Merry Christmas Eve of Destruction

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Joined: Sun Apr 22, 2018 11:15 am

Merry Christmas Eve of Destruction

Post by Billy »

(( Hey guys, sorry for the short and rambling RP this show. Also with the no formating... :-( Due to medical issues with my wife, my grandmother-in-law visiting, various engagements were I wear lots of red and white and say HO HO HO a lot, and the holiday season being the busiest time for travel I waited until the literal last minute to start this. I hope everyone who celebrates Christmas, has a Merry one! If you don't celebrate the holiday than I wish you the best in what ever you do do.. Haha, I said do do! Bye!))

Another episode of Curtain Call premiered on Youtube in the days leading up to Christmas Eve of Destruction. This episode opened differently than all the others. Instead of the usual Curtain Call logo the start of the video treated viewers to a Curtain Call logo in silver and flanked by decorated christmas trees. Bells jingled in the background for several seconds before a deep bellowing “ho ho ho” rang out. The shot faded in on a shirtless Aiden English with red velveteen Santa pants, the Gateway title around his waist and a large bag tossed over his shoulder. The usual black backdrop with a logo was replaced as well with a large green christmas tree.

Aiden English: Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas EBWF Universe! With the Holidays looming I thought it was only right to deliver gifts to the EBWF Universe, my fellow EBWF Superstars and my beautiful wife Raquel! First, for the fans. Because, the fans should always come first. Always! This year has had its ups and downs! You’ve been treated to some of the best matches, seen the rise of some iconic champions but also the rise of one of the worst Champions to ever grace the ring. The present I have for you is my own New Year’s Resolution. I resolve to be the best champion the EBWF has ever had. I resolve to represent you with honor, dignity and respect. A respect that other champions seem to be lacking in recent months. An honor unrivaled by anyone in the EBWF locker room. With dignity that doesn’t require me to fall back on Tag Team Champions, Women’s Champions or pulling off petty cons on the people around me. No, that was the way of the old Aiden. The Aiden who wasn’t good enough to win the King of the Ring tournament. The Aiden who wasn’t good enough to become the Gateway Champion. The Aiden English who wouldn’t in a million years have a place in line at Jimmy Havoc!

Aiden slung the sack down in front of him and went digging in it. He came up with an old Aiden English t-shirt with the slogan “By Hook or By Crook” emblazoned across it. Aiden tore the shirt down the middle.

Aiden English: My resolution is to continue to be the best version of me that I can be. That is my gift to the EBWF Universe. To be the champion they deserve. For my fellow EBWF Superstars, I give the gift of ridding the locker room of the cancer that is Jimmy Havoc and his lackeys in LEGION. I get it, I’ve heard it, I know their message. LEGION isn’t about leaders and followers. But, let’s face it. No one was talking about LEGION until they pulled Havoc’s name out of a hat and fed the fire with some pretend attempted murders. Or, that’s how Jimmy is telling it now. For my wife. My wife I have given my entire life. Everything I am, everything I have is her’s. From now until the end of time.

Aiden walked to the right and the camera followed him from the static backdrop to a stage set up like a living room. Aiden walked over to a chair, pulled it out slightly and sat down.

Aiden English: All of that is the tale told by the ghost of Christmas future. In order to enjoy the gifts we have to look back. 2018 was the Year of the Drama King! The dawning of a new era for the EBWF Universe! And, there are a dozen superstars in the locker room who would claim it’s been a landmark year for them as well. They will tell you how good 2018 has been for THEIR career. For THEIR goals and aspirations. How much it’s meant to THEM! And, at one time I may have been so petty as to say all these same things. Not anymore. 2018 isn’t the Year of English because of what this year did for MY career. Not because of the highlight reel I could put together from a myriad of MY major victories. Not because of anything I have done to benefit MYSELF. No, 2018 is the Year of English because of what I have given to the EBWF Universe this year! The hope that I carry around on my shoulders just as often as the Gateway Championship! 2018 is the Year of English because as this year comes to a close on a bleak scene with LEGION in power and the Breakout Championship possibly landing on the dumbest superstar on the roster. There is hope that next year will be better. That the future's looking brighter. That everything is coming into focus for 2019!

Aiden pulled the Gateway title from his waist and laid it on the table in front of him. He looked at the title for a long time before returning his gaze to the camera.

Aiden English: At Christmas Eve of Destruction I have to make my way through Andrade Almas in a rematch for the Gateway Title. As undeserving as he may be! That’s the funny thing about rematch clauses on title reigns, it doesn’t matter that the former champion was outlasted by three other men in that title match. It doesn’t matter that either of those two men who didn’t go on to win would be a more deserving choice for a match at Christmas Eve of Destruction. No, it only matters that Almas is the former Champion. Former Champion. That’s a title Almas best get used to wearing around the EBWF Universe because at C-E-O-D he’s not walking out with this one!

Aiden placed his hand on the Gateway Title and smiled.

Aiden English: Tables… Ladders… C4!

Aiden mocked an explosion with his hands while making a slight boom sound.

Aiden English: The last time I was in the ring with Almas, his sole goal was to make it out of the match with the Gateway Title in hand. His purpose was to keep the belt. This time around he’s facing an uphill battle. He’s coming for MY title. He’s the challenger. But, instead of just trying to take the belt, he’s got to ensure that he survives the match! A task that I plan on making even more difficult than his task when I took the title from him. My task at CEOD. My goal. It’s to strike his name from the roster once and for all.

Aiden put his fist down on the table and lowered his forehead to it. He continued talking in a muffled tone with his head down.

Aiden English: I know that sounds like something the old Aiden would say and not the new and improved Drama King. But, hear me out.

Aiden lifted his head and did his best to wipe the look of concern from his face.

Aiden English: In the past I would have ended his career just to say that I was the one who did it. I would have been his retirement match for the same reasons I retired Shane Douglas and Daniel Bryan. Because I could. However, this isn’t that. My reasons for retiring Almas are all in service of the EBWF Universe and the other members of the roster. Almas is a lead weight on the division. He’s a blight on the face of the company. Almas is ARROGANT with none of the talent required to be so full of himself. Almas is LONG WINDED with no substance to the stream of words he spews. Almas is WORTHLESS. Period. He serves no purpose in the current climate. He’s taking up the space that could be used for someone with more skill, determination and aspiration. A spot that could be filled with a future Breakout Champion. A spot that would better serve the EBWF by being empty.

Aiden picked the Gateway Title up off the table and laid it over his shoulder. He fogged a small section of it with his breath and wiped it clean with his palm.

Aiden English: Christmas Eve of Destruction is the retirement party of Andrade “Cien” Almas if I have anything to say about. I walk in the Gateway Champion and I walk out the Gateway Champion. Nothing is going to stand in the way of that. After that I’m shifting focus. After that I set my sights on Jimmy Havoc and the EBWF World Championship is my next conquest!

Aiden stood up, walked to the camera and leaned in close.

Aiden English: My list is set. I’m coming to town. I’m bringing gifts. At Christmas Eve of Destruction I will give Almas a permanent vacation! At Christmas Eve of Destruction I will give the EBWF locker room the representative they deserve! At Christmas Eve of Destruction I will give the EBWF Universe a renewed hope for a GREATER 2019!!!

The screen went black as Aiden pushed his palm into the camera. The sound of bells jingling rang out again and were again followed by a deep bellowing “HO HO HO!”
Shaul Guerrero
*EBWF Women's Champion (x2)*
*2019 & 2021 Women's Royal Rumble Winner*
Aiden English
*EBWF World Champion (x3), Gateway Champion, Breakout Champion (x2)*
*2019 King of the Ring and Royal Rumble Winner*