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Face the Music

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2018 10:41 pm
by Billy
**Hey guys, sorry for the poor showing this week. I waited until the 11th hour to put this together and my wrist is killing me. Good luck to everyone this week!!!**

The video from started with an EBWF logo and a small little exclusive logo at the bottom right. The video faded in on Elias pacing the floor in a green room of a local concert venue. The EBWF camera crew that was following him for the week tightened the shot on his furrowed brow and snarling lip. Elias punched the wall.

Elias Samson: Can you believe this? I’m on the marquee! How can you run out of time for a headlining act? So unprofessional!

Elias turned to the camera and grunted.

Elias Samson: Can you turn that damn thing off?

Cameraman: Boss said we have to catch every minute for the special, sorry.

Elias Samson: What do I do? This would never happen if I was still…

A monitor in the background cut to static. A distorted voice rang out from the speakers.

Voice: Music man… Oh music man…

Elias jumped and turned to face the screen behind him.

Elias Samson: Who the hell?

Voice: I’m not finished with you yet!

Elias Samson: WHO ARE YOU!

Voice: I wouldn’t worry about that, I’m coming for you!

The screen went black and Elias shuttered. He turned to face the camera.

Cameraman: Was that the person who attacked you on Warfare?

Elias Samson: Who else would it be? Yes! Obviously!

Cameraman: Any ideas on their identity?

Elias Samson: Did you not hear me asking? Idiot.

Cameraman: Do you think it could be Andrade Almas?

Elias tilted his head to the side and shook it confusedly.

Elias Samson: No, why would Almas attack me?

Cameraman: You’re scheduled to face him Monday.

Elias Samson: Oh yeah, sorry I had more important things on my mind than him.

Cameraman: He’s a former Gateway Champion, maybe you should focus.

Elias Samson: Yeah, and he fought real hard to keep that title didn’t he?

Cameraman: He faced three other men!

Elias Samson: And, got eliminated first. I don’t think that sets fear into the heart of an opponent. Seems a bit like a joke to me. I’d consider writing a song about him if he wasn’t so beneath me.

Cameraman: Sorry.

Elias Samson: Don’t mention it.

Elias went back to pacing the room.

Elias Samson: Now find someone who can explain how they don’t have a spot for me to perform in front of this crowd tonight because I’m not getting it. How could someone make such a massive mistake?

The video faded to black.