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The Phenomenal One and Big Sexy - "The Confrontation"

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 6:32 pm
by Nick
---OOC---Hey everyone, this is a little something me and Will put together. A sign of things to come. Stay tuned! ;)

[[S.C.O.M. by Fort Minor begins to blare. The crowd rushes to their feet. A healthy mix of cheers and boos, but the noise is near deafening.]]

Jerry Lawler: Hey JR! It’s Nash! Big Sexy is here on Warfare!

Jim Ross: I know King, but I don’t see him scheduled for anything, what is he doing here?

Jerry Lawler: Maybe he’s here to make sure we all are following him on Twitter.

Jim Ross: Could be King, but I doubt he flew all the way to Dallas just for that.

[[Nash finishes his walk to the ring, climbs over the top rope and hits his fist in the air while fireworks go off behind him. He grabs a mic and cocks his eyebrow.]]

Kevin Nash: Yeah, yeah, it’s true. We got an old rich white Republican trying to kick the most popular politician in the Black community out of the White House, Vince McMahon is losing in the “Monday Night Wars”, and Big Sexy Kevin Nash is in the house making money - welcome to 1996 everyone!

Jerry Lawler: And hey, JR, you’re still wearing your black cowboy hat!

Jim Ross: You’ve still got a crown on King, ever heard of not throwing rocks in glass houses?

Kevin Nash: Look, I’m not here to tell you about how good things were back then. I’m here cause things can still be damn good - and they will be. Look, I know how you all feel, I get it. The PG Era? It didn’t work. The whole trying to revert back to super babyfaces who kiss the kids and smile their big goofy grins, we played that. Why go back? Why take the formula of old and try to sell as something new? And why oh why does it take a guy in his fifties getting on the mic for people to realize that’s what’s going on.

[[The crowd sits in stunned silence.]]

Kevin Nash: You know, I use to know this guy. Great guy. Genuinely nice. Had a million dollar body. High flying all over the place. The crowd ate it up, the kids loved him, and even if he was only 5’10”, the crowds were every bit as into his matches and the big guys.

Jerry Lawler: Is he talking about AJ Styles?

Jim Ross: Could be...

Kevin Nash: And his schtick worked. Of course, this was 1987, his name was Ricky Steamboat, and he wasn’t shoved down the throats of fans. But it seems like every good lookin’ little guy who can do 23 back flips in a row thinks they’re gonna be the next Steamboat. It seems like some of them forgot that Ricky had a boatload of charisma. And here’s the real kicker - I’m looking at you Allen Jones - he didn’t rush his damn spot. He told a story, he didn’t hit every high spot every match just because he could. He made you care, he knew the way to hit home, the way to connect with all these people out here - it isn’t when they drop their jaw, it’s when they pour their heart out.

[[Crowd pops]]

Kevin Nash: And they are smart enough to know when it’s real, and when it’s just showing off. I can’t believe how many people still don’t get this. You have a gift! You probably take a dump that has more skills inside this ring, than I’ve had in my whole life. But it’s not about athleticism. It’s about the fact that these people are the best fans in the world - it’s not about what you can do, it’s about what you can do for them! I’ve seen Shawn Michaels bring audiences to tears by climbing up a ladder for over a minute. THAT’S mastering the craft. I’ve seen Shelton Benjamin become a footnote in history by running up a ladder and doing flips off it. THAT’S blowing your load.

Jerry Lawler: What did he just say?

Jim Ross: I don’t think I’m going to repeat it, but uh, I sure hope someone had their finger on the censor back there!

Kevin Nash: Everyone is wondering why I’ve “had it out” for you? It’s because you’re a waste. You could have been something special. You could have been a once in a lifetime performer. Dammit, you have the “raw stuff” that you could have had your name next to HBK’s - but you took all the potential in the world, and you rushed it, blew it before it was really there, and squandered the last decade. Never in the history of wrestling has someone had so much to work with, and done so little with it. Phenomenal One? No. The Ultimate Disappointment.

[[“Get Ready to Fly” hits the PA system interrupting Nash before he can say anything else.]]

Jim Ross: It looks like AJ Styles has heard enough!

[[Despite the verbal bashing, the fans in attendance are still on their feet cheering AJ Styles as he walks out onto the stage. He is dressed in his exclusive “P1” t-shirt that can only be found on and a fitted pair of 501 Levi jeans. He looks serious while he walks down the rampway, not playing to the fans like usual, keeping his full attention on Nash. After walking up the steps and entering the ring Styles is handed a microphone from one of the crew members at ringside. He walks directly up to the big man and looked up at him, preparing to speak.]]

AJ Styles: ......

[[Out of nowhere Styles smacks Nash in the face as hard as he could. The thud from the hit was loud, but the reaction from the audience is even louder.]]

Jerry Lawler: Did he just?

Jim Ross: I think he did!

[[Nash looks angry and steps up to Styles and the size difference is noticeably colossal. Both men look as if they are going to exchange punches, until Nash suddenly takes a step back and laughs it off as if it was nothing.]]

AJ Styles: It’s funny huh? Me disrespecting you like that is funny? Well, I for one am not laughing at the way you’ve been disrespecting me. As a matter of fact, I’m pretty fucking upset by it.

Jim Ross: Whoa, watch the language, AJ. This is a family show.

Jerry Lawler: Well, Warfare isn’t rated PG, JR. Guys in the truck, do your job!

[[Styles has now taken a step back to give himself a little distance from Nash, just in case he decides to go to blows.]]

AJ Styles: Week, after week, after week, you’ve been out here, back there, over there, somewhere, finding different kinds of ways to drag my name through the mud. I get it Kevin, I’m not 6’5, 300 plus pounds. I’m not the biggest guy in the back, I get it. Ricky Steamboat wasn’t either, but he was still one of the greatest wrestlers ever, I get that. But here’s the kicker. Ricky Steamboat was never a mainstream World Heavyweight Champion either. Now I’ll give respect where respect is due, he was a great NWA Champion, hell, so was I, but after the years of tarnishment to that title, it isn’t even recognized at that caliber any more. I’m not taking anything away from him, I’m a fan, like I’m sure all these people are fans of his.

[[It is unanimous and the crowd led it be know with a thunderous round of applause for the legend. Styles has to wait a moment for the crowd to die down before he can continue.]]

AJ Styles: Now, the EBWF World Championship is an entire different story. It’s the most prestigious championship in this industry and I’m proud to have held it. I’m going to be more than proud to hold it for the second time after I defeat five other men inside the Elimination Chamber in a few weeks at Destiny. But you say... I rushed it? Blew my load... prematurely?

Jerry Lawler: Not again!

Jim Ross: Quiet King!

AJ Styles: I guess you must be holding yours in then? Or maybe, just maybe you had a vasectomy? Because as long as I’ve been a following the EBWF I’ve never seen you with the World Championship! I know! You must’ve been castrated! Meaning you have no balls, whatsoever. Talk about the ultimate disappointment...

[[The reference to Nash's sexual exploits has the rukus crowd going bonkers at this point.]]

AJ Styles: I’d like to think that I’ve mastered my craft. That’s why I’m considered to be the greatest in the galaxy, unlike you who only master how to con people out of their cash. Yes, these people support me and I appreciate them for it. I don’t want to be the next HBK, because there will never be another HBK. I’m simply the one and only, Phenomenal AJ Styles!

[[Another pop erupts from the sold out capacity crowd and Styles looks to have calmed down just a bit after expressing himself, yet not taking his attention off of the big man who stands across the ring from him.]]

Jim Ross: AJ Styles certainly has a good point King.

Kevin Nash: You’d like to THINK you’ve mastered your craft. Let me tell you something there - Champ - you haven’t. And maybe you’re not that good with the listening game, I never said you could be the next HBK, I said you could have your name mentioned by his, along the likes of other legends like Stone Cold, Hulk Hogan, The Rock, Triple H. But instead, you’d like to THINK you’ve got it mastered. Well congratulations, you’ve one time held EBWF’s big one. You know, believe it or not, there was once a time this ol’ Nash in front of you held the richest prize in the industry at the time. I was just about your age now too.

Jerry Lawler: That’s true JR. Nash was both WWE and WCW World Champion.

Jim Ross: At a time when each company was respectively on top no less.

Kevin Nash: And I remember a thought I had around that time; I got it all figured out. I damn sure knew what I was doing then - but here I am - 18 years later, looking at some kid, who’s is in just about the same position I was, except this guy’s got a gift. I had my size, but you, you have a god given natural ability that 99% of the men who will ever step into the ring would be jealous of.

Jerry Lawler: That’s why they call him Phenomenal JR!

Kevin Nash: I never took that next step. I never etched my name in the annals of time. The greatest to ever live? You’re not gonna see Kevin Nash’s name on that list. But I played the game smart. I was never going to reach that upper echelon. So instead I went after the money, I went after the belt - and I’m here right now, looking at you, you ungrateful little brash punk, warning you; don’t make the same mistake I made. Cause if you can stand there, and look me in the eye and say you genuinely think you’ve “mastered the craft” - than you’re even more delusional and have your head further up your own ass than I did at your age.

Jim Ross: I don’t - King I don’t know what to make of this. Is Nash complementing or insulting Styles?

Jerry Lawler: I don’t know JR. This is wild, I’ve never seen Nash behave like this.

Jim Ross: Could he be playing mind games with the Phenomenal One?

[[Nash leans against the turnbuckle. He cocks his eyebrows up, condescendingly looking at Styles, almost as if to ask “what do you have to say for yourself?” There is no doubt about it, Kevin was shaming Styles like a child. Which AJ doesn't appreciate in the slightest.]]

AJ Styles: I’m delusional? Says the man who is going to be in his first phase of alzheimers pretty soon. Maybe you have a point though, I’m cocky, ungrateful, brash, a punk. All of that. Maybe I am. But who cares? This is professional wrestling. Do I believe I’m the best? Yes. Do I think I mastered my craft? Yes. But there’s room to improve for sure. So, I guess that I’ll be ultimate then huh? Either way, I’ll be better than the guy who played it smart and went for the money. I’ll be the guy who takes all the risks, just for the glory and maybe, just maybe, I’ll be on that list.

Kevin Nash: Go ahead, do your little flipping show. Rush your spots. See how quickly they forget you...cause when you’re a flash in the pan, you make it big, but whoever said it’s better to burn out than fade away never stuck around long enough to really MAKE an impact.

AJ Styles: I don’t think I’ll be forgotten. Twenty years later I won’t have to resort to coming out to this ring and talking down to the guy who’s on top, just to have people remember who the hell I am.

[[Styles takes a few steps forward as he spoke more aggressively than he did before. His hands look to be clenching into a fist and he tries to keep his cool throughout the heated debate.]]

AJ Styles: Could you do a flip? I do them because I can. I do them because the people pay to see me do them. I do them to win championships. I might’ve lost the belt, but it wasn’t to a damn poke to the chest!

[[Mockingly sarcastic Styles actually pokes the big man in the chest, but unlike the past Nash doesn't budge a bit.]]

Kevin Nash: You do a flip because you can. OK, can you do this?

[[Kevin Nash turns to the closest camera, he cocks his eyebrow up in a comedic manner. The crowd gives a pop. He then looks to his right hand, forms the sign of the Kliq with his fingers, raises it in the air, and the arena blows up.]]

Kevin Nash: I do THAT, because I can. We play with the gifts and tricks we learn, but doing it just because we can isn’t enough. You need more, you need to be smart enough to know how to use it - and right now, AJ Styles - you need to realize, you’ll never get there going the way you are now.

AJ Styles: I was apart of a few groups, nothing like the Kliq, the Wolfpack, or the nWo. I don’t have any signs to throw up just to get a pop from these people. I just do this.

[[Styles turns around to face the fans that are behind him and he smacks his chest a few times before holding his arms out into the crucifix gesture and he receives a similar reaction from the fans, yet not bigger than Nash’s. He turns back around and waits for them to quite before he speaks again.]]

AJ Styles: You want me to change who I am or I’ll never get there. Tell me Big Daddy Cool, what do I need to do then? Make a movie? Go get my ass whooped in the octagon and come running back here? What?

Kevin Nash: Patience. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and a legend isn’t either.

[[Nash then walks up to AJ, and leans down so that he’s eye to eye with the much smaller warrior.]]

Kevin Nash: Luckily for you, I have patience. And even more fortunate that I have friends in high places. See I play by my own rules - and right now, it turns out, you play by them too.

Jim Ross: What does he mean by that King?

Jerry Lawler: I don’t know!

Kevin Nash: Believe it or not, your contract isn’t as iron clad as you’d expect a former World Champion’s to be. Styles, for the time being, I went ahead and made some amendments to it. Congratulations AJ, you just unknowingly hired the smartest man in the business to be your manager!

[[Styles looks shocked at the statement and doesn't know how to respond, he simply drops his jaw and looks flabbergasted.]]

Jerry Lawler: WHAT?!

Jim Ross: I can’t believe this King!

AJ Styles: Wait, I don’t think I understood you quite clearly. You did what? I did what? What?

[[The fans join in on the “What” chants, some chant “Yes” others just scream at the top of their lungs in amazement.]]

Kevin Nash: I am...

Crowd: WHAT?!

Kevin Nash: ...the man...

Crowd: WHAT?!

Kevin Nash: charge...

Crowd: WHAT?!

Kevin Nash: ..of your contract!

Crowd: WHAT?!

Kevin Nash: So here’s your option Styles; you start listening to the voice of reason. Or I start volunteering you for handicap matches. Maybe I only agree to have you work on internet exclusives for a month. Take you out of your title match. Hell I might just terminate it. Get the picture? Play by my rules, or play somewhere else...but for a man who’s looking for his legacy, you have to know, the only place legends are made is at the top. And if you go somewhere else, you’ll be nothing but another case of “what if...”

[[AJ looks shocked. Shocked and terrified. The crowd begins to cheer wildly as the camera focuses on the face of Styles standing in disbelief. It quickly pans over to see Nash smirking with a near evil grin.]]

Jerry Lawler: JR, would you like to say it?

Jim Ross: It seems like business has just picked up!

[[The camera fades to black while The Phenomenal One stands in horrid disbelief.]]

Re: The Phenomenal One and Big Sexy - "The Confrontation"

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 4:59 pm
by Will
Nick, I loved writing this with you. It was pretty bad ass. Yes, I'm bumping this just to rub our massive egos, but hey we deserve some feedback from the people. Come on people!!!

Seriously, I had a blast and can't wait for the next installment. It's been marinating for a while now and things are just starting to get tender!

Re: The Phenomenal One and Big Sexy - "The Confrontation"

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 5:31 pm
by Miles
Yeah, I want to see where you two go with this.

I've also noticed that AJ's a lot more bad luck than he does good. Poor sucker.

Re: The Phenomenal One and Big Sexy - "The Confrontation"

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 5:39 pm
by David
This... is... EPIC! Poor AJ has to deal with Vinnie Vegas now, I wanna see more of this!

Re: The Phenomenal One and Big Sexy - "The Confrontation"

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 2:37 am
by Nick
Will wrote:Nick, I loved writing this with you. It was pretty bad ass. Yes, I'm bumping this just to rub our massive egos, but hey we deserve some feedback from the people. Come on people!!!

Seriously, I had a blast and can't wait for the next installment. It's been marinating for a while now and things are just starting to get tender!
Me too Will. This is a few months in the making, and I'm predicting it will be well worth the wait. :)
Miles wrote:Yeah, I want to see where you two go with this.

I've also noticed that AJ's a lot more bad luck than he does good. Poor sucker.
Awwwww come'on! I'm not that bad am I? :p
David wrote:This... is... EPIC! Poor AJ has to deal with Vinnie Vegas now, I wanna see more of this!
Poor AJ? LUCKY AJ! Who wouldn't want a 7' former World Champion in their corner. How could this possibly go wrong? :mrgreen: