Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 9:48 pm
The spotlight focuses down upon a smoke filled room. A camera set up at one end, capturing the on goings through out. The leader of all leaders, the women who runs the whole division steps into the smoke filled spot light, grin upon her face as she places her hand upon her hip.
"Maryse, Maryse, Maryse. What's with all this built up hate, sweet heart? Have I, Zelina Vega finally cracked you? After all these years of trying to show you exactly what i'm capable of it literally took a simple little attack for you to finally break down into the hot mess that you have always been. Maryse, it never took much, did it? Many, many years back, you claimed that you would always be one step a head of me in all manners when it came to the wrestling industry, but how about we talk facts huh?"
Zelina scratches her head, thinking a little before continuing.
"Where have you been since that little incident a few years back where you claim you took what I worked so hard for? What have you been doing with yourself? Because i'm almost certain you never got anywhere once I left your side?. You talk about us like we were actually friends when I attempted to use you to get myself noticed but once I realized you were a has been, I wasn't waiting around wasting my time continuing to make you that little bit more relevant when you had nothing more left to give, in fact, when you had nothing left that anybody even wanted! It was all part of my plan Maryse, getting you to join EBWF in the hopes that you could be part of the most dominant trio in this place. How pathetic of you to even believe me to begin with!"
Zelina looks deep into the camera lens, stepping a little closer as she laughs.
"The main reason I coaxed you to join EBWF was so you could see what I had created and what I was capable of without you even having any impact upon a single part of it. I lied through the whole thing you like to claim was a friendship, until we got to this point. I wanted you to think you had something left that would actually be of value, and that is why I lied when I told you that you could be part of Royalty, darling, IT WAS NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN! You claim that Royalty was your idea when in fact, we both know it was mine all along! You had high hopes of creating some sort of faction many, many moons ago when you had the smallest bit of relevance, all I did was take your pathetic ideas that we BOTH discussed and made them a reality!"
Zelina pulls out her mobile phone and begins to scroll through it.
"Here, remember sending me this when you realized I was doing so much better with out you? 'Wow girl, i'm so proud of you and Royalty. I always knew you had it in you. I'll never forget the day you pitched that idea of managing two top superstars, just a shame I couldn't be a part of it, love you long time Zee, see you soon! Mx' ... Doesn't that prove it Maryse? If Royalty was your idea, why on Earth would you claim that I pitched the idea to you? The only thing that you are bothered about is the fact that you never thought of such a brilliant idea yourself so you have to try and take something I created and pass it off as your own in all hopes that people would believe a single word you say so that you didn't look as pathetic as you do now once I revealed the only reason you came here was with hopes of joining Royalty."
Zelina begins pulling at her own hair with psychotic eyes but suddenly stops, laughing as she does so.
"What the hell is all this about Maryse? Don't tell me I've sent you psychotic all because I don't want you dragging down and tarnishing something so wonderful that I have created. Pulling your own hair certainly isn't going to make a difference, your just going to get that cheap weave of your's tangled and stop with those eyes, that look really adds years onto you. Why don't you just get over it and if it's effecting your emotional stability as much as you claim, find yourself two people and make your own knock off lower class version of Royalty and then see really how far it goes. You have always had some secret obsession with me since the day we met and this just takes it to a whole other level, you'll dye your hair black next and pretend to be me, you make me sick, get yourself on some medication or something because girl, you are not right in the head!
I have paved my way to this moment for so, so long. I've waited months to step into the ring and compete in my first match and I was just waiting for the right time to finally do that. I didn't want my first match to be against somebody I had nothing with, something forgettable, no! If it wasn't against you Maryse, it wouldn't of mattered to me. Now I step into the ring for my first match with a point to prove, a vendetta to bury and a french Canadian plastic mannequin to destroy. If I haven't destroyed your life by emotionally messing with your head Maryse, I will destroy you at Fanniversary, physically. People might look at the card and not have any idea what the significance is of our match but now the cat is finally out of the bag and here it is. Our match is just as important as the main event, if not more important, with everything it has riding on it. I refuse to lose to a worthless old timer like you Maryse, you had your time years before I even stepped foot in the wrestling industry so you are certainly not re igniting the little bit of relevance you have left by using me and the faction I created single handed!
The only advantage you have going into this match is that you have two matches under your belt here, both which you won, but that isn't an advantage when it comes to facing me, honestly. Nobody has no idea what to expect of me when it comes to stepping into that ring, they've had small tasters lately but that is nothing compared to what I am truly capable of, especially when I have something in my mind that needs finishing, like your career. Your career never mounted up to much before did it Maryse, but it's just about to get that little bit worse when I rip each vile strand of hair that is sewn into your head out, before using your head as a football. I don't take lightly to threats and by the end of the match, one of us is going to be laying in their own pool of blood and trust me Maryse, it isn't going to be me!
You have had so many opportunities to do something in your long.....long....long.....long...never ending, boring, pathetic career and you have done NOTHING! Facing me is going to be the highlight of your career so far and the only bit of relevance you have had in years, but it's such a shame it's going to come crashing straight back down when I pin you in the center of that ring and take the victory, just like I've taken your sanity! God bless you Maryse and all that you have left in life, I hope it hurts Maryse, to see me all the way at the top and you all the way down where you belong, the depths of hell. See you at Fanniversary Maryse, I look forward to it."