Friday November 9th 2018
Curtain Call Youtube Channel
The video opened with Aiden English standing in the center of the screen. Behind him a sandy beach gave way to a vast blue ocean. The remnant effects of hastey green screen silhouetted him. Further in the distance an old wooden ship was moored. A spattering of clouds hung idly in the sky. Aiden was wearing a get up that looked like it could have been borrowed from Disney’s production of Pirates of the Caribbean. A white long coat with gold accents, a white eye patch covering his left eye and the Breakout Title over his right shoulder adorned him. He was wearing a traditional tricorn captain's hat in white with a gold feather.
Aiden English: You know, I’ve realized over the last few months that everyone is a ship lost at sea. Trying to find their way to the next shoreline, hoping that land will rise over the horizon. We scan ahead, looking for opportunity to dock, resupply and resume our journey to whatever destination we’ve selected for ourselves. Each of us is constantly undergoing a personal trial. The trials we overcome or succumb to shape us, make us into the vessels we want or need to be. Memories, skills, talent. These are the crew that keeps us moving. Our friends and family are beacons, lighthouses dotting the shoreline, keeping us safe from going aground. Everyone has their reason for sailing the waters they’ve chosen for their life. Everyone has desires, dreams, hopes and aspirations. But, not everyone reaches that final port.
Aiden English: Along the way we may come up against MONSTERS! We may battle with KINGS and be betrayed. We may come to wear GLORY or be draped in DEFEAT. These events, the monsters, kings, wins and loses, they can have a profound effect on us. They can make trivial things seem important and important things seem trivial. Clarity is hard to find in stormy waters. But, if you can brave the storm and make it out on the other side, it can be smooth sailing for a time. Sometimes on the other side of that storm is a fleet of problems. Other times it’s an opportunity ripe for the plunder.
Aiden English: This week my personal trial leads me into conflict with three other lost ships, an opportunity and a challenge. Four of us. All with our own goals, our own talents and our own weaknesses. Some, I am well acquainted with, our paths passing in the past. Others that I will have not met until the moment I climb in the ring. Four lost ships, one spot in the harbor. Who will have the talent and tenacity to tackle three troublesome travelers? You’ll have to tune into Warfare to find out how this story ends. A story woven from the fabric of four others.
Aiden English: Kenny Omega is a great unknown sea to me. As I was walking in through the doors, he was being unceremoniously carried out. While he has repaired and rehabilitated himself, I have made a name for myself in the EBWF. Time, is ever flowing. It waits for no man, not even the last man. And, while Kenny was hobbiling in and out of cars to be taken to physical therapy sessions, doctor visits and pharmacies the world passed him by. Now Kenny has emerged from the shipwright rebuilt and ready to reclaim what he thinks he’s owed, but he’s moments too late. That ship has sailed and he’s back at square one.
Aiden English: Sadly, Old Ahab Omega’s journey is one that hinges on its own white whale. It is his goal as much as it is his self image. Without the whale, he feels like a lesser, incomplete man. But not just any whale will do, NO! Kenny has eyes on a way to THE white whale, Moby Dick! He has a plan that he has been more than happy to share with the Universe since his return at Fanniversary. He once blazed a trail and now he hopes that same path will be clear to him once more. He is so blind with ambition he can’t see that in his absence the Universe has shifted, the tectonic plates have slid and the plans he drew up in hopes of some great hunt are worthless. There is no quick path to success for Kenny. No, now he’s just another face in the crowd and all the sympathy he gained from the Universe when he walked out on Warfare is gone in the handful of words he’s spoke since his return.
Aiden English: He rants like a half mad lunatic about what he’s done, who he’s been and who he’s beat along the way. He’s clinging to the sighting of that white whale. Using that to push him forward. And now, the only path to the prey that Omega truly seeks runs through this point. This match determines if Kenny deserves to be back at the helm of EBWF. This match could give Kenny a new hope for catching the whale he desires over all else. This match is a means to that end. Winning this match is the compass that will right his course and set him sailing for that final confrontation. A great motivation, no doubt. To hold onto target he let slip through his fingers in days past. Unfortunately, his blinding personal ambition is going to have to wait, for the greater good of the EBWF Universe.
Aiden English: Next we have the returning hero, our current Gateway Champion, Andrade Almas. He and I have heard stories of one another in passing! We’ve taunted one another in public forums and around campfires. We’ve seen each other coming in bloodied from this war and that. And, both of us fly a flag of prestige and glory. Like the Greeks at Troy we both overcame obstacles in our way to make a name for ourselves in EBWF.
Aiden English: In fact, just two weeks ago at Fanniversary, Almas was given the opportunity to make that name for himself here in EBWF, and he did it. He won the Gateway Championship from Dalton Castle much to the surprise of the Universe. He toppled the walls of his own personal Troy and took the treasure back onto his boat. The gods smiled on his siege. Now we’re two weeks later and those gods are equally disillusioned with him holding the Gateway as the fans are. Those gods have placed rough waters before him. Waters that have him defending his title against not one, not two, but three others. They have him defending it in a match that he doesn’t have to lose to have his title taken from him. Almas has his stolen treasure on board and he’s navigating the shark infested waters of glory for the first time.
Aiden English: He’s set sail with nothing but the intent to take the title home, and he’s yet to make it back to that harbor. That’s right, he hasn’t even had time to take the Gateway Title home to the waiting arms of Charlotte Flair and Zelina Vega in hopes that they might embrace him lovingly. But Zelina is out courting other stars, with bigger… accolades. And Flair has her eyes trained on obtaining her own glory. It would take the intervention of Athena herself to make either care about the returning champion. And, when he gets hopelessly lost, it’s likely neither the glory mad heir Telemachus nor the ill suited Penelope will come looking for him.
Aiden English: Unfortunate as it is, that is his sole purpose for participating in this match. It’s on his way home and he has to compete. The gods are making him dance for their pleasure. It’s a contractually obligated defence and so his motivations are not even his own. He is just here to clutch the treasure as close to his chest as he can and hopefully make it out the other side in one piece. Fear. Andrade’s motivation is fear. The fear that no one cares! The fear that no one is watching! The fear of losing the opportunity he only just gained. Opportunity he gained by failing to secure a shot at a different kind of glory...
Aiden English: An opportunity he got because the gods set him on a collision course with me for Fanniversary but the great storm, Holly, derailed Almas from his course. The great storm that came and went blowing hot air about but doing no damage. In pity Almas was given another shot at glory and he came through. He bested the cyclops and took his treasure for his own. Without that storm to divert him to safer waters, Almas would have walked into Fanniversary and left with nothing. He wouldn’t be walking into this match Monday. He wouldn’t be facing the Odyssey of a lifetime. He would have been left laying on that Trojan shore in Los Angeles two weeks ago.
Aiden English: Unfortunately for Almas, the Universe requires a sacrifice. It requires that Almas step aside and make room for the hero it needs. It requires that the lost hero fade back into obscurity. The Gateway Title has a destiny and for that destiny the fates require a different title bearer. The Odyssey of Andrade Almas comes to an end.
Aiden English: Tommaso and I have more than a passing knowledge of one another. Our stories have already crossed paths. He features in the chapter of my story where I became the first wrestler in EBWF history to pin Braun Strowman. He features in the darker part of my story where I was still lost in the darkness of my old life. When I was still finding myself. That crossover chapter established what I was willing to do to get the job done and how much Ciampa hated Braun Strowman. How much he wanted revenge on Braun Strowman. How focused he was on beating Braun Strowman. That chapter was the start of Ciampa’s great opus, the twisted vengeance he sought against Braun Strowman.
Aiden English: Ciampa sought it and he got it. He achieved his goal of beating Strowman, of repaying the debt he considered owed. He was riding waves of success against the Monster. Until his sea fell flat and the wind abandoned his sails. Now Ciampa has no direction. He has no goal. He has no motivation. And, perhaps this opportunity is exactly what Ciampa needs to find that drive, motivation and determination. Maybe this is exactly what he needs to find his course and move on with his career. To get over Braun Strowman, the vengeance and plotting. It’s what HE needs. But, the needs of the individual are nothing when compared with the needs of the many.
Aiden English: No, Ciampa finds himself adrift in a sea of possibilities and what ifs. He’s like Andrade merely trying to survive until he finds a direction to travel in. Until he spots some distant shore and begins the journey toward it. Sadly for Ciampa, on this ship he is not the sole occupant. No, Monday he’s one of four passengers all looking toward the same shore, all knowing that only one of them can make it, all knowing that they’ll have to fight like their life depends on it.
Aiden English: Four very different creatures. Almas, the prized zebra. Renowned for his achievements but the weakest one onboard. Omega, the orangutan. He’s was spectacular once but a more dominant species rose in his place. Ciampa, the hyena. The laughing villains, hungry enough to devour the two previously mentioned passengers. Then you have me, Richard Parker, the tiger on this raft.
Aiden English: Ciampa is a threat, a challenge to be overcome. He is, by all accounts, the one to be feared. The one to be feared by everyone in this match that isn’t Aiden English. A threat to those who still find themselves lost. A threat to the erm.. mother, the cook and the sailor. But, he’s a first act threat, one that quickly disappears when the main struggle in the story become between man and himself. This story isn’t Ciampa’s hope for a distant shore, for new direction. He’s a supporting character for the betterment of the Universe. He’s a strong second fiddle.
Aiden English: The truth of this story is that it’s my story. It’s a microcosm of the struggles that lie in front of me. The journey upstream that is yet to come. It’s the tale of my travel into the Heart of Darkness currently corrupting the EMBW Universe. It’s the story of the road to justice, to purification. It’s the story of me taking the lighthouse onboard and using it to burn darkness out of every deep recess. It’s the story of the end of a little thing called LEGION but in a condensed form.
Aiden English: It’s the story of my battle against Ends in all their forms. Against the Tommy Omega, the Kenny End, who thinks himself the best in the business when he can’t see the world changing around him. A man who leans into his darkness for an ego to boost him up. A great wrestler that overshadows even himself. It’s the story of how even darkness so grand can’t stand before the light without being burnt. This is the story of how I will overcome adversity that no one expects me to beat. Monday I will get the best of Kenny Omega, because his personal ambition is not in the best interests of the EBWF Universe. Because, the Gateway Title has a grander destiny than returning Omega to his former glory.
Aiden English: The Gateway Title has a destiny that concludes just as it begins. It begins with triumph over an undeserving, cowardly champion. A champion willing to do anything to keep his claws dug into the fabric of the Universe. A champion who, when faced with adversity, turns tail and runs in the other direction. A champion who fears even his own reflection in the title’s shine. It begins with my defeat of Andrade Almas, with the Gateway Title coming home over my shoulder. That beginning leads to an eerily similar conclusion. With the Gateway Title in hand, there’s another cowardly champion that needs to be dethroned. From the King of Royalty to the King of Goths. A story of justice for the EBWF Universe that’s worth more than any champions safe return home.
Aiden English: A story worth more than new direction for a hidden threat I’ve already crossed paths with. Be it Ciampa or Dante, the EBWF Universe demands that they be given over to the light. For I walk the righteous path to purification, and that path leads through both men. That path, the destiny of the Gateway Title, demands that Tommaso look elsewhere for his next great adventure. It demands that Michael Dante be made incapable of interfering in the righteous justice that is to come. For Ciampa, I hope this serves as a beacon of light to draw him to the right side of the coming war for the heart of the EBWF Universe.
Aiden English: Oh that’s right. The war did not end with Havoc’s betrayal at Fanniversary. I am not finished with this crusade. I still carry the light with me, and I will use it to eradicate the venom that is LEGION from the EBWF Universe. I have seen into the hearts of these men and I have seen the darkness that lies within. Monday my journey upstream to relieve Havoc of his duty to the EBWF Universe begins. He’s the heralded Kurtz to my Marlow. And, my story’s end requires him to pass on into the great unknown beyond.
Aiden English: My story isn’t vengeance, isn’t survival, isn’t new direction. My story is justice for the entire EBWF Universe. Justice for the sins of LEGION. Justice for the betrayal of our World Champion. Justice for the sake of justice owed.
Aiden English: Almas, like Havoc, needs to vanish like THE SHADOW of a man he’s become. No Almas, I’m sorry that I can’t allow you to finish the long Odyssey home with the Gateway Title across your waist. It has to serve a greater purpose than any you could ever offer it. It needs to be carried into the light. And like all shadows, you can not exist within the light.
Aiden English: Omega, like End, needs to be taught that he’s not as great as his ego leads him to believe. Omega, your time in the spotlight was before the time of Aiden English. Before I commanded, no BECAME the spotlight of the EBWF Universe. The Gateway Title can’t be used to stoke your ego and reclaim a lost accolade. Like your return to the ring, you’ll have to earn your former glory with hard work and determination that you haven’t yet put in.
Aiden English: Ciampa, like Dante, needs to find his feet. Needs to figure out who he is, without defining himself using another wrestler’s name. I hope that day comes when you can seperate yourself from Strowman, and make a name that isn’t so closely tied to his. I hope that your name stands on its own one day. Before you can be a Champion you need to be standing on your own two feet. No, building your name on this title is no better than building it on the back of someone else.
Aiden English: Justice is coming. Justice will be delivered. And, justice will be answered. Monday and onward.
Monday November 12th 2018
EBWF Facebook Video Live
From the Moda Center
In Portland, Oregon
Renee Young was standing to the left of the screen. On the right side was Aiden English, dressed for competition with his usual white denim vest and his wife Raquel Diaz in white tights and a tight white top of her own. She was adorned similarly to Aiden with gold accents, gold jewelry and little gold earrings shaped like title belts.
Renee Young: Ladies and gentlemen, please join me in welcoming Aiden English and Raquel Diaz to the first episode of Interwar. Thanks for agreeing to do this!
Aiden English: We’re glad to be invited to be your first guests. Love the name by the way.
Renee Young: I can’t take credit for that one.
Raquel Diaz: Oh, really? That’s good I guess, because I don’t get it.
Renee Young: It’s an interview show on Facebook live before Warfare. So Interwar.
Raquel Diaz: So it’s a combination of the words warfare and interview? Couldn’t the same name be used for any segment you do on the show itself?
Renee Young: I suppose…
Renee Young: What’s so funny?
Raquel Diaz: Yeah babe, what’s the joke?
Aiden English: Interwar. It’s a period of time between periods of war. Literally the space between two wars. So, yes it’s a combination of interview and warfare but it’s also like a really good play on words. Someone deserves a raise.
Renee Young: Oh, yeah I’ll take credit for that. I’ll take the raise.
Raquel Diaz: She needs one after dealing with you all the time, Mr Knowitall.
Aiden English: Sorry, it struck my fancy. We can continue.
Renee Young: Okay, whew. You guys are fun! Thanks, again for joining me.
Aiden English: You’re welcome.
Renee Young: So, it’s a huge Warfare this week! You’ve been put in a Fatal Four Way for the Gateway Championship. Which means there is a chance that you walk out of the arena tonight as a DOUBLE CHAMPION! How does that feel?
Aiden English: It’s amazing! It feels good to have everything I’ve been doing around here recognized by management. The fact that someone sees enough in me to give me a shot of carrying two of the most prestigious titles in the wrestling industry is kind of overwhelming. It feels like putting me in two high profile matches at Fanniversary was a test. To see how well I can perform having to split my focus. And, that second match didn’t go great but I gave my hundred percent in both matches and I can’t help but think of this opportunity as a reward for that.
Renee Young: We’ll come back to that second match at Fanniversary but I want to dig a little deeper into tonight’s match. Before Fanniversary there was something resembling a tournament to determine the number one contender for your Breakout Title. Andrade Almas was a part of that set of matches. What do you think about now competing for his title just a few weeks later?
Aiden English: It’s an interesting feeling. Honestly, I was a little confused when Almas was named the number one contender for the Gateway Championship. Just as confused in fact as I was when Hardcore Holly earned himself a second shot at me and the Breakout Championship. Not because Holly wasn’t worthy, no he proved his worth by winning a triple threat and then besting Almas one on one. No, I was surprised Holly wanted a second go with me. I was surprised Holly had it in him. Just like I was surprised Almas had it in him to beat Dalton Castle. Dalton has been a consistent competitor, if not the best. Almas on the other hand comes and goes in waves. One week he’s great, the next week he’s forgettable. That hasn’t changed with the Gateway Title around his waist. Two weeks ago at the Pay per view? Amazing work! Last week against Kenny Omega? Not so much!
Renee Young: Speaking of Kenny Omega, what do you think about the former EBWF World Champion? Some people claim he’s one of the best wrestlers to ever live. How do you prepare for someone like that?
Aiden English: Some people? I think those people you’re talking about are Kenny Omega himself. He’s the only one I’ve ever heard call Kenny Omega one of the best in the world. I don’t think he’s said anything else since announcing his return at Fanniversary. You know when he popped up in the pre-show. I don’t think Kenny has had much to say other than he’s great and he deserves to be competing for the World Title he lost to Miz. Then lost the rematch for. How do I prepare for someone that’s all talk, all the time? It’s not hard. I know that guy better than just about anyone in this industry. I used to be that guy. I used to talk about title shots I deserved, I used to talk about being the best of the best. I used to talk a big talk. That guy… I know that guy. I beat that guy at Fanniversary. Hardcore Holly is that guy. Always running his mouth, talking about who he’s going to beat up. I know this guy. I’m prepared for this guy. And, Kenny Omega is exactly this guy. He’s got a lot to say. He’s clinging to the past. He’s not looking forward, he’s looking backward. Backward to the height of his time in the EBWF. Backward to his title reign. Backward to the Rumble. The past is behind us. Sure, I’m stepping into the ring with a FORMER champion. Kenny Omega is stepping into the ring with a CURRENT champion. Kenny Omega is stepping into the ring with a FUTURE champion. While he looks to prove he’s the same guy he was when he got sidelined, I’m looking to prove that I continue to grow and evolve. I’m looking to prove that I’m better than I was last week, better than I was the week before that.
Renee Young: No shortage of words about Kenny Omega. Seems like you’ve given a lot of consideration to his addition to this match.
Aiden English: Of course I have. He’s my opponent. It’s my job to think about what he can do between those ropes. It’s my job to know what he’s capable of, better than he does. It’s how I come at every match. I watch footage all week long while we’re on the road. Two, three and four matches at a time. I know Kenny’s moves. I know Kenny’s tricks. I know Kenny’s thoughts and aspirations. So yes, I’ve given a lot of thought to Kenny Omega and what his return to the EBWF means for not only me but the rest of the roster. I’ve taken the time to see what he’s about and where he stands. And, he’s near the top. Maybe not one of the best to ever do it, but one of the best this company has to offer. The part I don’t understand is that just like Havoc, End, Almas, Holly and so many others he’s more obsessed with himself than he is the people that give up there hard earned money to make sure he gets paid. Maybe after tonight he’ll see that having them in my corner is what makes me the better man. Maybe he will embrace the light. Maybe…
Renee Young: Aiden, are you okay?
Aiden English: Ummm… yeah…
Aiden English: The EBWF Universe deserves better than the likes of Kenny Omega. Not because he doesn’t have the talent, but because he doesn't have the heart! Because he doesn’t care about the people that will fill this arena tonight. That’s the World Champion they have. Someone who doesn’t care. That’s what we need to be moving away from!
Aiden English: Sorry. I let my emotions get the better of me.
Renee Young: No, it’s okay. Other than Kenny Omega and the current Gateway Champion, Andrade Almas, you’re also going to be up against Tommaso Ciampa. Ciampa made his return to the EBWF to help you advance in the King of the Ring tournament against Braun Strowman. You also teamed with him to take on Strowman and former Gateway Champion Dalton Castle. What are your thoughts on facing your former ally tonight?
Aiden English: I wouldn’t call him an ally. The plan against Braun Strowman was more a collaboration of opportunity. He wanted revenge and I wanted to win. At the time, I was the kind of wrestler who didn’t care about ethics. A wrestler who didn’t care how he got the job done as long as he got the job done. At that time I was a lot like Ciampa.
Renee Young: You see yourself in Ciampa?
Aiden English: Well not myself but I see my old self in Ciampa. In all our dealings, I’ve learned that he is the same person I was before I stepped into the light. Before I saw the errors of my way and became a better man. A better wrestler. A better champion. I’ve evolved into something new, while he’s still stuck in the darkness of my past. Seems that clinging to the past is an epidemic in the EBWF.
Renee Young: Do you have anything else to say about your competition tonight?
Aiden English: Only to tell you what everyone is going to say. Everyone is going to say exactly what the point of my rambling is. Everyone is going to say that they’re going to win. Everyone is going to tell the EBWF Universe that they’re the best man in this match. That’s what wrestlers do. Some of us show a little respect to our rivals. Some of us show nothing but disrespect to everyone around us. Some of us blaze our own path. Almas is going to tell you he’s walking out of Warfare still a champion. Kenny Omega is going to tell you this is his golden path back to the title he loves. Ciampa is going to tell you he conquered the monster among men and that makes this match nothing.
Aiden English: They’re wrong. They’re all in this for themselves. They’re all self serving. They’re all lone wanders. I’m not going into this match for myself. I’ve got a title, I’m already a champion. I’m going into this match with the weight and power of the EBWF Universe on my shoulders. I’m going to win because it’s a win for the ENTIRE EBWF UNIVERSE!
Renee Young: You’ve talked a lot about the EBWF Universe and winning this match for them. How does Aiden English as the Gateway Champion help the Universe?
Aiden English: It doesn’t.
Renee Young: Then why do you think you’re doing this for the Universe.
Aiden English: Because there is something bigger at stake tonight. The Gateway Championship is just that. It’s a Gateway to the World Champion. It’s an open invitation to take on the man who carries that title on his shoulder. It’s an opportunity at JIMMY HAVOC.
Renee Young: Oh…
Aiden English: Championships. Tonight’s match involves all three of the male singles titles in the EBWF. Tonight my match determines the fate of the EBWF Universe. It’s either more of the same with Almas, more of the same with Omega, more of the same with Ciampa or a chance at something new with that title right here.
Aiden English: Right here next to the EBWF Breakout Championship. Because either one of my competitors, win or lose against Jimmy Havoc is just more self serving champions. Tonight determines the fate of all three titles, because WHEN I win tonight, I’m setting my sights on Havoc. And let cry the dogs of war, because I’m coming relentlessly. I’m coming to avenge the fans that Jimmy Havoc betrayed. I’m coming to make myself Aiden English, the Drama King with a triple crown!
Aiden English: I’m sorry Renee. I was focused.
Renee Young: It seems like the events of Fanniversary have hit you hard, what’s going on inside your head.
Aiden English: When everything started spiraling with Jimmy, Miz and LEGION I had to take a hard look at the people around me to make sure they weren’t members. I had to figure out who my friends were and who couldn’t be trusted. Like the fans, I put my faith in the hands of Jimmy Havoc. I had his back. And, I thought that he had mine. Renee, I put my faith in the wrong people. And, I don’t hand out my faith freely. I was betrayed. The Universe was betrayed. Miz, Scurll and Jericho were betrayed.
Aiden English: Betrayal because Jimmy Havoc was too afraid to keep fighting LEGION. He was tired of the pain and punishment and so he gave into it. I guess we shouldn’t be surprised, it’s a bit of a repeat performance for the Champ. Think back to Wrestlemania when Wes was dishing out painful blow after painful blow and Jimmy couldn’t take it. So he laid down and gave in. The past, the present and the future. Because Jimmy, you’re in my sights. The pain I have in store for you is going to make what End did look like an episode of Sesame Street! The things I have planned for you are unprecedented, unimaginable and inevitable.
Raquel Diaz: Go ahead honey. Go clear your head, I’ll finish up here.
Aiden English: Thank you my love. What would I do without you?
Raquel Diaz: I’m not good enough for your show, Renee?
Renee Young: It’s not that, I just had more questions for Aiden.
Raquel Diaz: I can answer all your questions. I know my husband better than anyone else. I know what he’s thinking, what he’s capable of and how he would want me to answer. Fire away.
Renee Young: Do you think Aiden is going to be able to clear his head of thoughts on Jimmy Havoc and keep it together long enough to win tonight?
Raquel Diaz: Recently my love has decided to avoid calling himself the best wrestler in the business. He’s grown an aversion to telling people that there’s not a man in this business he couldn’t put the boots to and beat without a second thought. Lately Aiden has decided to show a little humility. Fortunately, we’re a married couple and not the same person! I have no issues telling you that Aiden English is the best wrestler in the business today! I have no issues telling you that there is no one in the EBWF that has any hope of beating my husband! I have no issues telling you that Aiden English is meant for greater things than Breakout and Gateway Championships. Aiden is rightful heir to the Guerrero family name! I’m PROUD to call him my husband, my mother is PROUD to call him her son and my father would have been just as PROUD. No, Aiden doesn’t need to be a proud man because the Guerreros are PROUD enough to have him.
Renee Young: When Aiden first came to EBWF he was leaning on one of your father’s old mottos. He adapted it for himself but he was basically spouting lie, cheat, steal to the EBWF Universe. Do you think that man is truly gone?
Raquel Diaz: No. That man is never going to be gone for good. That man is in there somewhere and all it takes is people like Jimmy Havoc to draw it back out. All it takes is anger and that willingness to do anything to win comes right back out. It’s part of who he is. It’s part of why he loves me, and why I love him. He’ll be back. Trust me when I say that.
Renee Young: How do you feel about this new Aiden who cares about the fans?
Raquel Diaz: It serves a purpose.
Renee Young: Care to elaborate on that?
Raquel Diaz: Nope. Not with you. Not with the fans. You’ll find out when it’s time for you to find out.
Renee Young: Let’s refocus. If Aiden is able to win tonight and becomes the Gateway Champion do you think he’s going to be able to defend both titles week in and week out?
Raquel Diaz: Able? Yes, Aiden could defend both titles week in and week out. Aiden could defend those two titles and two more. Title match after title match. And they would all go like every title match he’s had in this company. Seth Rollins for the Breakout Title. Aiden won. Holly for the Breakout Title. Aiden won. Holly again for the Breakout Title. Aiden won. Tonight, Omega, Almas, Ciampa for the Gateway Title. Aiden will win. Anytime against anyone for any title. Aiden will win. You can take those words to the bank.
Renee Young: You certainly think highly of your husband.
Raquel Diaz: Renee, I’m a Guerrero. I’m part of the first family of professional wrestling. The Guerreros ARE lucha libre. Do you think I would have brought Aiden into this family. Do you think my cousins, uncles, mother would have let Aiden into this family if he wasn’t the best in the business? NO! Aiden improves the Guerrero family tree. Aiden elevates it. Our children will be the future of this industry! Show a little respect Renee, for a legacy in the making. For a future World Champion. Show a little respect for the future of EBWF, the future of professional wrestling. Show a little respect for the future… PERIOD!
Raquel Diaz: Don’t bother. This interview is over. Next week you can have the pleasure of hosting EBWF’s Breakout and Gateway Champions on your show. Next week you can interview Aiden English again, but you better have developed a little bit of respect!
Raquel Diaz: You try and touch me again and I’ll show you how I live up to that Guerrero legacy.
Renee Young: Thank you for tuning into Interwar on Facebook Live! I’m sorry for the last moments of the interview. Tonight on Warfare, Andrade Almas defends the Gateway Championship against Aiden English, Kenny Omega and Tommaso Ciampa in what is sure to be one of the best matches of 2018! Then the Miz goes one on one against Tommy End! It’s going to be a great night and it starts RIGHT NOW!