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Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2019 9:48 pm
by Brandon M
Event: Warfare
Location: Bon Secours Wellness Arena, Greenville, South Carolina
Date: 12/02/2019
Time: 8:44PM

The scene opens as the camera goes around the arena before stopping at Renee Young who was standing in the ring. After a few seconds she begins speaking.

Renee Young: Ladies and Gentleman, Welcome to Warfare! And what a night we have in store for you including our main event were the EBWF World Champion will be here going one on one with Tommaso Ciampa. And the leader of Legion and one half of the EBWF Tag Team champions Tommy End taking on a returning Marty Scurll. Liv Morgan is here as is the new EBWF Gateway champion Rand..

As she is speaking " How Do You Like Me Now " by Jim Johnston begins playing over the arena sound system. The crowd boo's loudly as Hardcore Holly ( Wearing a pair of blue jeans with a black t shirt that reads " I don't give a damn! " ) walks onto the stage and stops before getting to the ramp. He looks around the audience as a " Hardcore Sucks " chant begins. Hardcore shakes his head as he holds the EBWF breakout championship in his hand dragging it as he begins walking down the ramp. Before getting to the ring he throws the EBWF Breakout title over the top rope and into the ring. Hardcore then slides under the bottom rope to the surprise of Renee Young. Hardcore then grabs the Breakout title before standing next to Renee looking angry. His music cuts as he then begins speaking into Renee's Microphone.

Hardcore Holly: Ya know, First off all you people can kiss my ass!

Hardcore the grabs the microphone from Renee before continuing.

Hardcore Holly: Now! Just like I did with the Big Show's dumbass and fat boy Grado! I have officially ended the wannabe Rockstars! HA! Ya see I have had Enough of the BS that goes on around here from week to week! The fact that people like Randy Orton, Edge, Stupid ass PJ Black and Heath Slater! Even get a second of time around here is assanyne! Its pathetic! Because week in and week out me and the big man are always here and always looking for a fight!.. Instead we get PJ Black or Tommaso Ciampa! HA! I said a fight not a ass whooping! But Wes he just doesn't listen! How many guys Wes? Huh? How many guys are you going to put in danger? Wes, I am dangerous! We!! are dangerous! Ya better start paying attention otherwise you aint gonna have a company left!

" I Came to Collect " by CFO$ begins playing over the arena sound system as Lio Rush ( Wearing a black suit without the coat and shirt and a black vest on as well as a pair of sunglasses ) walks out onto stage with Bobby Lashley ( Wearing his normal ring gear ) walking behind him. Lio is holding a microphone and begins speaking.

Lio Rush: Hardcore i am sorry man me and the big man was in the back and we had to come out here and say stop.. Just stop... Because your wasting your breath talking to these idiots in South Carolina! HA!

Hardcore smirks as Bobby Lashley and Lio Rush laugh with the crowd booing loudly. After a few seconds Lio begins speaking again as him and Bobby make their way to the ring.

Lio Rush: You people know Im right! ( Lio wink's ) HA! Now earlier today I tried being a nice guy, Im trying to help you boys in the back but ya'll just to damn stupid to see what's right in front of you! I mean honestly Randy did you see what happened to the " Rockstars " last week? Do you really want your family watching you go threw the same thing? Randy heed my warning an just walk away bra. This is a fight you do not want! You might win the match but We always collect! An that's exactly what we did last week. Now! For all of you in the EBWF universe, For Wes and the entire locker room let me just point something out! Because I know people like to run their mouths but facts are facts. And the fact is what Hardcore is doing is exactly! to the T what he said he was going to back when he first started in EBWF. Don't believe me? Here is the proof.

Lio Rush then points to the titantron as it shows some of Hardcore Holly's first twitter messages.

Lio Rush: Can all you idiots out here read? Randy can you read? The warnings are in the message but people like you, Aiden, The Miz, All laughed.. You all made jokes.. HA! Ya think PJ thinks its a joke now? How about Heath?.. They learned the hard way just as you will tonight. Hardcore has never cared about belts or winning matches.. He wanted to fight! He wanted to hurt people! The warnings have always been their but most don't listen. And Randy you were warned then just like I warned you earlier and yet you still wanna press ya luck? I'll take money over luck anyday best believe.. An what we say is money! What we do is money! Everything!.. Is money when your one of us! HA! But see Randy you allow your ego to cloud ya judgement man. Do you think your a big shot with that belt? Do you honestly think it means a damn thing?.. Personally i think its just as big of a joke as Tommaso somehow being in the main event! HA!HA! I mean really? HA! But by the end of this night Aiden you will be thanking us.. Because we gonna take the number one guy, The Gateway champ, The garden snake! HA!

Lio laughs as Hardcore and Bobby smirk.

Hardcore Holly: Viper my ass! Trust me tonight I am gonna KO the RKO!

Lio Rush: Facts!.. Randy you are about to have a really bad night! We'll see ya soon.. CHUMP!

" I Came To Collect " by CFO$ begins playing as Lio drops the microphone and begins running his mouth at the camera. Bobby and Hardcore both look angry as after about thirty seconds the screen fades to black.