An unnamed Japanese wrestling journalist is hosting a Zoom call with Tomohiro Ishii. If you can imagine it, the hosts face is the bottom corner of the screen and Ishii can be seen on the full screen. He is sat in what seems to be his hotel room. His EBWF Breakout Championship is on display in the wardrobe behind him as is his custom-made suit. Ishii’s head and shoulders can be seen on screen as in any ordinary zoom call. He seems relaxed. All dialogue is in Japanese but the subtitles are in English.
Journalist: Good morning Tomohiro! Thanks for being with us today.
Ishii: You’re welcome. Thanks for having me.
Journalist: It’s 10AM here in Tokyo and I believe it’s 8PM where you are?
Ishii: Yes, that’s right, there’s a quite a large time difference between Tokyo and Mississippi!
Journalist: By my Maths there is exactly 24 hours before the start of EBWF Warfare where your opponent is none other than Randy Orton. A well-known legend in American wrestling. How are you preparing for that match?
Ishii: Well, if you saw last week, I was at the EBWF Performance Centre, helping train some of the up and coming talent as well as helping to stay in shape to defeat my previous challenger Killer Kross. At the moment I spend most of my time there as there’s not much else to do.
Journalist: How are you finding life out there in America?
Ishii: It’s not been how I envisaged to be perfectly honest but I deal with it in the only way that Tomohiro Ishii knows how and that is by fighting in that ring every day. Whether it be a match day or in training.
Journalist: Well, you have had a lot of success, you are the EBWF Breakout Champion, so from the outside looking in, you look to be doing extremely well!
Ishii: That’s true. When it comes to fighting in the ring, that’s my bread and butter, but everything outside of that has not gone as I had expected.
Journalist: You are in a foreign country though Tomohiro, surely you can’t expect it be just like it was in Japan?
Ishii: Of course not, but let me explain. Look at me, I’m stuck in a hotel room. Another hotel room! My life evolves around going from city to city, from hotel to hotel and to the performance centre and back. That’s it. At first, I was travelling back and forth to Japan between matches so to rest at home with my family but the pandemic put a stop to it.
Journalist: I get that must be difficult to not see your family but as far as your wrestling career goes, aren’t you showing improvements from the sheer amount of training you are doing?
Ishii: That’s correct. I am stronger and leaner than I have ever been! I am training every day and more focused on my wrestling career than I have been in years. However, I do miss my family and friends back in Japan and would like to be back to visit as soon as possible. I miss the food and I miss the fact that people respect each other and wear masks in a pandemic. (chuckles)
Journalist: Also, you talk about a hotel, I take it that you are not happy with that arrangement.
Ishii: No, I wish I had a base where I could feel more at home and this where I am going to shoot on the EBWF management. Since my arrival I have been every card imaginable. Warfare has been the Tomohiro Ishii show! I have fought pretty much everybody on the roster. Without Tomohiro Ishii there would be no EBWF Warfare some weeks! Wrestlers like Chris Jericho, Darby Allin, Randy Orton, The Rock etc turn up once a month or twice or month. Tomohiro Ishii fights every single week! As far as the hotel goes, not once have I received any support to organise any living arrangements, not once have I received help with organising translations or interpreters and they have all been sourced by myself at my own cost, so that I can be understood in promos and vignettes, and not just be another silent foreigner. Each hotel has been booked by myself. Each rental car has been booked by myself. All translations have had to be sourced by myself through my contacts at New Japan Pro Wrestling and forwarded back to the EBWF. Hell, I am the EBWF Breakout Champion and I am not even featured on the company website or listed in the hall of champions! Everything I have done in the EBWF has been done on my own. As a foreigner in the United States this has not been easy and at times, I regret my decision to come here but as I said before, the wrestling part of the journey is what motivates me, despite all of the other difficulties!
Journalist: I totally understand where you are coming from but when the EBWF management receive the translations for this interview, I’m sure they won’t be happy with you criticizing their company to Japanese media! If you had a problem, do you think you should’ve done to them first?
Ishii: Possibly, but as a guest in their country and wrestling company, it was my expectation to be better catered for, but as I say, as far as wrestling goes, I am really enjoying it and as a wrestler I am fitter, stronger, leaner and healthier than I ever was when wrestling for New Japan Pro Wrestling! One secret I will let you into however, is that I have had conversation with a bilingual member of the NJPW non-wrestling staff who said he would be happy to join me in the EBWF to help me with a lot of these things, and it is something that I am seriously considering.
Journalist: Ok, that’s interesting. Changing gears here slightly, let’s focus on your match with Randy Orton on Warfare.
Ishii: Yes, well Randy Orton, despite being another one of EBWF’s part time performers is somebody that cannot be overlooked. He has achieved a great deal in his career. He is the Viper, the apex predator. These nicknames are not just picked out at random from a lucky bag, these are genuine. It is because he is the personification of violence. But what will happen the Viper meets the Pitbull? Has anyone ever seen a fight like it before? Just talking about it makes me realise why I am here in the EBWF despite the aforementioned difficulties of American living. It makes me realise that the pros outweigh the cons. I train day in and day out for matches with guys like Randy Orton. I may win, I may not, but I will certainly take a chunk out of him!
Journalist: As upset as EBWF management may be with some of the things you are saying, I am sure they will be happy with slogan - Pitbull vs Viper.
Ishii: Yes, somebody needs to put that on a poster and use the money accrued to put me up in a permanent property! (chuckles)
Journalist: Is there anything else you want to say in closing?
Ishii: Yes, I want to remind all of my Japanese fans to tune into EBWF Warfare. They will see the much-improved EBWF version of Tomohiro Ishii take the fight to Randy Orton. You’ll see stronger chops, blistering right hands, seismic shockwave suplexes and a damning vertical drop brain buster. I am the gatekeeper of the EBWF and to prove yourself good enough to be a champion, you have to go through me. That even applies to veterans like Randy Orton as this is a first time encounter. He’s beaten and maimed a lot of people in his career but he’s never come across a Stone Pitbull!!!! In 24 hours, Randy Orton will receive a wake up call! PITBULL VS VIPER…..LET’S BITE!!!
*Call ends*
Pitbull vs Viper
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