
This is where you post your RPs for Warfare, Pay Per Views, and for character development! The deadline for RPs for the current card will be posted in a countdown timer at the top of the forum.
Tony S
Posts: 268
Joined: Thu Mar 01, 2012 10:02 pm


Post by Tony S »

Hey everyone, I wanted to do a little more with this one, but work has been a little crazy, for stupid reasons. Anyways, I hope you all enjoy and good luck to Brandon and Ben.


Tommy and Zahra walked through the curtain from the ringside area. EBWF’s Gorilla was filled with producers as the duo stormed through, obvious upset. Tommy stormed into the hallway with Zahra quickly behind him. Before they could get very far, Renee Young walked up with a microphone in hand. She walked right in the path of Tommy and Zahra, which caused them to hit their breaks and stare Renee up and down.

Renee Young
”Tommy.. What a blockbuster announcement by Wes Ikeda. Legion will be defending your championships in a Triple Threat TLC Match at WrestleMania!”
Tommy End
”Blockbuster? Is that what you’re calling it, Renee? Do you want to know what I call it? A travesty.. This act is a complete abuse of power. Just like it was complete abuse of power to have Zahra defend her championship in this year's Royal Rumble. It is acts like this which is why Legion was born at the beginning of time. People like Wes Ikeda plague this world. They are a disease that will bring the end of this world.”
Renee Young
”So you still believe that neither team is deserving of a title shot?”
Tommy End

Tommy grabbed at his bread in frustration. The sweat dripped from his forehead as he tugged the hair.

Tommy End
”Those men.. They... There are men who have fought side by side for their entire careers. Brothers. Men who would give their own life for their partner’s. Those men.. They are nothing like that. On one side, you have two men brought together by thinking their better than their worth. And the other were men that just a few weeks ago were ready to tear into each other. Now they think that they can be a team.. Like just anyone can walk in off the street and do what Dante and I have done for the last fifteen years.”
Renee Young
”But under TLC rules, do you really feel that the normal tag team dynamic really matters?”
Tommy End
”Does it matter? Does trusting in someone matter? Does knowing someone so well that you know what their doing before they even do it matter? Tag team wrestling isn’t like anything else this business has to offer. Tag team wrestling is a mentality. Strowman, McIntyre, and Bob Squared.. They know nothing about the mentality that it takes to be a tag team. To be a family. That is why Dante and I never gave any of them a second thought.. That is why neither coalition will be able to Legion at WrestleMania.. It doesn’t matter how bad Ikeda wants to try to punish Legion for everything we’ve done to him and his company. We know this is all part of his punishment towards Legion for knocking him on his ass live on Pay Per View. But what the boss doesn’t realize is..”

Tommy looked over at Zahra who gave him a smirk.

Tommy End
”At WrestleMania, TLC will be a melody of chaos.. Legion embodies chaos. So this Sunday at WrestleMania.. Legion will once again throw EBWF into the dark despair.. And this time, there will be no remorse.”

Tommy threw his arm around Zahra and the two walked off, leaving Renee to stand there on her own. She shrugged before the camera cut away back to ringside.


Lit candles stood a few feet apart from one another along a long, but wide hallway. There was an ominous feel in the air as the flames danced in the slight breeze. The light flickered for a few moments before two figures came from the darkness. As the two figures came into sight, it could be seen that they were none other than darkness themselves, Tommy End and Michael Dante, otherwise known as the Sumerian Death Squad. Both men dressed in a suit and tie, the only difference being Michael Dante carried the EBWF Tag Team Championship on both of his shoulders. Tommy hand his hands clasped in front of him. The two walked closer into view and then stopped and stood there in silence. Moments passed before Tommy was the first to speak of the two men.

Tommy End
”For the past few months, there has been a sense of calm in the EBWF. A sense of serenity. Everyone believing that the darkness is over. That the time of The Light is upon us and all of our deepest fears have been beaten.”

Tommy looked over her shoulder at Dante, who stood there in silence. Dante’s eyes glanced over at Tommy, and without a word, they knew what each other was thinking. Tommy turned forward and continued.

Tommy End
”This feeling of peace as made the EBWF believe in themselves again, which has brought out a lot of courage from the EBWF roster. Courage that has made certain superstars mention us by name. I’m talking about Hardcore Holly..”

Tommy shook his head in disappointment before he continued.

Tommy End
”Hardcore.. I know that you think that you’re something special in this company. Someone different that the rest of the roster. But you see, that’s just not true. Sure, you go out on social media and you talk a big game. You call out every single superstar, man or woman, who wants to challenge what you say. You like to call everyone out and tell them to come find you.. But you don’t just stop there, do you?

No.. Instead, you continue on these pointless rants. Pointless showings of you strength and just how, “hardcore”, you really are. You say that you don’t want to impress anyone, and that you don’t care. But everything you do caters to wanting acceptance..

Acceptance that you’re the strongest. The toughest. The most hardcore wrestler this company has. You want everyone from the fans that can only afford the cheap seats in the ceiling, to Wes Ikeda himself.. You want them see everything you’ve done and give you the world.”

Tommy paused as he took a deep breath. Dante continued to stand with Tommy in silence.

Tommy End
”Now Spark Plug, not many give you your due. Instead, they want to beat you down because, well quite frankly, you suck. You suck are trying to act like a tough guy. You suck at trying to sound intimidating. You just plain suck.. But... But you are the EBWF Breakout Champion, and you know what that means..

Absolutely nothing.

The Breakout Championship is nothing but a cheap hood ornament. That’s it. You, Aiden English, Marty Scurll... You all think that the Breakout Championship means something grand, but it’s just a beginners belts that this company made to try to keep the men who they knew would never make it to the main event.

Now Aiden, he’s actually done something special. He actually advanced beyond the Breakout Championship and became something. But you’re not Aiden English. You’re not going to have the same luck as Aiden has had. Instead, you’re going to be the death of the EBWF Breakout Championship.”

Once again Tommy started to shake his head as he continued.

Tommy End
”You like to talk about how you’ve been the first person that has made that championship relevant. The first, and only champion, to “defend” your championship when ever, where ever, and how ever.. But that’s not true is it? You talk a big game, but nothing that you’ve claimed has been done. You haven’t defended that championship as much as you say. And you can blame it on Wes Ikeda for not booking things, but the truth is..

The truth is Wes doesn’t book any title matches for your championship because he doesn’t care. The EBWF Universe doesn’t care. If Wes had his mind in the game as much as he used to, he probably would have already just made the Breakout Championship defunct.. Then there wouldn’t be a championship for you gloat about. There wouldn’t be a championship that you could state you’d defend against anyone...

Do you know why that is?

Because if the EBWF Breakout Championship wasn’t around, you would never be a champion here in EBWF..”

Tommy shifted his body to the right slightly as he spoke with passion.

Tommy End
”See, you’re not a headliner. You’re not a main event.. No one will ever go to the box office and buy a front of ticket to the any EBWF show because your name was on the marque. That is why you will never be EBWF World Champion. You don’t have what it takes to drive this company into the future..

But what about the Gateway Championship? Of course you have to be good enough for a chance to hold the EBWF Gateway Championship, right?

Wrong.. Bob.. The Gateway Championship is just that, it’s a gateway to the top. It’s to take the next big superstars and mold them for their spot in the spotlight. Now seeing as we’ve already established you don’t have what it takes to take the EBWF into the future, then why would you be good enough to try to mold for the main event? If you believe that, then you’re more delusional that we all first thought.”

Tommy looks over at Dante and then looked at the two championship belts that Dante held.

Tommy End
”I talk like you don’t already know the truth that I speak. Hardcore.. You believe all of this as well, don’t you? You believe that you’re not good enough to go to the next level. You know that you’re not EBWF Gateway Championship, let alone the EBWF World Championship material..

That is why you went out and got yourself a bodyguard. You went out and got your namesake.. Bobby Lashley. You did that because you knew that you were never going to be remembered as the EBWF Breakout Champion. And you knew that you would never go to the next level. So.. You brought in your backup to make a play at us.. You made a play to take on Legion.

You went out and brought in Bobby Lashley and Lio Rush, and then you started running your mouth, again.

This isn’t the first time you wanted to dance with darkness, is it “Hollywood”? You thought that you could take on the darkness and beat it. Prove that you were better, but what happened? What happened when you stood toe to toe with the darkness?

You failed.. You called out the darkness, and failed. Sure, you were tough, but I already knew you would be. That thick skull of yours, it’s really, really hard. But in the end, you fell. Just like everyone else that has called out the darkness.”

Tommy turned forward, his body facing the camera.

Tommy End
”Here we are again, but this time you have a little help. This time you are wanting what belongs to Legion. You wanted to stake claim and say that you deserve a shot at the EBWF Tag Team Championship. A shot against Legion. What have you done to deserve that? What have you don’t to have a chance at the belts?

Is it because there’s two of you? Well, there two females in Royalty.. Zelina and Charlotte. Do those two deserve a shot? No? Then why do you and Bobby Lashley? The two of you aren’t a team. You’re just a delusional man and a father and son getting a payday. That’s it. Bobby Lashley and Lio Rush would make a better tag team going into WrestleMania, than you and Bobby.

I’ve said this before, and we’ll prove it at WrestleMania. The two of you.. You don’t have the ability to be a tag team. You think that just because you both like to fight.. You think that gives you common ground and gives you credit to become a tag team. To challenge for the EBWF Tag Team Championships. But it doesn’t.. You don’t have the mindset that it takes to be a tag team.”

Tommy used his thumb and pointed back to Michael Dante.

Tommy End
”Dante and I.. We have these championship because we’re the complete opposite of the two of you. Where the two of you know nothing about each other. Where the two of you aren’t on the same wavelength. Where the two of you don’t know what the other is going to do before they do it.

We do.

Michael Dante and I, we’re not a tag team. We’re not just two guys that decided a long time ago that we were going to join force. No.. Dante and I, we’re family. We’re brothers. We not only fight together, but we fight for one another. Michael Dante and I, we are bond together by a higher power.

This wasn’t because of Legion. Dante and I formed our brotherhood long before we were shown the truth.. We found each other, we weren’t brought together out of necessity.

Unlike the two of you.”

Tommy shook his head, but he wasn’t. He quickly continued.

Tommy End
”Unfortunately, the two of you aren’t the only group of men who want to believe themselves to not only be a team, but to be deserving of a tag team shot. I’ll give it to you Hardcore.. You and Bobby Lashley at least haven’t been ready to tear into each other. Unlike Braun Strowman and Drew McIntyre.

Just a few weeks ago, Braun and Drew, they wanted to tear into each other. They wanted to prove just who was the biggest monster under the bed.. Except, neither of them got to prove who was better. And, it seems like we’ll never know now since Braun and Drew have decided that they want to destroy other people, instead of each other. Especially after being attacked by the “Bombastic Duo”, Bob Squared.

So.. Who is it? Who is the biggest monster in EBWF?

Let me answer that.. It’s neither of you. The biggest monster in EBWF is Legion, except we don’t see ourselves as a monster. At least not as much of a monster as the rest of you think.

Legion is the group that has struck fear in the hearts of the EBWF Universe. We are the ones that have spread the chaos all over this company. Not the two of you.. Not Hardcore Holly and Bobby Lashley. For a year now, Legion has been the ones to terrify the locker room. We tortured your heros. We eliminated your guardians. We left the entire EBWF Universe with no one to believe in. We made them question all their beliefs.

Braun.. I know you’ve been a monster before. You’re been a machine of destruction in the past, and I know that this TLC match, it caters to you. It caters to Drew. It caters to Bob Squared.. And that is why Wes Ikeda chose it.”

Tommy face twitched as he stared into the camera. The anger could be seen building inside him.

Tommy End
”You see boys, this match, you’re not in it because you’re deserving of a tag team title shot. No.. The four of you.. You were just in the right place, at the right time. Because you see, this match isn’t about giving the four of you what you want. No.. This match is about Wes Ikeda getting what he wants.

See, ever since Legion laid out Wes Ikeda in front of his hometown.. In front of millions and millions of his fans.. In front of his family. Since then, Wes Ikeda has been wanting to get back at Legion. He has wanted to take us out completely. But you see, he can’t. And he never will.

Wes couldn’t let his ego go.. He stuck his nose in the middle of Legion’s business when he forced Zahra to defend her championship in the Women’s Royal Rumble, but because of legal reasonings, Wes couldn’t punish Dante and I are the Royal Rumble because when I finished off EBWF’s heros at Fanniversary, I earned a shot at the EBWF World Championship. But now.. At WrestleMania, Dante and I, we were open for Wes to try and one up us. For him to try and get the better of Legion once again. By making us defend our championships against four undeserving men, in a TLC match.

That is why all of you got this match. That is why it’s a TLC match.

Wes wanted to force us into a match where Dante and I wouldn’t have the upper hand. Where we had the best chance of walking out of WrestleMania without the EBWF Tag Team Championships. So he decided on the TLC match, and when he heard the four of you claiming to be “teams”, Wes smiled and threw everyone in.

But little does Wes know.. Little does Bob Squared and Monster’s Inc know.. Dante and I.. This is our type of match.”

The anger seemingly disappeared as Tommy smirked.

Tommy End
”If case you don’t remember.. Legion stormed onto the scene around here by cause more chaos than had been seen in years. We destroyed everyone that stood against us. We tortured everyone that stood against us. Zahra, Dante, and I.. We have shown you all what we were capable of, but still.. Wes wants to believe that this match is going to hurt our chances of winning. He believes that this type of match will be his way to finally get rid of Legion.

But he’s dead wrong.”

Tommy reached over and he slapped one of the championship belts on Dante’s shoulder.

Tommy End
”We are the most destructive force to step into EBWF. We are the best, and we have proven that over and over again. When we took these championships, we said that there was nothing we wouldn’t do to get them.. But now that we are the champs, there is nothing we won’t do to keep these belts within Legion.

See, it doesn’t matter how much any of these other men throw at us in this match. Dante and I, we will throw it back twice as hard. We will use everything at our disposal. We will prove that no one can take out Legion. Not Bob Squared. Not Monster’s Inc. And most certainly not Wes Ikeda.

We are the tag team champions for a reason, and that reason is because we are the best tag team, not only here in EBWF, but in the entire world. And we prove that each and every time we step into the ring. It doesn’t matter what we’re up against. It doesn’t matter what stipulations are against us. We have, and will always come out on top. We will always find a way, and if by some miracle we don’t.. We will make a way. Will will always make sure that we are the best.

And at WrestleMania..

We will prove that there is no way to beat Legion. That there is no way to destroy Legion. No matter what you throw at us. No matter how great you think you are. No one, and I mean no one is willing to do the things that Dante and I are. Not one of you are willing to throw yourself into the fires of hell, except Dante and I.

That is why at WrestleMania, we will walk in as the EBWF Tag Team Champions, and we walk out of WrestleMania as the EBWF Tag Team Champions. But not only that.. Legion will once again leave WrestleMania with gold around all of our waists.”

Tommy took a pause before he continued.

Tommy End
”For a second year in a row, WrestleMania might close with the EBWF World Championship, but no one will remember that. Everyone will remember what we do. Everyone will remember the destruction we cause. Everyone will remember that we are the most unrelenting.. The most unforgiving.. The most dominant force in EBWF.

No one will question us anymore.”

He looked over his shoulder and then back at the camera.

Tommy End

As he finished, static begun to overtake the screen. The EBWF Tag Team Champions faded into the static.
EBWF World Champion (PJB x2)(TE x1), EBWF Intercontinental Champion (PJB x1),
EBWF Path to Glory Champion (PJB x2)(CS x1), EBWF Tag-Team Champion (Corre x1)(CJP x1)(BR x1)(SDS x1),
EBWF Women's Champion (AB x1), EBWF Women's Royal Rumble (AB 2016, 2018)