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Time to Play

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2020 5:40 pm
by Ben M
OOC: Apologies for the short RP, Nick informed me he wouldn’t be able to RP and with work and stuff I’ve not had much time to write. Wanted to make sure I put something up.

The scene opened in a dark room. A small light was on Nikki Cross’ face... she was rocking back and forth. As the camera zoomed in on her, Nikki began to speak.

Nikki Cross: It’s play time Torrie. Nikki likes to play, especially when there is a prize at stake. Nikki wants that prize, and she’s going to take it. And she’s going to destroy everyone who stands in her way. Starting with you... and I’ll warn you Torrie, I play rough!

Nikki cackled as the scene faded.