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I won't.

Posted: Mon May 11, 2020 9:45 pm
by D.J
The scene opened up moments after the 5/4 edition of Warfare. We were backstage and The Miz had just made his way back through the curtain. He had a dazed look on his face and almost looked lost in his own thoughts. His wife Mickie followed a couple of beats later.

Mickie Mizanin: MIKE! MIKE! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? How could you do that? How could you do that to Trish? Have you lost your mind?

The Miz ignored her and kept walking.

Mickie Mizanin: Don't you walk away from me! MICHAEL STOP!

Renee Young entered the backstage area. She was now standing in front of The Miz with Mickie trailing behind him. The Miz stopped and rolled his eys.

The Miz: Oh for god sakes. I'm surrounded by estrogen. Yeah- maybe I have lost my mind? Alright?! Is that what you want to hear. Here's the fact of the situation. I don't care. I don't care about anything but winning. I don't care about anything but being the best in this whole god damn company. So Mickie the man you married- the successful- champion- that is NOT who you're seeing before you right now.. I've lost A LOT more than my mind. Ever since I married you- my career has gone to crap!

Mickie Mizanin: Mike you've lost a couple of matches- that's no excuse to act like you've been act..

The Miz: Just save it. I'm going to do whatever the HELL it takes to win every match- that's the only thing that matters right now.

Renee Young: Well Miz- your actions as of late have been horid- and as a result I've just gotten word that you'll be back in action next week against Randy Orton.

The Miz smirked.

The Miz: Good- good- perfect. Randy Orton- just another guy who everyone thinks is one of the best around here. He will be a PERFECT guy for me to show EVERYONE that I am not ONE of the best around here- but that I'm still THE best.

Renee Young: Miz don't you think you're taking this a little too far? I mean these were your friends that you've been brutally attacking and losing your composure on.

The Miz: Too far? Too far Renee? Really? REALLY?! No I'm not taking it too far- when I'm telling you that I NEED to get back to WHERE I WAS in this company- I never got anywhere by worrying about if I was going TOO FAR and against Randy Orton next week there is NO LENGTH THAT I WILL NOT GO- to make sure that I plant him face first to that mat- and pick up the victory over him that NOBODY expects out of me right now- NOBODY EXCEPT ME.

Mickie Mizanin: And what if you lose?

The Miz cocked his head to the side not fully looking at his wife.

The Miz: What if I lose?

There was a beat- Mickie had her arms crossed like pissed off women often do.

The Miz: I won't.

He stormed past Renee and left both women standing baffled as the scene faded away.