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Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 10:32 pm
by Tony S
Again, sorry for the short one this week.. Things have already been kinda worked out with this whole thing so.. No big need to do anything to special. Either way, I hope you all enjoy.


Static overtook the screen momentarily before it faded away. There, in a foggy open field, Tommy End stood front and center among his group of brothers. Tommy looked over his right shoulder and then over his left. Tommy closed his eyes and brought his head forward.

Tommy End
”It’s finally time..

Time for all the games to end. All the backstabbing.. The torment.. The torture..

We’re done with playing around. Tonight, we come in for force, but not only to show each man who has stood against us that they’re completely in over their head. Tonight, you’re not just facing a group a throw together individuals like yourself..

No, tonight you’re facing a brotherhood. Men that I have grown up with in this business. Men that I would lay down in front of a train for. And I know that each of these men would do the same. Why? Because each of these men are like myself. We’ve all been shown the truth.. We’ve all been show what the real purpose is.. What the true purpose is.”

He paused as he opened his eyes.

Tommy End
”We’re not here for gold.. We’re not here for glory..

Jimmy.. Every man on your team is in this for one reason. They think that if they align themselves with you, that you will give them all a championship shot. They figure that you owe them. That is why they’re there.. That is why they stand beside you.

Not the brotherhood that you see before.

They’re out for themselves, and you will soon see that. You all will soon see that. You will see that your Team EBWF will fall apart at the seams. One by one, the team will fall until there is only one man left. Then, when that man is facing off against Legion, he will wish that he never joined up with you Jimmy.

We will make each man wish that they never sided with you.”

Tommy gave a smirk as he looked back at his brothers once more.

Tommy End
”Tonight, not only will we win this match and prove that we are the true force in this world.. Tonight.. We promise you something that you’ve never seen before.

Tonight.. Legion will shock the world..


The static slowly took over the screen once more as the show transitioned backed to ringside.