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Next EBWF Women's Champion

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2018 11:31 pm
by Tony S
What’s going on everyone? I hope the holiday season is in full swing for everyone. Short one this week, I know.. I’ve been saying that a lot lately. This time it’s my fault.. I had the time, but I got lost running around Egypt trying not to die.. I scaled the pyramids and floated down the Nile. Killing a lot of hippos and crocodiles.. Had a whole list of people I needed to assassinate.. It was a mess. (Yes, I played Assassin’s Creed Origins all weekend, sue me.) Anyways, I hope you all enjoy and good luck to all my opponents. And if I don’t get to say it before the break, I hope everyone enjoys their holidays.

The cameras came up backstage as Warfare rolled on. Alone, Alexa stood with a cocky smirk on her face. She waited a few moments before she actually spoke out.

Alexa Bliss: ”Here we go again.. Yet another time I have to EARN a shot at a championship that should be mine. Yet again, I have to fight for something that should automatically be mine.

At Fanniversary, I was moments away from becoming the EBWF Women’s Championship. Moments away from righting the biggest injustice that has ever came to this company. The injustice of Zahra Schreiber being champion.. The injustice of Angelina Love keeping me away from what I deserve. Not because I have earned it.. Out of every woman on this roster, I have earned that EBWF Women’s Championship ten fold. But each and every time that I’m just moments away of getting it..


Alexa clapped her hands together in front of her face. As she lowered her hands, the cocky smile vanished. A serious look took over on her face.

Alexa Bliss: ”Angelina comes in and rips it all away from me. Each and every time.. Each and every time she manages to ruin everything that she touches.

Just like at Fanniversary, when she threw me off the top rope through a table!!

Sure.. She didn’t mean to do it. Right.

If you didn’t mean it, then why did you let the referee count me out? Why didn’t you call the match off as soon as I went through the table? You had the time.. But no. You just stood there.. You stood there and looked down from the ring at my body in the pile of broken wood. You stood there looked down as the referee stood next to you and counted me out.

To think of it.. When I rewatched the match, I think I saw a gleam in the corner of your eye.. I think you enjoyed watching me lay there as the referee counted to ten.You enjoyed seeing me fail to capture the EBWF Women’s Championship. Again..”

She looked annoyed as spoke about Angelina.

Alexa Bliss: ”Not this time, Angelina.. Not this time.

See, after I beat three women that I’ve already made fools of.. After I claim the number one contendership once again and earn my right to face Zahra on Christmas Eve.. There won’t be anything that you can do to stop me from getting my EBWF Women’s Championship back.

When I make short work of Becky, Candice, and Nikki.. I’m going to go on to Christmas Eve of Destruction to face Zahra again. This time however.. At Christmas Eve of Destruction, there won’t be any match that you can book, that’ll keep me from getting the championship off of Zahra. Put us in whatever match you’d like..

Ladders.. Glass tables.. Thumbtacks..

It doesn’t matter.. I will stop of at nothing to get the championship. I don’t care if I have to go through Becky, Candice, and Nikki tonight.. Or the entire Women’s Division like I’ve done over and over again.”

Alexa took a moment to gather her thoughts.

Alexa Bliss: ”I mean, all year long I have run over this entire division, putting everyone beneath me where they belong.. I’ve done it with each and everyone single woman in this match. I just did it to Becky two weeks ago. Three weeks ago I ran Ivelisse out of this company..

So why do you think it’s going to be any different tonight? Why?

Do you think that Becky and Nikki will join up and take Candice and I out first before they battle between themselves? Seems smart, right? It’s a shame that neither one of them is smart enough for that plan.

See, Becky doesn’t care about anyone else but herself. So Nikki, you can think that you’re good pals with her, but it actually turns out that Becky has a thing for the winter months..


Nikki’s no better.. You could rub two rocks together and that would still be sparks than Nikki’s got going up in that head of hears. A lot of people like to use the word crazy when they talk about Nikki Cross, but she’s not crazy.. No.. She’s delusional.

Delusional to think that after everything she’s done around here.. After all the championship shots she’s gotten.. And not once as she been able to seal the deal. Not once as she been able to win the big one, yet she still thinks that she can hang on top of the mountain. That Nikki, that’s delusional, and that’s you through and through. Don’t get me wrong, you did some big things in that Queen of the Mountain match. Not to mention you did earn the right to start the match eligible, but where did that get you? No where..

That’s the point.. Nikki, you had your chance in the Queen of the Mountain Match.. You had your chance to win the EBWF Women’s Championship for the first time, but you couldn’t get the job done.. Just like Candice.”

Alexa took another pause as she shook her head.

Alexa Bliss: ”There’s a walking punchline if I’ve ever seen one..

Candice dear, do everyone a favor and just stand to the side in this match.. You’re just going to get in the way of the true talent. And by true talent, of course I only mean me. I don’t care if you get in the way of Becky and Nikki.. It make actually give them a chance with you around. Everyone knows that you’re more than likely going to be the one to get rolled up.

Mrs. Johnny Wrestling..

Right there’s the joke.. There’s nothing special about you.. Not like Johnny. No.. You’re nothing like Johnny Wrestling. Johnny Wrestling has talent.. He has the drive to better himself after each and every match. He watches, and learns.

You Candice.. You just keep spinning this same web. You keep making your way on the lower card, getting a couple of wins here and there, but nothing measurable. Nothing of any importance.. And do you think that this is where you’re going to start down your road to the EBWF Women’s Championship? It’s not.. Tonight is not your night.. No night will ever be your night, Candice.”

Alexa looked off to the side and the back forward.

Alexa Bliss: ”Honestly, tonight is no ones night except for myself. Candice doesn’t stand a chance.. Nikki doesn’t stand a chance.. Even good ol’ Becky Lynch doesn’t stand at chance.

And if you think for one second Becky, that my win two weeks ago was a fluke.. I’ll show you again tonight that it wasn’t a fluke. I’ll show you again tonight that you may walk around this company thinking that you’re the best.. Thinking that you’re the baddest.. Tonight, I will show you that I am the best. I’m the biggest this company has..

Tonight I will show everyone that Becky Lynch isn’t a “Queen Slayer”, not even close.. Becky, two weeks ago I showed you that I can beat you, hands down. No matter what you do.. No matter how hard you try.. It doesn’t matter. Two weeks ago, I proved that I will always be better than you.


Tonight I will show Becky Lynch that no only am I better than her.. I will show her that she will never get the EBWF Women’s Championship. But not just her.. Nikki and Candice too..”

She scoffed before she continued.

Alexa Bliss: ”Tonight I will show this entire locker room that none of them will ever hold the EBWF Women’s Championship..

Tonight I will win this triple threat match and go on to Christmas Eve of Destruction. There, I will become the EBWF Women’s Champion once more. This time however, I will win the EBWF Women’s Championship. Then from that day forward, no woman will be able to beat me to take the championship off me, so no one will ever become champion.

Becky.. Candice.. Nikki..

The three of you have never been the EBWF Women’s Champion. Show this is your chance to make all your dreams come true. It’s your chance to put your name in the record books.

But this is not fairy tail.. Your dreams will never come true. Instead, everyone will be brought into a nightmare. A nightmare run by me.. Not Zahra and Legion.. Not by Angelina Love. No..

After I win tonight crush each and every one of your dreams.. After I make sure none of them ever come true.. I will then go on and I will win the championship only to crush every single woman on the roster.. Everyone from the newest one, Winter, to the oldest of the women on the roster, Trish Stratus and Velvet Sky..

When I win the EBWF Women’s Championship, none of you will ever hold the championship. Not for the first time, and not for any other times after that.”

She took another slight pause.

Alexa Bliss: ”So ladies, I urge you tonight to just face the facts.. None of you are going to win, it’s just not going to be your night. You may want it to prove that you’re dominate.. You may need it to prove that your career is not a waste.. You may not even know that this match is worth anything..


I want this.. I don’t need this.. I already know that I’m the next EBWF Women’s Champion and there’s nothing anyone can do about it. Not Becky. Not Candice. Not Nikki.

And most certantly not Angelina Love.

I’m going to win tonight in the Fatal Four-Way. I’m going to go on to Christmas Eve of Destruction. I’m going to get back my EBWF Women’s Champion..”

Alexa gave one last smirk before the camera backstage cut out and the show returned to ringside.