Notes of Discord

This is where you post your RPs for Warfare, Pay Per Views, and for character development! The deadline for RPs for the current card will be posted in a countdown timer at the top of the forum.
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Joined: Sun Apr 22, 2018 11:15 am

Notes of Discord

Post by Billy »

Elias was pacing back and forth in the locker room moments before Warfare went on the air. He slung the body of his guitar over his shoulder, holding it by the neck. The door to the locker room swung open and Raquel Diaz walked in skin tight black denim jeans and a red top. She had a matching denim jacket slung over her shoulder. Elias took two steps back and waved a hand in front of him

Elias Samson: No, no, no! You get out of here! That stupid cousin of yours has been hunting me for two weeks! I don’t need this kind of stress in my life.I have to focus, it’s King of the Ring!

Raquel Diaz: Settle down, I know you need to focus on the Rock and Jinder Mahal. I’m not here to play mind games. I’m here to thank you for two weeks ago. Chavo had to learn a lesson and you helped. I reward good behavior.

Elias Samson: I don’t think Aiden is going to like that if he finds out but okay.

Elias started walking forward with a smile on his face. Raquel put her hand out to stop him.

Raquel Diaz: Down boy! What I’m offering is a chance to join the fold. Once the old Aiden is back in action things are going to change in the EBWF. I’m offering a chance to be on the right side of change for once. Think about it.

Elias Samson: How does that help me with King of the Ring?

Raquel Diaz: You know I have a certain ace up my sleeve. Make it through tonight alone and you’ll have help making it to the end of the tournament. That’s a promise.

Raquel backed out of the room, leaving Elias confused and unfocused. He shook his head in an attempt to clear it.

Elias Samson: Join the fold? What the hell does she have planned?

Elias had turned his back to the door when it opened for a second time. Renee Young entered and layed a hand on his shoulder. Elias jumped forward and started to swing the guitar around, stopping when he noticed it was her.

Renee Young: Woah! You seem a bit on edge. Maybe I’ll come back for an interview after your match?

Elias Samson: Sorry, I’ve been seeing Chavo everywhere! I can talk. What did you want to ask?

Renee Young: Well tonight you’re taking part in a King of the Ring Triple threat match against the Rock and Jinder Mahal. What is your strategy going into the match?

Elias Samson: I’m going to do what I do best! Put on a show for the EBWF Universe and WIN. There’s nothing I can’t do Renee I’m going to prove that tonight. 2019 is the year Elias Samson becomes the KING OF EBWF!

Renee Young: Rock is a multi-time champion in the EBWF how do you prepare to face someone like that.

Elias Samson: Just the same way you prepare for every other match. Unless you’re facing a Jinder Mahal, you’re facing someone who has won a match or two in their career. Rock’s no different from anyone else in this tournament.

Renee Young: That’s a lot of confidence!

Elias pulled his guitar up in front of him and started tuning.

Elias Samson: Sometimes confidence is all you need!

He strummed a chord and started to play a song. Renee tried to talk over him but he played louder and louder until she gave up and walked away.
Shaul Guerrero
*EBWF Women's Champion (x2)*
*2019 & 2021 Women's Royal Rumble Winner*
Aiden English
*EBWF World Champion (x3), Gateway Champion, Breakout Champion (x2)*
*2019 King of the Ring and Royal Rumble Winner*