No Security Needed
Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2019 7:24 pm
The crowd gets energized as “I Wanna Rock” blasted onto the sound system. They let out a loud cheer in unison as Heath Slater strolled out onto the stage. He stopped at the top of the ramp and begun to strum along to the beat with an air guitar. Slater head banged for a few moments before he made his way down the ramp. He interacted with the EBWF Universe as he made his way to the ring. Once inside, Slater retrieved a microphone.
Heath Slater: ”HELLO DALLAS!!!
Do you wanna rock?!”
The crowd erupted with the cheap town plug. Slater nodded his head as he continued.
Heath Slater: ”A few days ago, EBWF rolled through Houston, Texas and well.. I have to say.. They seemed to cheer louder. You don’t want to let Houstonians beat you, do you?
So I’m going to ask you again..
Dallas.. Do you wanna rock?!”
The crowd cheered louder than before and longer. Slater nodded once more.
Heath Slater: ”Now that sounded like Dallas! I’m glad you all came to rock, however as you can see, Peej isn’t here tonight, so the concert will have to wait. Unless..
Unless you all want a solo concert?”
The crowd cheered in unison.
Heath Slater: ”Well, maybe after my match tonight, I’ll put on a private, after hours encore just for you Dallas.
But before we get to the encore, we have to deal with the headliner...
The Miz.”
The crowd cheered out for The Miz.
Heath Slater: ”I know.. You all love him. What’s not to love.. He’s witty.. Smart.. A movie star.. I actually think Beulah might have his poster above the bed.”
The crowd “oooed” out in unison.
Heath Slater: ”No no.. It’s nothing like that. She just didn’t have any room left on the walls.
Nevertheless.. Miz. You’re the World Champion, we’re all aware of that. But this isn’t about that championship tonight. However, that’s what you’re thinking about.. You’re thinking that at WrestleMania, Aiden English might just get the best of you and win the EBWF World Championship.
I know Aiden’s not my bandmate PJ Black..”
The crowd cheered out again, this time for the mention of PJ Black.
Heath Slater: ”But he could beat you, just like PJ seems to always do..
But this isn’t about them.. This isn’t about the championship. Honestly, this match you’re probably overlooking. You’re probably thinking more about Aiden English and defending that championship.
I get that though.. Being so close to WrestleMania, how could you not be constantly thinking and preparing for one of the biggest matches of your career? How could you not be worrying about Aiden English?
And that’s what’s going to get you in trouble Miz.. See, Peej and I, we’re in negotiations of being WrestleMania’s house band, so we might be busy all night, but we’re not defending a championship. Peej and I can play our axes in our sleep, so we have nothing.. And I repeat, nothing to worry about.
My head is clear..”
Slater smiled as he stood there.
Heath Slater: ”Which is why, this match isn’t going to be the cakewalk you think it will be. You’re not going to wrestle me while thinking about Aiden English..
If you want to win tonight Miz, you’re going to have to keep your focus on what’s in front of you..
I know that I don’t have the best track record. I know that I haven’t accomplished the things that Peej has.. I know I’m not a former EBWF World Champion..
But I will still fight like there’s no tomorrow..
Remember that tonight Miz.. Remember that you will most likely beat me, I’m not going to deny that. But I’m not going to lay down for you. I’m not going to let you walk right through without a fight. Peej and I don’t hire security for our shows for a reason.. It’s because the two of us don’t just rock, we fight.”
Slater dropped the microphone as “I Wanna Rock” blast back onto the sound system. Slater exited the ring and walked up the ramp.