Things had been heating up significantly over the past couple of weeks between Aiden English and The Miz. It was a game of one upsmanships that was going to culminate in a battle to end all battles at Wrestlemania 18. The Miz was a global superstar and a 4 time and current EBWF Champion. Aiden English was a very accomplished star in his own right and had quickly ascended the EBWF ladder and earned his right to compete for the games richest prize. Both men were loved by the EBWF universe but over the last few weeks, both men have tried to prove to the other that their fan favorite status was NOT lacking the ruthless aggression that it sometimes takes to be the top man in the game. The Miz and Aiden English were on a crash course to prove that they were the very best in the EBWF and the stage could never be bigger and the lights could never be brighter than they would be at Wrestlemania. The Miz was no stranger to this spot on the Mania Card as he had headlined a couple already throughout his career. In fact it was just last year that Miz captured his third EBWF Championship with his victory over Kenny Omega. Miz was ready for this match, but he knew that English would be as well. The Gateway Champion was determined to prove that he belonged in the conversation as one of Sports Entermainments number one guys. One thing was for sure, if he was going to achieve this ambition, his road was going to have to run through The Most Must See Man in Sports Entertainment, Mike- "The Miz"- Mizanin.
The scene opened up in a hotel suite in East Rutherford New Jersey, home of Met Life Stadium, and Wrestlemania 18. Mike Mizanin sat on his hotel bed wearing a black t-shirt and blue jeans. His hair was slicked around and he had his knees on his elbows, and he seemed to be very deep in thought. From the bathroom came Mickie James who was in pajama pants and a baggy white t-shirt that likely belonged to The Miz. The future Mrs. Mizanin came in and plopped herself down on the spot on the bed next to him. She rested her chin on his shoulder, he seemed a little distant but did acknowledge Mickie's presence with a half smile.
Mike Mizanin: Hey babe..
Mickie James: Heyyy.. you okay? You seem a little out of it.
Mike Mizanin: Yeah, yeah I 'm just tired. This week has been kind of hectic already, and it's been a lot of work with the build up with Matt. I just can't wait for us to get out there and put on a great show.
Mickie James: Any idea on the finish?
Mike Mizanin: Not yet- either way- I think we've created a fair amount of buzz in just one month. There's not a tremendous amount of history between us, but I think that we've done a good job of both getting heat and it just is going to be a great match.
Mickie James: Yeah Matt, is a fun guy to work with I'm sure, he's a good dude.
Mike Mizanin: For sure, so yeah nothing is wrong at all, I just want to get some sleep tonight. I should be in better spirits tomorrow. Gotta finish up the behind the Wrestlemania lead up video for Wes, then gotta film my promos as well.. people just really love them some Miz.
Mickie James: I know I do, come here I'll prove it.
The two began to kiss as the scene faded to black.
The scene reopened at Met Life Stadium in the back. There were random wrestlers seen walking through the lobby, as the camera panned from room to room. We saw meetings that were taking place, we saw a catering room where wrestler's were getting their grub on. Finally the camera found The Miz, who immediately looked right into the camera. He was wearing a black with yellow letters "Your Favorite Wrestler's Favorite Wrestler" shirt and he had a big smile on his face upon seeing the camera. As he adjusted the EBWF Championship that was on his shoulder.
The Miz: Now I know what you're thinking, you've watched this Road to Wrestlemania video for the last like 29 minutes or so, and you have YET to see anything from your hero. The legend, the best of the best, cream of the crop, super duper mega star, your favorite wrestler's favorite wrestler, The Miz. Not to mention the most must see EBWF Champion of all time.. well Mizfits.. here I am. Breathe easy, sigh that sigh of relief.. you are about to be entertained.
Mickie James popped out from behind a nearby wall wearing a pink t shirt and blue jeans.
Mickie James: AND HERE I AM TOO!
The Miz: And here she is too! Now I know what you're thinking Mizfits.. you're thinking what must go through your mind as you are about to MAIN EVENT the biggest show in our companies history. We could ask Aiden English that question, but he wouldn't know the answer because he quite frankly has never main evented a Wrestlemania.
Mickie James: Sick burn.
The Miz: Thanks boo. Anyway, all I've gotten from Aiden English over this last month is hostility. I've gotten hostility, I've gotten mind games.. when really I should be getting freaking thank yous. Instead of the attacks, instead of the interfering in my matches, I should be getting god damn edible arrangements. I mean holy moly Mick Foley is this dude an ungrateful piece of jamoak-a-doke pizza. I should be getting the world's biggest thank you in the world for making this guy matter. People are talking about Aiden English and it's not just like "Hey that Aiden English.." "Yeah.. he kinda sucks." "Yeah." People are actually commenting on him, and he's somewhat relevant, people are excited to see him do something. Now sure that something is be decimated by me in front of the entire world.. but Mizfits.. you guys are excited to see Aiden English perform. Let that sink in for a second. He probably has a bead of sweat making his way down towards his receding hairline just thinking about it. I mean jeez it's like prom all over again for him. All this build up to him having a great "performance" and much like his prom night, he's going to come up short.. probably cry.. and then never have a chance to have a big time performance again.
Mickie James: I see what you did there..
Miz and Mickie fist bumped.
The Miz: So if you want to know what's going through my mind, it's actually quite simple really. There is a lot of confusion. My confusion comes from the behavior of Aiden, like why so mad bro? Life is good right now, you're on the billboards.. you're on the lips of people who didn't even know you worked here 3 months ago. I mean are you trying to prove to me or yourself that you deserve this? Are you trying to prove to me or yourself that you belong here? Because if it's me.. then you haven't succeeded. I don't give a drop of reindeer piss that you're the Gateway Champion.. I don't care in the slightest that you've attacked me or even cost me a match.. I can tell you unequivocally that you DO NOT belong in this spot.. but here you are.. so here's some free advice from someone that's been in this spot in the past and succeeded in it... SMILE. Life is good man.. you've made the big time.. at least for this month. So though I'm confused, Mizfits, as to why Aiden English has carried on this month the way he has.. I'm also downright ready to knock his ass out of the spotlight that he doesn't deserve to be in, in the first place. We're on the road to Wrestlemania, and that road stops on Sunday right inside this building. Where- the GOAT yours truly.. is going up against a guy who looks like everyone's dad. If there's ever been a bigger Miz-Match.. I can't think of it. Aiden has done nothing but piss me off this month, and when I get pissed off.. I get dangerous.. and when I get dangerous.. people get hurt.. and that's exactly what's going to happen to Aiden English. He's going to show up rocking his Air Monarch dad shoes.. and attempt to put on a show this week for all of you. You might even see him on this very video.. doing whatever he does.. but I can promise you Mizfits.. that you're going to want to tune in to this show on Sunday.. because what you're going to see is the greatest ass kicking in the 18 years of Wrestlemania. What you are going to see is The Miz- proving once again.. that I'm second to none. What you are going to see is The Miz- making a clear as day statement that I am the very best in this company. Aiden English is not and CAN not ever BE Miz.. and when I leave him on his back staring up at me celebrating, he's going to have simply no choice but to BE JEALOUS. See you on Sunday!
Mickie James: PEACE SUCKAS!
Mickie flashed a peace sign as she and Miz continued their way down the hallway and the scene once again faded to black.
We reopened one day way from Wrestlemania. The Miz had chosen to spend his day in New York City. He was walking through times square in a long sleeve fitted white shirt and a pair of light blue jeans. He had sunglasses on over his eyes and his hair was slicked to the nines. Mickie James was with him in a yellow sundress. They were enjoying a beautiful Saturday, but it was clear Miz was on a mission as he looked into the camera.
The Miz: Mizfits we're a mere 24 hours away from the biggest show in the EBWF. We're a mere 24 hours away from your man, The Miz, continuing his reign as the EBWF Champion. We're about 24 hours away from Aiden English humiliating himself in front of all of you, thus cementing his name as YET ANOTHER Miztake that has lost any notoriety as a result of going toe to toe with yours truly. Guys like Kenny Omega, Sami Zayn, Christian, hell as much as I kinda hate to say it.. AJ Styles.. The Rock.. the list goes on and on. The fact of the matter is.. I'm a nice guy.. maybe the nicest you'll ever meet.. but when it comes to my spot.. when it comes to my championship.. when it comes to you getting in my face and trying to take EVERYTHING I have worked for away from me.. that's when I'm one of the most ruthless, cold hearted, killers that you will ever come across. Aiden English has stepped on the wrong toes.. he has gotten in the wrong face.. and he's about to get knocked the hell back down to the bottom of the barrel where he belongs. I can appreciate Aiden's ambition, and that he has his sights set on reaching the pinnacle of wrestling for the very first time.. but the bad news is.. I'm STILL HERE.. and as long as I'm here.. nobody else is reaching the top of the totem pole. I've spent a lot of my career getting booed out of buildings, because I've been selfish and all I've ever cared about is myself. Though that's not the case now.. and I love my squad that are my Mizfits.. I am still EXTREMELY selfish when it comes to who the limelight goes to around here. This face this moneymaker this million watt smile. Belongs on screen.. but more than that it belongs wearing THIS.
Miz held the EBWF Title into the camera.
The Miz: So I don't really care how ambitious or how hungry Aiden English is to be the man, because I'm still STARVING to STAY the man. So as I walk the streets of NYC today just a day a way of doing what I was put on this PLANET to do..I thought I would be amongst the people who will be watching tomorrow night. Before every big match, there are several folks that conduct interviews and we as the stars give our thoughts on the match, and what our gameplans are gonna be. Today- I thought I'd flip that. I thought that I would instead conduct my own interviews with the people we see. I mean honestly everyone with eyes is going to be fixated on Mania tomorrow night so we could really start with anyone.. like let's say.. these..
The Miz spotted 2 extremely attractive blonde girls wearing short white shorts and a black and yellow blouse respectively. Mickie elbowed him, and Miz quickly deviated his eyes to a portly middle aged man who was eating street meat.
The Miz: This guy right here. Excuse me sir..
Street Meat Guy (SMG) : (swallowing) Yes? Oh hey it's...
The Miz: Yes.. it's me..The Miz.. the EBWF Champion.. the alpha.. the best.. th..
SMG: It's Mickie James! Oh Mickie I'm a huge fan!
Mickie James: Thanks! Nice meat!
SMG: I've been waiting my whole life for you to say that to m..
The Miz squinted.
The Miz: Alright creep-o.. let's settle down.. it's a family show.
SMG: Sorry..
He frowned.
The Miz: So obviously you know Mickie.. and I'm sure you know who I am.
SMG: I do.
The Miz: So on the Eve of Wrestlemania.. what are you most excited to see tomorrow night?
SMG: It would have to be the two women's matches...
The Miz squinted at him.
SMG: And of course the main event with you and Aiden English.
The Miz: That's what I thought you'd say. Any predictions for the big match?
SMG: Well I mean you did lose to Heath Slater..
The Miz: Well yeah dopey.. but that was just because.. forget it.. finish your meat.
SMG: Will do.. good luck!
The Miz shook his head.
The Miz: Well obviously that guy was a total Miz-take- but at the same time- I'm actually glad he brought up his point around all the future indigestion and heart burn we were witnessing.. he brought up a point that I know Aiden English is going to hammer on.. and that is.. YES.. I did lose a match to Heath Slater. It happened.. and at first I wanted to make excuses about it.. I wanted to harp on the fact that it was Aiden's distraction that led to it occurring.. but the fact of the matter is.. that L is on me. I'm the EBWF Champion.. and I let my guard down.. I lost my focus and I got burned. Though in the moment Aiden English probably felt extremely happy and proud of himself for his part in that result. It was honestly the stupiest thing he could have ever done, because what it ended up serving as was a big street meat guy sized WAKE UP CALL. It showed me that no matter WHO the opponent is, if you lose focus.. you can get beat. What that result did was ENSURE that Aiden English would not and WILL NOT.. EVER be the EBWF Champion, because it ensured that I would never lose my mind like that again, ESPECIALLY not on a stage like Wrestlemania. So what Aiden English is going to get now is a dialed in, focused, mad man of a champion.. and it's for certain going to be a version of The Miz that he is just simply NOT READY FOR. The Miz that is going to step into the ring at Met Life Stadium is going to be the most locked the heck in , Miz that he or anyone else for that matter has ever seen. A normal man loses to Heath Slater and let's that rattle him. The Miz takes that and uses it as ass kicking gasoline on an already burning fire, that at Wrestlemania I'm going to get my Usher on and "let it burn."
Mickie James: Ohhh yeah.. I love that song!
The Miz: Samesies.
Mickie James: Aw I love you.
The Miz and Mickie snuck a quick peck in. The Miz smiled looking at her briefly after the kiss. He then comically returned back to form.
The Miz: Anyways let's interview another person. How about this woman. Excuse me miss?
A woman in a pants suit turned to The Miz and Mickie.
Pants Suit Lady (PSL): Oh my gosh I can't believe it's ..
The Miz: Yes it's me the Miz.. the EBWF Champion.. I know so handsome.. coolest guy you'll ever m..
PSL: Mickie James!
Mickie James: Sup girl! Love the pants suit.. girl power!
PSL: Right on! Oh.. and hi Miz.
The Miz had to smile.
The Miz: Hello. Will you be watching Wrestlemania tomorrow?
PSL: Of course! I'll do you one better, I will be there in person!
The Miz: That's awesome, and what are your thoughts on the Main Event between myself and Aiden English?
PSL: To be honest- I don't think English really knows what he's getting himself into.. you always seem to find your form on the biggest stage!
The Miz: Wow that was really well said.
Mickie James: Thanks.
The Miz: Huh?
Mickie was seen sneaking a ten dollar bill into the womans hand.
Mickie James: I mean.. Nothing babe.
She smiled showing all of her teeth knowing Miz had seen the exchange.
The Miz: Thanks for your time!
The Miz and Mickie walked away briskly from the woman who stood smiling and shaking her head, as she put the 10 in her pocket.
The Miz: Mickie.. did you really need to pay that woman to have her say that?
Mickie James: Well she thought Aiden was going to win.. I didn't know how you'd react to that.
The Miz looked at first like he wanted to have an outburst but instead he restrained himself.
The Miz: You know what.. that's fine. It's good that there are people out there that actually believe in the nonsense that this guy Aiden spouts off week after week. I mean it when I say that. I'm actually glad this guy has fans.. that he has followers.. that he has pants suit wearing soccer moms who think that he has a chance to become the champion on Sunday. It's cute.. it's endearing.. it's actually going to make it that much more enjoyable when I beat him within an inch of his life, and get to see the look on all of their faces when everything they thought might happen comes crashing down into one big heap of failure and disappointment. Now I know that sounds like something the old me would have said, but that's the whole point of this match isn't it Mickie? That's been the theme of this past month. Which guy is the guy who hasn't gone soft? Which guy is going to find that inner animal? Which guy is going to dare I say it.. stop being polite.. and start getting REAL?! Whether I'm smiling or scowling.. the one thing that's always been true about me.. is that I'm as REAL as they make them.. and what Aiden has done over the course of this past month.. is he has called my drive.. and my desire.. into question. What Aiden has done over this past month, is awoken a dark side in me that he should have NEVER messed with. What Aiden has done is signed his own career death certificate. He's brought me back to a place in my mind, that is going to lead to me doing WHATEVER it is NECESSARY to not only retain the EBWF Title, but to teach Aiden.. and EVERYONE else the lesson that they do NOT want to mess with The Miz.. that they do NOT want to mess with the champ.. or they are going to be searching for a new line of work. As much as I love all my Mizfits- I understand that Aiden has his followers too.. and though I respect that and acknowledge it.. I'm actually pretty excited at seeing all of THOSE folks angry faces when their guy is exposed as the fraud that he is. He may have a witty line here and there.. he may have even made me laugh a couple of times.. but he is NOT someone that is ready to have this company on his back. He is not someone ready to carry the ball or the torch for the EBWF.. he is not SOMEONE who is READY to represent this place, as it's champion.. and that is because he is NOT someone who is ready to beat SOMEONE like me. Let's pick another guy at random.. oh I don't know.. how about this guy..
A guy who was wearing a Miz "Danger I'm Awesome" T-Shirt was spotted.
The Miz: Hello gentleman that I picked at random.. how are you today?
Miz Fan Guy (MFG): Oh my god.. it's you.. it's..
The Miz: Yes your favorite wrestler.. your hero.. the man who's pictures are on your wa..
MFG: It's Mickie James!
Mickie James: Yes.. indeed it is.. cute guy on your shirt.. and inside your shirt.
MFG blushed.
MFG: Oh.. and hey Miz.. yes I am a big fan!
The Miz: So you must be excited for tomorrow night's show.
MFG: Oh of course.. I think you're going to destroy Aiden English.. you always seem to find your form on the biggest stage..
The Miz squinted and looked at Mickie.
Mickie James: I swear.. I didn't give him anything.
MFG: What?
The Miz: Nothing.. but yes.. you are correct. Wrestlemania is a big stage.. and I'm the biggest star of any stage.. especially the big ones. Aiden English is a guy who's done his share of competing, and he's done his share of winning.. but he's not prepared for a setup like this. Aiden English is not ready for all eyes to be on him.. for all of his fans to put their hopes and dreams into him coming out on top in a match of this magnitude. Aiden English is not ready for everything that encompasses Wrestlemania. He's not ready for the world to be analyzing and picking apart his every move.. he's not ready for the lights to be THIS bright.. for the stakes to be THIS high.. and he's not ready to face a champion who is THIS good. Aiden English is a guy who is a good Robin.. but he wants SO desperately to be a BATMAN. I mean it's facts that there is a PLACE for Robin.. just like there is a place for guys like Aiden English. HE has his moments.. he has his times where you're like "alright I can see why this guy is here.." but you're never like.. "man this guy should be the top dog." Whereas when my Mizfits see me.. and even those that don't love me.. like all 9 of them.. see me.. they see a guy who CLEARLY has what it takes. They see a guy who's head is definitely fit for the crown.. a guy who is a clear cut BATMAN. The only thing I'm more excited about than retaining my EBWF Championship.. is seeing the look on Aiden's face.. when he realizes that I'm correct about everything that I just mentioned. It is going to be a priceless moment, when after all the false bravado, all the vindictive games he's played, all of the battles we've had.. that when shortly after the bell rings tomorrow.. he just has that moment of "oh shit.. this guy Miz is the real deal." When all the Heath Slater jokes are done.. and all the promises he makes this week go silent.. and he realizes that yeah.. I may have just dropped a match to Heath.. but the only match WE'VE ever had.. as in Aiden and I.. I dropped him face first on the mat and pinned him in the center of the ring.. 1.. 2.. 3. I'm sure that moment is burned into his brain.. and just in case it isn't.. I plan on giving him a very loud and painful reminder this Sunday. Quick Mickie.. to the Miz Mobile.. see ya buddy!
The Miz fist bumped with MFG, and with that Mickie and Miz hopped into a near by black sports car and drove off. Leaving MFG standing there wondering what had just happened, and the scene faded to black.
The scene reopened inside Met Life Stadium. We were just an hour from the big show kicking off but fans were already in their seat viewing the dark matches. At the conclusion of one particular match the tron cut to the backstage area once again. Miz was seen entering the arena. Which led to a HUGE pop from the fan. He was in an expensive suit and had the EBWF Championship over his shoulder. Once again sunglasses over his eyes and Mickie on his arm. Michael Cole hustled to catch up.
Michael Cole: Miz Miz..
He was still several paces away from The Miz who quickly put his hands on his knees and began clapping like a coach trying to motivate Michael.
The Miz: Come on Cole.. dig.. push... you can do it!
The crowd was laughing and cheering as Michael finally reached The Miz- he was visibly out of breath.
The Miz: Great job man.. I'm proud of you.. you earned this!
Michael Cole: (between heavy breaths.) Thank you... how are you?
The Miz: You know something Cole.. I'm fan-freaking-tastic. I'm just literally hours away from doing something that I have been absolutely dying to do for this entire month.. and that is get my hands on Aiden English.. in front of all my Mizfits.. and teach him a little thing called respect. You see Cole- this is the EBWF- this is the land of opportunity- it's where normal every day joes can become celebrities. It's a place where through hard work- and overcoming adversity- run of the mill dudes- can become people that millions look up to. You can make a nice living for yourself with a can do attitude and a never say never mentality. Aiden English is a perfect example of this. Is he particularly good in the ring? No of course not. Is he charismatic? I mean he has his moments.. but mostly pretty strange and quirky. Is he tough? Well.. he's.. no well I guess he's not tough either.. but what Aiden English has.. is that HE believes in himself. He believes that he is a star.. he believes he is charismatic.. that he is tough.. and he believes that he DOES have a chance to become the EBWF Champion.. and you know what.. I applaud that confidence.. you ready here it comes..
The Miz sarcastically applauded and the crowd cheered.
The Miz: THAT is why Aiden English is even in the main event tonight. He had worked hard.. he has overcome the adversity that his lack of talent has presented him.. he IS that run of the mill dude that some people even look up to. He has found opportunity in this LAND of opportunity. However, he has made a huge mistake. Instead of just accepting that he has defied the odds by becoming even remotely as successful as he is right now, he has just CONTINUED to want more. He was the Breakout Champion.. and everyone was like.. "nice wow.. good for him." Then he became the Gateway Champion.. and people cheered and thought "what a cool story.." and most people with his lack of talent would have just been like "gee golly gosh I hit the lottery.. no need to push for anything more than this," but not Aiden.. he wanted more STILL.. and that's where this poor guy screwed up. You see Cole.. I started as a student of this business.. and I've been up it, down it, and all around it.. but one thing that I am now.. is I'm a teacher.. yes COLE the student has become the teacher.. and what I want to teach Aiden tonight.. is that you just got to know WHEN to say WHEN. You got to know your limits.. the parameters of the success that you are capable of. For instance, when I came into the EBWF Michael, I knew that I was destined to be the biggest star that these great people have ever seen in their entire lives!
The crowd popped as Miz had a huge smile on his face.
The Miz: So what did I do? I scratched and I clawed, and I worked my way up the ladder day in and day out, until I was able to reside where I am now.. and where I will STILL be after tonight.. and that my dear Cole.. is at the top of it. However, if I looked in the mirror and saw what Aiden English sees. I wouldn't have been so sure, I wouldn't have been so convinced that it was "best wrestler of all time- or bust" The Gateway Championship is the top of Aiden English' potential. That is the message I want him to know.. and it's the message that I've tried to convey to him over the course of this past month. He's not hearing me.. so like any good TEACHER Michael.. when I'm not reaching my students.. when my students stop hearing me.. what do you do?
Michael Cole: I'm.. I'm not sur..
The Miz: Don't hurt yourself Mikey baby because I'm gonna tell you.. you FIND a different teaching method. So instead of just telling Aiden English that I think he's peaked already. Instead of telling him that the Gateway title is as good as it's ever going to get from him. Instead of just letting him know that he should appreciate what he has already done, because it is far exceeds what he SHOULD be capable of given that he's.. well him. It would appear as though I'm now going to have to SHOW him all of those things. It would appear as though I'm going to have to.. through physical dominance.. SHOW him that wanting more.. and having the ambitions of holding this bad boy right here.. are just simply put NOT an attainable goal. Being the man, for Aiden English, is an impossibility. Aiden has brought back The Miz- that loves nothing more than delivering messages such as these both verbally and more importantly tonight.. physically. Tonight- this beautiful bastard in front of you proves ONCE again.. that I got the star on my dressing room door for a reason.. tonight is the night that this beautiful bastard in front of you proves just why the top of the mountain.. isn't even HIGH ENOUGH for someone like me. I'm at the top of this business.. but STILL COLE.. I want more.. I want to be the longest reigning EBWF Champion in the history of the company.. and I'll be damned if I'm going to let some joe-schmo-I blow- like Aiden English stop that from happening at the grand daddy of them all.
The crowd cheered once again as Miz adjusted the championship over his shoulder.
Michael Cole: Miz- English has been on a roll as you alluded to- he seems hell bent and confident on capturing that title that you hold so dear. I understand your confident, but don't you think you're about to be in for quite a fight?
The Miz thought for a second.
The Miz: Of course I do Michael. Again like I said- Aiden has done a magnificent job of proving people wrong all the way up until this point. So there's no need for him to have any doubts in his mind that he can't defy the odds and capture my gold tonight. He is confident, and his improbable surge in the EBWF is enough to justify that confidence. What I'm saying Michael- is that I have a lot more on my resume- that tells me that his confidence is NOT going to be enough to get him THIS championship. I've done everything that there is to do in this business Michael, every title worth holding, I've held it. Every big show on the calendar.. I've headlined it.. every big moment to have.. I've had it.. and there's a reason for that Michael.. and that reason is I'm the MOTHER... EFFING.. MIZ.. and I am the best wrestler in this entire universe. I'm the EBWF Champion.. and I didn't get to be the EBWF Champion because I'm good at friggin checkers.. I mean.. I'm outstanding at checkers.. but that's not why I'm holding this. I'm holding THIS.. because when it comes to this company and this business.. there is NOBODY. BETTER.THAN. ME. Whether they think they are or they don't.. THEY AREN'T. Whether they THINK they can take this from me or they don't... THEY CAN'T. I want Aiden to be hell bent Michael.. I want him to be confident.. that's what any self respecting competitor would be going into a night like tonight.. but what I don't want Aiden to be.. is SURPRISED. I'm telling him.. I'm telling you.. and I'm telling Met Life stadium.. and the whole world.. that tonight when that bell rings.. when those eyes fixate on the two of us. I'm going to be ready to excel.. I'm going to be ready and willing to do whatever it takes.. I'm going to be willing to go hell and back to keep this championship.. and though it may be "quite a fight," it's going to be a fight.. that Aiden English..
The crowd exploded as Cole nodded and Miz stormed off with Mickie, ready for his huge match at WM 18! The scene faded out.
The Mother Effing Miz.
The Mother Effing Miz.
EBWF World Champion (x7- Current) EBWF Intercontinental Champion (x3) EBWF Tag Team Champion (x2) EBWF PTG Champion (x2 ) EBWF Gateway Champion (1x)
EBWF World Champion (x7- Current) EBWF Intercontinental Champion (x3) EBWF Tag Team Champion (x2) EBWF PTG Champion (x2 ) EBWF Gateway Champion (1x)