Freak Show
Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2020 8:52 am
Paul London stood on a raised platform in front of a multi-colored fabric wall. To his left the wall was broken by a drab brown cloth covering an opening. London held an old-style metal bullhorn to his mouth.
Paul London: Come one, come all! Marvel at a specimen unseen by human eyes for millennia! The terrifying beast straight from the Jurassic era! Witness in awe at the LUCHASAURUS!!!
A kid pressed himself up against the podium and peered up at London.
The Child: Mister, mister! How much to see the dinosaur?
Paul London: Oh no! He’s no dinosaur! The LUCHASAURUS is something much more amazing. Half luchador, half dinosaur. It’s a frightening combination right out of your worst nightmares! Avail your eyes at the terror that is LUCHASAURUS.
Paul leaned a bit over the podium.
Paul London: four quid!
The Child: Huh? Four what?
Paul London: Five bucks kid.
The Child shoved a hand in his front pocket and came up with a five dollar bill as wrinkled as his shirt. Paul London took it, examined it in the light and then shoved it into his own pocket. He waved the kid toward the opening as a handful of more people approached with money in hand.
Paul London: Be sure to stay out of harms reach. I won’t be held responsible for what happens if the beast gets its hands on you!
The Child pulled back the curtain and vanished into the darkness beyond. Paul started plucking money from others until the child shoved his head back out from behind the curtain.
The Child: Ummmm mister! There’s nothing back here but an empty cage and some sleeping masked cowboy!
Paul London: NOT AGAIN!
Paul took hold of the brightly colored cloth wall and tugged on it. It collapsed to the ground revealing a large empty cage with Lince Dorado next to it on a steel chair. He had on a massively oversized foam cowboy hat and was obviously, hopelessly asleep. London walked over and kicked the chair, pointing his arm at the empty cage. Lince stood up and spoke, flailing his hands about expressively.
Lince Dorado: ¡No se suponía que lo averiguaras! Salió. Fuanki dijo que lo traería de vuelta. Decidí tomar una siesta, pero ya debería haber regresado. ¡Tenemos todo esto manejado!
Paul London: ENGLISH!
Lince Dorado: Funaki is looking.
Funaki flew across the screen in a brown kimono. There was a sound as if he had hit a wall offscreen. A handful of men in medieval European armor marched into frame with weapons drawn. The pointed in the direction Funaki had come from and ran off. Funaki’s hand came into frame and he pulled himself forward holding up a finger.
Fuanki: 待つ。あなたはそのことにはマッチしません。彼はあなたの缶を引き裂き、新鮮なサウジのようにあなたを食べるつもりです!彼の後を追いかけないでください。お願いです。お願いします。
Paul London’s voice came from offscreen.
Paul London: No, only in English! ENGLISH!
Funaki: Funaki, number one dino hunter!
The sound of metal scrapping and tearing followed. Then, a helmet flew across only narrowly missing Funaki’s head. His eyes went wide. There was a roar. Suddenly Luchasaurus stomped into frame, towering over Funaki. Funaki gulped.
Funaki: Good dino.
Luchasaurus hauled Funaki up by the neck and delivered a massive choke slam. He pressed hard against the ground and looked around to make sure no one else was after him. The camera zoomed as he caught it in his focus. It shook rapidly.
Luchasaurus lunged at the camera as it swung around as if trying to run. The camera dropped to the grass and rolled around. It ended on an angle that showed Luchasaurus looming over the camera man, but the shot was disorientingly upside down. Luchasaurus dropped a knee into the chest of the camera man and the shot quickly faded to black.
Paul London: Come one, come all! Marvel at a specimen unseen by human eyes for millennia! The terrifying beast straight from the Jurassic era! Witness in awe at the LUCHASAURUS!!!
A kid pressed himself up against the podium and peered up at London.
The Child: Mister, mister! How much to see the dinosaur?
Paul London: Oh no! He’s no dinosaur! The LUCHASAURUS is something much more amazing. Half luchador, half dinosaur. It’s a frightening combination right out of your worst nightmares! Avail your eyes at the terror that is LUCHASAURUS.
Paul leaned a bit over the podium.
Paul London: four quid!
The Child: Huh? Four what?
Paul London: Five bucks kid.
The Child shoved a hand in his front pocket and came up with a five dollar bill as wrinkled as his shirt. Paul London took it, examined it in the light and then shoved it into his own pocket. He waved the kid toward the opening as a handful of more people approached with money in hand.
Paul London: Be sure to stay out of harms reach. I won’t be held responsible for what happens if the beast gets its hands on you!
The Child pulled back the curtain and vanished into the darkness beyond. Paul started plucking money from others until the child shoved his head back out from behind the curtain.
The Child: Ummmm mister! There’s nothing back here but an empty cage and some sleeping masked cowboy!
Paul London: NOT AGAIN!
Paul took hold of the brightly colored cloth wall and tugged on it. It collapsed to the ground revealing a large empty cage with Lince Dorado next to it on a steel chair. He had on a massively oversized foam cowboy hat and was obviously, hopelessly asleep. London walked over and kicked the chair, pointing his arm at the empty cage. Lince stood up and spoke, flailing his hands about expressively.
Lince Dorado: ¡No se suponía que lo averiguaras! Salió. Fuanki dijo que lo traería de vuelta. Decidí tomar una siesta, pero ya debería haber regresado. ¡Tenemos todo esto manejado!
Paul London: ENGLISH!
Lince Dorado: Funaki is looking.
Funaki flew across the screen in a brown kimono. There was a sound as if he had hit a wall offscreen. A handful of men in medieval European armor marched into frame with weapons drawn. The pointed in the direction Funaki had come from and ran off. Funaki’s hand came into frame and he pulled himself forward holding up a finger.
Fuanki: 待つ。あなたはそのことにはマッチしません。彼はあなたの缶を引き裂き、新鮮なサウジのようにあなたを食べるつもりです!彼の後を追いかけないでください。お願いです。お願いします。
Paul London’s voice came from offscreen.
Paul London: No, only in English! ENGLISH!
Funaki: Funaki, number one dino hunter!
The sound of metal scrapping and tearing followed. Then, a helmet flew across only narrowly missing Funaki’s head. His eyes went wide. There was a roar. Suddenly Luchasaurus stomped into frame, towering over Funaki. Funaki gulped.
Funaki: Good dino.
Luchasaurus hauled Funaki up by the neck and delivered a massive choke slam. He pressed hard against the ground and looked around to make sure no one else was after him. The camera zoomed as he caught it in his focus. It shook rapidly.
Luchasaurus lunged at the camera as it swung around as if trying to run. The camera dropped to the grass and rolled around. It ended on an angle that showed Luchasaurus looming over the camera man, but the shot was disorientingly upside down. Luchasaurus dropped a knee into the chest of the camera man and the shot quickly faded to black.