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No More Heroes

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2018 10:09 pm
by Tony S
What a week it’s been.. First, I want to thank everyone for their well wishes and their support. You guys are truly amazing. Secondly, I’m sorry for another short one. This week has been blur and honestly, I’ve been trying to get some ideas down, but my head has just been one big headache. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy and good luck DJ.


The video begun in darkness, nothing could be seen in the black. Suddenly the darkness was illuminated by one solitary, Edison style light bulb. Tommy End let go of the drawstring to the light. He softly tapped the light and watched as it swung back and forth.

Tommy End
”You thought that you had it all figured out..

Didn’t you?”

He stepped in front of the light, which continued to swing back and forth behind him.

Tommy End
”Just when you all think that you have Legion figured out..


You get knocked back on your ass.. Bewildered. Lost. Confused.. Why is that? Why is that everytime you think that you have us figured out, we yet again, prove all your thoughts wrong?”

A smirk grew on his Tommy’s shadowed face.

Tommy End
”Especially you.. Miz.”

You could see that smirk quickly leave Tommy’s face. His eyes narrowed as he spoke The Miz’s name.

Tommy End
”Just like the rest of the world, you were shocked.

I stood there in front of you.. I looked into your eyes when it happened. I saw the spirit leave your soul the moment Jimmy drove that barbed wire bat into your gut. When those barbs of steel dug into your flesh..

Let me ask you something Miz..

Which hurt more? The barbed wire digging into your flesh, or the heartbreak of having your hero ripping your heart right out of your chest?

I ask you, and I ask that of the EBWF Universe..”

The light slowed in the background as Tommy paused.

Tommy End
”At Fanniversary, you all saw that even your heroes are nothing against Legion..

One by one, they stood up, only to fall. They fell to the superior faction in the history of man..

They fell to Legion!!”

Tommy stood there in front of the light.

Tommy End
”We proved that there is no man in EBWF is better than Legion. We prove that no man is above Legion.. It doesn’t matter how many championships you’ve held. It doesn’t matter if you’ve been with EBWF for its entirety..

Legion has always been there.. Legion will always be here.

It doesn’t matter what roadblocks you put up. What man you put in front of us.. We’ve always found a way to come out on top, and we always will. We always have the upper hand. We’re always just a few steps ahead of everyone..

Now.. Why is that?”

He raised his arms and gave a quick shrug.

Tommy End
”It’s because we’ve proven everything I have said since we arrived..

I told you that you couldn’t trust anyone.. We’ve shown our faces, but there are millions who haven’t. There are still countless names that would turn everyone’s world upside down.. Countless members of Legion who would make everyone rethink what they believe.

Just in a few months, we have shown our strengths. We’ve shown the depth that our influence goes. From arguably the best wrestler in the world today, Kazuchika Okada.. To your EBWF World Champion, Jimmy Havoc..”

He paused once more.

Tommy End
”And that’s just the tip of the iceberg, believe me.”

Tommy turned to the side and took a step towards the light.

Tommy End
”I hope from here on out, you people listen to what we say.. You listen and you take everything that we say seriously. We’ve proven that what we say is the truth..

We’ve proven it as we’ve shown our depths in this world.. We’ve proven it when I was the last man stand at Fanniversary when Legion took on EBWF’s top talent. We took them on and we overcame each and every one of them. From the current Breakout Champion, to a two former World Champions, to the current EBWF World Champion.. And if you remember correctly, it was me that eliminated each and every World Champion that was on Team EBWF.

That’s right.. I eliminated Jimmy Havoc, Chris Jericho, and you..


Tommy turned his body slightly.

Tommy End
”Yeah, I pinned you Miz.. In the center of that ring, I kept your shoulders on that mat for the one two three.

Make all the excuses you want, but it doesn’t change a thing. I beat you Miz.. When the hope for EBWF’s future was in your hands. The entire EBWF Universe on your side. Your chance to become a hero..

I beat you.

Just like I’m going to do to you tonight.. But this time, it’ll be just me and you. There are no teams.. There’s no help. Tonight, when I beat you.. There won’t be any excuses. No. Instead Miz, you will shown that I didn’t just beat you at Fanniversary because you were worn out, or distracted.. No.

Tonight, when I beat you, it will prove that I am better than you. It will prove that Legion is better than you..

Your days as World Champion.. Those days are long gone now Miz. You don’t have a chance at getting that championship back..”

Tommy raised his arm to the gripped the drawstring to light with his hand.

Tommy End
”Make sure you bring your flashlights.. These are dark days in EBWF. We have everything that matters.. We are the champions..

We are..


Tommy yanked down on the drawstring as the light flicked off. The filament burned a while long until is faded into the black.