No More Shadows
Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 10:20 pm
Friday October 26th 2018
Curtain Call Youtube Channel
Curtain call opened with Aiden English standing in front of the black backdrop that had become so common since his arrival in EBWF. It had been two weeks since the last upload to the channel and follower count had been on the decline since his turn. Aiden stared into the camera. He had on a black t-shirt, a white denim vest and white denim pants.
Aiden English: Many of you have been very vocal with questions about the shift in my focus. Some mistakenly confuse my evolution with abandonment. But, I have abandoned nothing worthy of holding onto. I have not forsaken my name, I have elevated it. I am still the Drama King, I am still the EBWF Breakout Champion! I am still Aiden English and Curtain Call lives on! Curtain Call lives on but it will be forever changed.
Aiden English: Welcome to the light.
Aiden English: LEGION is the very image of vile villainous vermin. These vindictive vultures preyed upon volumes of unfortunate superstars. Their vexing vagary the vehicle of their voluminous power. Their venom visibly struck into the heart of our Champion so soon after his victory. End, so obviously vying for a shot while his minions stood about vapidly. That violent attack gave the locker room a voice via Jimmy Havoc. It turned a variety of victims into a village of virtue. For their various crimes a verdict has been cast. Banishment! LEGION is BANISH-ED!
Aiden English: From this day forth, where LEGION is found, they shall be uprooted and they shall be eradicated. It starts at Fanniversary when the plague that has washed over the EBWF Universe is wiped clean. For these violent delights have but violent ends. And this story it’s a story all about VIOLENT ENDS! A story about the end of victimizing the EBWF locker room with the use of numbers. A story about the end of Tommy End’s perceived glory. A story about the end of the reign of terror. It’s a story about the end of LEGION. A story I am more than happy to play a part in writing!
Aiden English: On the written pages of a story Shakespeare labeled Tybalt the Prince of Cats for his joy of killing for but the sake of killing. It’s in that vein, I name Tommy End as the King of Rats. Rats that call themselves LEGION. And, like rats where you see one, there are surely a dozen more. Further like rats they cling to the darkness of mystery. Who? When? Where? Which one will strike next? Who else is in league with LEGION and when will they make themselves known? They feed on that darkness for power. They live in that darkness. In that darkness they are an unbeatable demonesque foe.
Aiden English: Yes, they are like a demon. A demon that unflinchingly does unspeakable acts. A demon that is unstoppable because it is unknowable. A demon that unknowingly undid itself. A demon undermined by its own actions which will be unceremoniously done away with. By naming itself. But, what is in a name? POWER! There is power in names and knowing names. For a formless foe fights with both fear and fists. By giving up their name the demon that is LEGION has abandoned fear. And by giving power to those that know that name this demon has all but slain itself.
Aiden English: Unfortunately for LEGION, the end started when they stepped out of that darkness. They showed their numbers, revealed their reach, tipped their hands. The cards are on the table so to speak, the chips are down and the mystery is dead. And the magic. The magic is in the mystery. The magic that has got them so far in such a short time is gone with that mystery. That rush to usurp the King of Goths was their downfall for they stumble that run fast.Now without the shroud of shadows subverting their secretive silhouettes, they are powerless. They are mortal. They can be slain and conquered.
Aiden English: The can be conquered like the day conquers the night. For the dawn has broke and LEGION shall be left like Matt Hardy, broken. I can hear End chanting, “Come, gentle night. Come, loving black borrowed night!” I hear him calling out for the shadows to creep back in and blanket LEGION in that protective barrier it so tightly clung to for so long. But, he has called the spotlight of attention to focus on him and his minions. He has called the gaze of the EBWF Universe and he doesn’t like what has answered. For we carry the day and the light. A light so bright there is not a shadow left to hide in.
Aiden English: The light is so bright it acts as an oven to these creatures of darkness. It boils the blood and sears the flesh. They are on edge, lashing out and making mindless mistakes. They are no longer fighting with fear but against it. Fear, for the light of day. A thing which they have never known. So now fear becomes our ally in the long days. And, when we meet they shall not escape the brawl. For now, these hot days, the mad blood is stirring. It is stirring in Havoc, Miz, Jericho and Scurll. It has stirred me from my sleep and I have awoke as a new beast. A beast of light as much as End is the beast of the dark.
Aiden English: But the beast of the dark is nothing more than a beast of burden. He is weighed down with the burden of carrying his darkness along with him. He is drug down by his association to the darkness and the denizens of the dark. I know because when we met at King of the Ring I was in the same place. I too was carrying darkness, hatred and rage on my back. I too felt the pressure to prove the darkness made me powerful. Now I have embraced the light. I have traded hatred for love. I have borrowed cupid’s wings to soar to new heights. Heights unreachable by those consumed in the darkness below.
Aiden English: That does not mean this fight is beneath me. For those who have been enlightened share a duty to illuminate the dark corners of the minds of their peers. A mission I took on when I extended a helping hand to Havoc. A mission I advanced by trying to free Matt Hardy’s mind from the darkness holding it back. A mission that leads me into a collision course with all of LEGION this weekend at Fanniversary. The EBWF Universe begs for justice, that I think Drama King, must give! End assaulted Havoc, Tommy End must not live! For his offence immediately do I EXILE him! Cry Havoc, and let slip the dogs of war.
Aiden English: It would seem that fate has decreed that I have to split my focus. Not only do I have to walk into Fanniversary prepared to take on any combination of members of LEGION but I also have a Breakout Title defence against Hardcore Holly. A man with whom I have a tumultuous history, to say the very least. A man whom I have beat before and fate has placed before me a second time. But, men at some times are masters of their fates. And it is the determination of Holly that has put me again on the hunt for my title. He has done well to make it back to this point so quickly. But, the fault in his last attempt was not in his stars but in himself. It is not fate that I still hold this title, it is Holly’s personal failings.
Aiden English: Holly doesn’t see it because he has grown accustomed to his own failure. He has become blind to his failings and lives in a state of ignorant bliss. Just when you think someone may have beaten some sense into him, he proves incapable of opening his eyes. Even in defeat he marches about the locker room like a Colossus and pretends we petty men walk under his massive legs. He would tell you all how great he is.
Aiden English: EBWF Universe, lend me your ears! The great Hardcore Holly hath told you that he will win. If he is wrong it shall be a grievous fault that Holly shall grievously answer for. But how can Holly be wrong for he is a great man and a greater wrestler? I intend to beat him a second time but Holly says I will not and Holly is a great wrestler. Holly has won many a victory over a capable foe. He hath beat the best the locker room has to offer him. And no loss stands to prove that he can’t win. For Holly says he shall win, and he is a great wrestler. Twice has Holly lost to better men in EBWF is this a testament to his ability to win? Yet Holly says he will and sure Holly is a great wrestler.
Aiden English: He will proclaim that he is the next EBWF Breakout Champion. He will proclaim that he is going to kick my ass. He is going to proclaim that he doesn’t care about winning and titles. And, he will proclaim all of these things in the same six sentences. The only six sentences he knows how to say. He will proclaim and proclaim and proclaim those same six sentences in a circling cycles until you’re dizzy. For such men as he are never at heart’s ease while they behold a man greater than themselves. And Holly has seen that greaterness in me since he arrived in EBWF. I was his first failure on the highway to his first success. He reached for the stars and he missed.
Aiden English: I shall hold onto my title this time just as I did the last time I met Hardcore Holly in the ring. Not because of some erroneous counting. Not by chance or fluke or forgery. I will hold onto to my title because I am the Northern Superstar of the EBWF Universe. I am a constant. I burn more brightly. And, as all the other stars wax and wane around me from season to season, rising and falling, I stay true. A compass can be calibrated to my greatness. I may have changed perspectives, altered my motives and declared new allegiances since our last meeting. But, I am the same man that put Holly’s title hopes to sleep that time. On my honor I will ensure those hopes go to sleep again at Fanniversary!
Aiden English: Fanniversary is a story of ends but the subject of my story with Holly is honor. And at Fanniversary Holly’s assault on my honor ends. For I will provide proof and providence that there was no quick count conspiracy. That no single man or thirty needed to aid me in holding my Breakout Title. The staff did not drive a dagger into Holly’s dreams from behind, I did the slaying in plain sight for the Universe to see. And I did that in my incomplete state. My honor shall be restored and Hardcore Holly’s story of coming close to greatness will go on. Now that I am whole, now that I am free from the past and the weight of former failures Holly holds no hope.
Aiden English: No, Monday I will stand in the ring and announce to the EBWF Universe these three declarations! Veni, Vidi, Vici.I came, I saw, I conquered. I came to Fanniversary with a mission and some fight. I saw the end of ends come into sight. I conquered not only LEGION but Hardcore Holly in a single night. At Fanniversary my legacy truly begins. My deeds shall be carved into stone and carried forward as the legend of my light grows.
Aiden English: I shall first set my light upon Hardcore Holly and attempt to break him. Break him from his cycle of near misses and constant failures. Break him from the humiliation of his past defeats. Break him from the weight of his former life. Break him down so that he may build himself up as a new man and not the man bound by his age to the old world. Break his will to fight so that he can learn to win and not just attempt to hurt. I shall break him so that one day he may Breakout himself, just as I have broken out of my stagnant state. Break him, beat him and bury him… AGAIN!
Aiden English: Then my light will be thrust upon LEGION. I will burn them out of this Universe so that it can be a better place. A place free from their corruption and envy. A place free from their self loathing outbursts. A place free from the stench of their dark taint. The fire built from my light shall cleanse Okada and return him to his former glory. It shall free Hangman Paige from the noose LEGION keeps about his neck! My fire shall burn Whiplash so that he may be reborn. But, a worse fate awaits Tommy End and Michael Dante.
Aiden English: This fish rots from the head and regardless of rhetoric, the Sumerian Death Squad is at the head of LEGION. Their condition is incurable and so long as either survives Fanniversary the rot may in time return to the EBWF Universe! This, can not be allowed to happen and I will not abide the return of LEGION. They must be ELIMINATED for the greater good. Like the light insists that the darkness begone, so I insists these two must do the same!
Sunday October 28th 2018
Staples Center
Los Angeles, Ca
Early Show
Fanniversary was airing live. Action had just died down in the ring when the camera cut to Corey and Mauro.
Corey Graves: We’re going to go backstage where Renee Young is with Aiden English and Raquel Diaz!
Mauro Ranallo: What an exciting night Aiden has ahead of him!
Renee Young: Thank you Corey and Mauro. My guests at this time are EBWF Breakout Champion, Aiden English, and his beautiful wife Raquel Diaz! Thanks for taking time to talk to me guys!
Raquel Diaz: Thank you Renee for that!
Aiden English: Yeah, thanks for having us!
Renee Young: Tonight you are defending your EBWF Breakout Championship against Hardcore Holly. Holly fought his way through a triple threat and then defeated Andrade Almas to secure this match. Do you think this is a more motivated Holly?
Aiden English: I don’t think anything has changed for Hardcore Holly. In order to secure his last title shot he had to defeat one of the largest athletes in EBWF history. That may go down as one of his greatest victories in EBWF. But, even after beating a giant he failed to capitalize on his title opportunity. That’s why I am standing here the EBWF Breakout Champion and you’re interviewing me about his chances of becoming a champion and not about my chances of reclaiming my title. A conversation Renee, that I don’t ever plan on having with you. This isn’t a different Hardcore Holly. He isn’t more motivated. He hasn’t found some secret to success. He didn’t learn his lesson, and I know he didn’t learn them because he’s still willing to climb in the ring with me while claiming I didn’t legitimately beat him last time we faced off. Same old dog. No new tricks. Same champion with a new clarity. It all adds up to the same outcome. I’m the Breakout Champion tonight and I will still be the Breakout Champion tomorrow night and every night for the foreseeable future.
Renee Young: Do you think the threat of facing LEGION later in the night is going to have an impact on your match with Hardcore Holly?
Aiden English: I’m sure it will. To claim any differently would be not only wrong but foolish. Renee, I have to pace myself tonight because I’m double booked. I’m double booked but I agreed to take on this challenger and this challenge in the same night. I wouldn’t have agreed if I didn’t think I could handle it. I signed on for this. I think the big difference you’re going to see in me tonight is my motivation. It’s beneficial to me to end this match with Holly as quickly as possible and with the least amount of injury. I’ve had all week to get myself into the right mindset. I think I’m going to surprise people tonight just as much as I did when I beat the former Breakout Champion.
Renee Young: You mean Se…
Aiden English: Let’s not say that name, no need to conjure up the darkness it evokes on tonight of all nights. Those in the know already know who we speak of.
Renee Young: Okay, sorry. I know there were some personal issues their.
Aiden English: Actually it was the personal issues that drove me to the heights it took to take the title off him. If it wasn’t for the fact that he had said disparaging remarks about my wife, I might even thank him for the motivation. Same as Holly. Had he not brought Raquel into this, I might go easier on him than I plan to. Had he kept this a battle between two male superstars, he could have maybe in some way had a chance to claim his first real title. You watched what happened to Elias when he brought my wife into our personal differences. You watched what happened to a man I used to call a friend. What do you think I’m capable of when I don’t have such strong feelings toward the person attacking my beautiful wife?
Renee Young: He hasn’t said anything in the lead up to this match has he?
Aiden English: I honestly haven’t been watching his promos or his twitter account. I have too much on my plate to worry what sort of sordid soliloquies he’s shamelessly spouting to the corners of every room he stands in. Let him talk, it’s all he has left. Talk because he can’t win.
Renee Young: The Universe has noted your recent twitter silence. Is your focus the reason for that absence?
Aiden English: Absolutely. I’m focusing on holding onto my title. I’m focusing on saving the EBWF Universe. I’m focusing on helping my friend Jimmy Havoc get justice for everything he’s been through these past weeks. I’m a font of focus.
Renee Young: Is spreading yourself so thing really focusing on any of those things?
Raquel Diaz: My husband’s focus is boundless. A tenth of his attention is enough to handle either of these matters individually. The last time he beat Holly, he wasn’t half the man he is today! I can attest to the fact that this new Aiden is more driven, more capable and much more focused.
Renee Young: When you fought Elias we saw a combination of your old self and the new one. Are we going to see that tonight?
Aiden English: You didn’t see a combination of my two selves. You saw me, the new me, the real me. Just because I’ve had a change of heart about cheating, lying and stealing doesn’t mean I’m without rage and anger. When someone puts my wife in danger I’m going to tap into that ruthless side of myself to make sure they don’t do it a second time. Keep a good eye on Elias Monday, he won’t even look in Raquel’s general direction after the beating I handed him. I’ve made her safe by unlocking that part of me and letting it do its thing. Now, I’ve got it back under lock and key until such time that I need to unleash it again.
Raquel Diaz: If you two don’t mind, I’m going to have to skip the rest of this interview. I just realized I left my phone in the rental car and I’m expecting a call from my mother.
Aiden English: Okay… I’ll catch up with you in the locker room.
Raquel Diaz: No! Come out to the car when you’re finished. You know mom, I’ll probably still be talking to her.
Aiden English: Alright.
Raquel Diaz: A pleasure as always Renee!
Renee Young: That was odd right?
Aiden English: Not if you know Raquel and her mother. Their closer than two sheets of paper in a closed book.
Renee Young: Interesting expression. Anyhow, so with your focus on all of these different things, how do you prepare for all of the different styles you will have to face when taking on LEGION tonight? All five of these men are completely different from one another.
Aiden English: They are different and yet they are all the same. Or so they would have you believe. They claim to be equals but we’ve all seen End calling the shots. Eliminate End and I’d be willing to bet the rest fall apart without his leadership. Maybe in power they’re not the same. Maybe in skill they’re not the same. But, they have a similarity that I can exploit in every single one of them.
Renee Young: What’s that?
Aiden English: They’re all weekend by the darkness possessing them.
Renee Young: Come again?
Aiden English: They’ve given themselves over to LEGION. They’ve abandoned what made them all great as individuals to become one and the same. In joining together they’ve made the whole less than the parts. Even though they are all great wrestlers they hold each other back by claiming to be one and the same.
Renee Young: I’m not following.
Aiden English: A chain is only as strong as its weakest link. You pull at the chain and it fractures at that point. Perhaps now you have two smaller chains but each of them is weakest at its weak link. If you keep pulling, eventually you have a mess of broken links and no more chain.
Renee Young: You think LEGION will fracture like that?
Aiden English: Do you think Okada is comfortable playing third fiddle to Tommy End and Michael Dante? Do you think Hangman Paige is going to remain comfortable acting out Tommy End’s personal vendetta? Do you think if one of them becomes a champion it makes all of them a champion? That’s what Tommy would lead you to believe. A title around a member’s waist is as good as being around all of their waists.
Renee Young: Okay?
Aiden English: Hey, pull your phone out and head over to the EBWF website. Head over to the title history page and tell me who is listed as the EBWF Tag Team Champions?
Cameraman (off screen): Sumerian Death Squad.
Aiden English: It doesn’t say Mikey Whiplash does it? Nope! Tommy End and Michael Dante are the Tag Champs! Here’s a better question, is Kazuchika Okada the EBWF Women’s Champion? No! When someone holds a title, they hold that title. That’s why the record books show Aiden English as the EBWF Breakout Champion and not Sights and Sounds Orchestra.
Renee Young: Where are you going with this?
Aiden English: Who has something to gain from this match? Does Hangman Paige get an EBWF World Title opportunity if his team wins? What if Tommy End is the first man eliminated in the match and somehow LEGION comes away with the win? Tommy End gets a title shot off the effort of the rest of his team. Do you think wrestlers as good as that are going to be okay with that? They’re going to be okay winning a title shot for someone who didn’t do any of the work? I don’t think they will, I don’t think they can. I think they’re all selfish deep down and win or loose this is going to break them at their weakest links.
Renee Young: Who are the weak links in this chain?
Aiden English: Honestly?
Renee Young: Please!
Aiden English: Michael Dante. Okada is great on his own merits. Paige too. Whiplash is a beast. Tommy End got second place in the King of the Ring this year. All of Dante’s success is on the coattails of Tommy End.
Renee Young: Speaking of King of the Ring. Tommy End was the one who eliminated you from that tournament. Does it worry you that he could also eliminate you from this match?
Aiden English: No. He took on a different me. I’ve grown to stand on my own. He’s sunk into deeper reliance on others to get the job done. Besides I’d like to point out that the man who beat him out of that tournament is none other than the man I took this title from! No more kicks to the head. Tommy’s part in my story is over and he’s about to get the Director’s Cut and ushered off set.
Renee Young: Let’s shift focus to your team in this match. How does it feel having your name next to EBWF legends in Jimmy Havoc, the Miz and Chris Jericho?
Aiden English: No love for Scurll? Wow!
Renee Young: I didn’t mean it like that!
Aiden English: No, I understand. Just take note because Marty has come into his own lately. He’s really stepped up to the plate. There’s not a long list of guys willing to put their neck on the line for the rest of the locker room.
Renee Young: Good point.
Aiden English: Marty deserves to be listed right next to Havoc, Miz and Jericho if out of pure tenacity. But, candidly it makes me a little giddy being on the same poster as these guys. Some people don’t know this, but Havoc and I have built a good friendship since I came to EBWF. He showed me the ropes, helped me get to know everyone. That’s one of the reasons I climbed into that ring, through caution to the wind and threw my hat into this conflict. Jericho is what everyone says, the Goat. Truly one of the greatest wrestlers to ever lace up a pair of boots. Miz. Man, Miz is a success story right out of a movie. From humble origins to championship titles and main events. This upcoming generation should aspire to be half as successful as the Miz.
Renee Young: I’ve got to tell you, I didn’t think I’d ever hear a nice word about anyone out of your mouth when you first started in EBWF.
Aiden English: There’s a place for pride in this industry. You’ve got to go into every match truly convinced you’re going to win, otherwise you’ve already lost. So yeah, maybe I let that get a bit out of hand. It’s the only way I knew at the time to keep up the facade of confidence. Gladly, I realize now that those four guys being great doesn’t diminish my own greatness. And, I hope that one day I will have the chance to face each and everyone of them.
Renee Young: Why?
Aiden English: I think everyone should want to test themselves against the best the industry has to offer. These men that I’m teaming with tonight, they are just that.
Renee Young: What about the members of LEGION?
Aiden English: They’re all talented. Some more than others. I’d be happy going one on one with any member of LEGION.
Renee Young: Well Aiden, I want to thank you for your time and wish you good luc…
Crewman: Aiden, you’ve got to come quick?
Aiden English: What’s wrong?
Crewman: Come on!
Corey Graves: That was strange!
Mauro Ranallo: Very!
Sunday October 28th 2018
Staples Center
Los Angeles, Ca
Mid Show
More of Fanniversary was in the books when the camera cut away to Aiden English walking up to a black suv backstage. The passenger window was busted out and the word “LEGION” was spray painted in red letters across the front windshield. Aiden pulled the door open and searched around inside the passenger seat. He came out of the car with Raquel’s phone in hand. He looked back and forth between the camera and the crew member next to him.
Aiden English: What happened here?
Crewman: No one knows. There was a loud crashing sound and when we got here, this is what it looked like.
Aiden English: Hey Vicky, did you talk to Raquel?... My phone? It’s in the locker room… Okay, what did you hear?... Uh huh… Yeah… No, don’t worry Vicky. No, I’ll make sure she’s safe and that the ones that did this are punished. You have my word.
Aiden English: Are you with them?
Crewman: With who?
Aiden English: THEM!
Mauro Ranallo: Mamma mia! I hope Raquel is okay!
Corey Graves: I can’t imagine how angry Aiden is right now. There is going to be hell to pay for whoever did this.
Mauro Ranallo: I’m worried for the safety of the people he’s going to be in the ring with tonight.
Corey Graves: I can’t believe even LEGION would stoop so low.
Mauro Ranallo: I can and I’m sure Aiden can as well!