn away and be lost to the darkness forever. I will beat Matt Hardy for his own good. I will beat him to show him the power of accepting the light into his life. I will beat him and I will show the world how much brighter I glow now that I am free from the trappings of the old world, my old lives and my old ways. Then I shall turn my focus to LEGION.

The cameraman made a shushing sound.

Cameraman: Do you think it’s wise to keep using that word?

Aiden English: They are not Beetlejuice. It does not matter how many times we say their name, they will not show. As I have said before, nothing that lives life in the shadows is without fear of the light. And, I am the light. I am the beacon of hope for the EBWF Universe.

The camera dropped to the floor, as it fell it caught a glimpse of Aiden standing up from the chair. The shot now showed Aiden’s feet and the feet of the chair. The cameraman’s voice was deep and distorted.

Cameraman: We are LEGION!

Aiden English: You too?

The cameraman began an eerie raucous laughter. It grew louder and louder. The light from the spotlight dimmed for a moment and then grew more intense. The laughter turned to a shrill scream of pain as the screen grew solid white. Suddenly the video cut to white noise and static.

October 1st 2018
Maverik Center
Salt Lake City, Utah

Aiden English and Raquel Diaz were standing a foot or two away from Renee Young. Raquel had the Breakout Title over her shoulder, both hands holding it up. Aiden wasn’t wearing his normal black tights with gold designs. Instead, he had on white tights with a darker shade of gold. The tights were the same in every other way. Raquel had also abandoned the darker shades she normally wore for a white top and skin tight acid washed jeans with tears and stitches down either leg.

Renee Young: Aiden, tonight you take on Matt Hardy in the main event match. Just last week Hardy competed against and beat the Gateway Champion Dalton Castle in the main event. Now there is talk on Twitter about Matt going back to back beating champions two weeks in a row, what are your thoughts on that?

Aiden English: It would be a great feat for Matt to accomplish at this or any other point in his career. Back to back wins of that calibur are the sort of thing that builds traction and leads to a title shot down the road. Honestly, with that huge win over Castle last week, I’d be surprised if Matt’s name isn’t already in the hat for a title shot at one pay per view or another. He’s clearly a great wrestler and he could really go places.

Renee Young: I must say, I wasn’t expecting such high praise from the Drama King.

Aiden English: I’m turning over a new leaf Renee. What good does it do me to verbally cut a man down who by all rights deserves to be in that ring as much as I do? In fact, I think Matt Hardy has all the potential in the world.

Renee Young: Wow, well that’s…

Raquel Diaz: Hold on a minute! Just because my husband has respect for Hardy’s in ring ability, doesn’t mean he’s going to be losing to the nutcase tonight!

Renee Young: I mean, I never intend…

Raquel Diaz: I know what you intended Renee! Just because Aiden is being nice to everyone doesn’t mean I am going to let you walk all over him.

Aiden English: Thank you my love, but I’ve got this.

Raquel Diaz: Sorry.

Aiden turned and kissed Raquel on the top of the head. She smirked at Renee.

Aiden English: Unfortunately for Hardy, his potential is unrealized. He’s far too unpredictable and unreliable to be a champion right now. Sure, he’s fresh off an amazing win over Castle last week, but for weeks before that he didn’t even bother to show up! Before that, he showed up for matches but he may as well have stayed home because he wasn’t performing at the level he’s capable of. That’s Hardy’s issue. One week he’s one of the best in the business, a future champion and an icon of the industry. The next week he wrestles like it’s his first match. Or, he could fall anywhere on the scale in between those two extremes. You never know which Matt Hardy you’re going to get because you can’t be sure what mental state he’s going to show up in.

Renee Young: So are you expecting a good match tonight?

Aiden English: I wouldn’t say expecting. Renee, I hope that Hardy comes this week at the top of his game. I hope to see the same Hardy I watched last week from the comfort of my living room! I pray that’s the Hardy that shows up here in Salt Lake City. More than anything, I want Matt Hardy at the top of his game because I want to put on a show this city will never forget and I can’t do that if Hardy doesn’t bring his ‘A’ game!

Renee Young: I think the old Aiden would have been satisfied with a mentally distant Matt Hardy in the ring.

Aiden English: Maybe. No, I won’t lie to save face. I would have loved the idea of getting in the ring with an opponent who couldn’t or wouldn’t put me to task. I relished in the thought of facing people who didn’t come out at the top of their game. All I cared about was winning, and I didn’t care how I got the win. I didn’t care if the fans enjoyed watching my matches. I didn’t care who I hurt or what I had to do to win. I was looking out for number one and I wasn’t doing a bad job at it. But, there’s a limit to the success one can achieve going it alone with your back turned on the world. And, even though I had Elias and Raquel, I was alone because I was so focused on myself I couldn’t help them.

Renee Young: Speaking of Elias, the two of you have had some tense interactions over the last few weeks what is going on with Sights and Sounds Orchestra?

Aiden English: Sadly some things end so shortly after starting, Sights and Sounds is sorely one of those. Short lived, short sighted and solemnly sacrificed in search of sturdier standings.

Renee Young: So, you’re no longer working with Elias Samson?

Aiden English: We have talked at great length and decided it is better that we amicably part ways. Our friendship was based on the past and the past is gone. We are in the EBWF Universe and not in the place that came before. I have grown and now he needs room to do the same. Perhaps one day our friendship will again blossom like a spring flower gone to ground for winter. For now however, it is best for him to focus on finding his own light and for me to focus on dealing with LEGION. I owe it to the Universe to assist Havoc and Miz in burning that corruption out of its dark hiding holes.

Renee Young: We saw you come to the aid of Havoc and Miz two weeks ago. What made you decide to get involved?

Aiden English: I could have left. A month ago, I would have left. It wasn’t my fight. But I realized in that moment that it was my fight. This is a fight for the SOUL of the EBWF Universe. It’s a fight to protect the fans from the corruption of LEGION. A war to determine the fate of the Universe. On one side stands the forces of darkness the EBWF Tag Team Champions, Tommy End and Michael Dante, and the EBWF Women’s Champion Zahra. On the other battle line stands the EBWF World Champion, Jimmy Havoc, the former EBWF World Champion Miz and the EBWF Breakout Champion Aiden English. It will be a great war and their will be casualties. There is no escaping that but it is necessary for the future of this company and the future of this industry!

Renee Young: With LEGION about, are you truly focused on Matt Hardy tonight?

Aiden English: I should be, shouldn’t I? Matt is a man who deserves my undivided attention. A foe who demands to be taken seriously no matter how outrageous his words and actions. Yes, of course I should be focused solely on the Broken One. Unfortunately Renee, it would be less than honest of me to assert that Hardy is my sole thought. Hardy is their, he is in my mind front and center. He has the bulk of my focus, but I know that I can’t let LEGION out of my sight or they will sneak up from the shadows and attack. They are there in the back of my mind leeching a bit of my focus like the parasites they are.

Raquel laid her hand on the back of Aiden’s arm and he fell silent. She smiled warmly and rubbed his arm for a moment.

Raquel Diaz: Focus on the ring, let me worry about LEGION. I’m not going to let them get the jump on you love.

Aiden English: Focus. Yes, I need to have focus. Renee, their is something missing. A piece of Matt Hardy has been DELETED and it’s left him aimless, unhinged, drifting between the many lives he claims to have lived. That missing piece has been replaced by a lingering darkness that feeds of his instability and aids him in the ring when he gives into it. Last week he succumbed to his inner darkness and found victory over Dalton Castle. This internal darkness, the eternal being that has shattered Matt Hardy, poses no threat to me. It is only the man I need worry about and not his demons. For nothing that is born in the darkness can stand before the light without being burnt. Tonight is my chance to offer Matt Hardy something he needs more than any title or accolade. Tonight I can heal Matt Hardy of his Brokenness, he only has to accept the light and let it cast out that dark specter that has made him a host. I can heal his mind but I’m afraid that I must break his body to do so.

Renee Young: I’m not sure I understand what you’re talking about.

Aiden English: All will be revealed tonight when I beat Matt Hardy and cleanse him of his inner demon.

Renee Young: Ummm okay, odd end to a good interview but okay.

Aiden English: I shall hastily heal Hardy of his horrid hunger. Dispel the darkness drifting deep down dominating his demeanor. He shall be reborn his repugnant ruiner readily removed. Born into the bright light his beastly possessor buried beneath. Matt’s miraculous merits once again his own and not owed a mawing mooch.

Renee Young: And it continues to get more and more strange. Maybe, you’re too focused on Matt Hardy?

Aiden English: Unlikely. I must be prepared.

Renee Young: I guess that’s all then.

Aiden held out his hands and a bright white light hit him. Raquel covered her eyes and Renee sort of panicked and threw her arm up. The white light continued to grow more and more intense until it whited out the screen and Warfare cut to commercial break.
Shaul Guerrero
*EBWF Women's Champion (x2)*
*2019 & 2021 Women's Royal Rumble Winner*
Aiden English
*EBWF World Champion (x3), Gateway Champion, Breakout Champion (x2)*
*2019 King of the Ring and Royal Rumble Winner*