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The Only Outcome

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2018 7:48 pm
by Ian B
The scene opens on Tomasso Ciampa stood in front of a pin board. There are 5 pictures attached to it. One of the Gateway title and one of each of the competitors of the upcoming four way match.

Ciampa: November already. As the days become shorter and the nights longer and darker it gives more time for the less savory parts of EBWF to occur. Evil is lurking in EBWF. That's what they're saying. One word on the lips of everyone. Legion. Overshadowing everything.I'm sick of it. I've spent the last months putting the hurting on Braun Strowman, as a side effect I've caused a fair amount of damage to myself but does anyone care? Has it left twitter abuzz? Not really. All anyone wants to talk about is Legion. Enough already. My time to shine has finally arrived and I'll be damned if after Warfare they're talking about Black versus Miz. I am going out to give people something to talk about. We all are. For the first time since my return, this weeks contest is about more than simply inflicting damage. This week I want to get them talking. I want to show you all something.

Tomasso Ciampa draws attention to the images on the pin board.

Ciampa: At last count.

Ciampa removes the photo of Aiden English from he board and shows it to the camera

Ciampa: He ain't Legion

Ciampa places the picture of English on a nearby table before ripping off the photos of Kenny Omega and Almas.

Ciampa: He isn't Legion and he is royalty. So,not Legion. Together we are going to steal the show, get everyone talking. At last check none of us are affiliated with those so called people. EBWF is going to keep combating you Legion. Many will see hear these words, read them, add their own context. And in their attempts they'll bastardize what I'm trying to say. To clarify, I am not going soft. I am not sympathetic to the bleeding hearts of EBWF fans. Look into these eyes.

The camera pans in really close so that only Ciampa's eyes can be seen.

Ciampa: Blue as they may be there is no redemption possible for my soul. It's too late for that. I've seen and done too much. Besides, I was not selected to save EBWF from Legion at Fanniversary. No, I was forced into a match I didn't want with a man who wanted to end my career and probably my life. I'm nobody's second choice. I'm nobody's savior. The only agenda that concerns me is my own.

The camera pans back out but remains close so only Ciampa's face can be seen.

Ciampa: That doesn't mean there is no redemption story. On the contrary, the next chapter in the career of Tomasso Ciampa unfolds at Warfare. An extra special chapter. Think for a moment about the competitors in my match. Three out of the four of them know what it's like to hold a title in EBWF. Former World Champion, current Breakout Champion and the current, soon to be former Gateway champion. Who is the odd man out? That's right. Me. Shock horror. Does that mean my credentials are any less? Though? No, it does not. All it means is I am the one who is the most hungry. I want it the most. Also, I hold a title that none of the men or any other will ever take from me. The greatest sports entertainer of all time. Let's look at my opponents for a moment.

The camera pans out. Ciampa reaches down and picks up the photo of Andrade Cien Almas.

Ciampa: Almas. Against me he is untested but consider his history with my other two opponents. He fought in a multi man match against English, lost that. Last week against Kenny Omega? He lost that too. Even Cien and his flawed logic has to see it. Even though he walks in with the belt he is the one least likely to walk out with it. Current Gateway Champion? How did he "earn" that? Oh yeah, I know he won a match to be number one contender. But what did he do to gain that shot? Not a damn thing. Weeks before I was the one laying out the former champ. Aiden English was in that same picture. Almas? Not so much. At Warfare that wrong is going to be righted. No hard feelings Almas. If anything you have my sympathy.

Ciampa laughs.

Ciampa: You probably have more backbone than your predecessor. The cards have just fallen wrong for you, boy. You got the dead mans hand. An eight and... oh, damn. Black ace of hearts. How unlucky can you get?

Ciampa rips up the picture of Almas and throws it at the camera.

Ciampa: NEXT!

Ciampa picks up the image of Kenny Omega and shows it to the camera. He laughs again.

Ciampa: The One Legged Angel himself. He has heart. Doesn't have four fully functional limbs though. Kendal, I know I JUST talked about stealing the show together but, come on. You're walking into your matches with a body part that is nowhere near fully healed? I know it, you know it. Almas and English know it. Would be rude not to exploit such an advantage. Know what I mean?

Ciampa subconsciously rubs his ribs suggesting that he is not at 100% from his battle at Fanniversary.

Ciampa: You have a win over the current champ so have more credibility than he does in my eyes but... you said it yourself last week. You feel the Gateway title is below you. See it as a means to an end. Pride comes before a fall Omega and your fall from grace could well be unpleasant. Take a leaf out of the Ciampa book. Rest up properly and then come back in... I dunno a year. Or don't, I really don't care what you do Kendal.

Ciampa rips up the photo of Omega and grabs the final picture.

Ciampa: Dammit English. I li... I didn't hate you like I hated most others. You seemed like an okay guy. We did business and everything was good. I scratched your back, you scratched mine. Business was business. Then you got distracted. You got recruited by our world champ. Team EBWF. Oh, Aiden. I lost respect for you as soon as you associated yourself with the likes of Marty Scurll. So beneath you. So unbefitting for a gentleman of your caliber. I am not a fan of legion. I think I made that clear but, after Fanniversary they have one redeeming quality. They showed you for the gullible fool I guess you always were. So, Drama King. Give it up, step away from the limelight for a second because the spotlight does not belong to you this evening. Keep defending the Breakout title and you'll be just fine. I hear Holly wants another go at you. Unfortunately for you Aiden. Just like Omega, just like Almas you will fall to your superior, the greatest sports entertainer of all time.

Ciampa rips up the photo

Ciampa: Tomasso. Ciampa... And, I guess that means.

Ciampa removes the picture of himself and of the Gateway Championship from the pin board and shows them to the camera.

Ciampa: This is the only outcome that makes any sense.