The scene opens with Tomohiro Ishii stomping down a corridor flanked by a short and skinny gentleman, well dressed in a suit, and unknown to EBWF fans. Ishii has the EBWF Breakout Championship slung over his shoulder and both men seem to be marching with a purpose. After a few seconds of ploughing their way through a busy corridor, the pair make their intentions known...
Unknown Gentleman: (to backstage employee) Where's Charly Caruso?
Backstage Guy: Um, she's just around the corner, preparing for the pre-show pane......
(Ishii and the unknown gentleman shove past the backstage guy and move further through the corridor until they find Charly Caruso.)
Unknown Gentleman: Charly!
Caruso: Yes? Do I know you?
Unknown Gentleman: (speaking in an English accent) Yes, of course you do. I'm Chris Charlton from the New Japan Pro-Wrestling commentary team?
Caruso: Erm.........oh.........yeah.... of course. Anyway I'm busy preparing for the pre-show panel for Fanniversary, I'm on in 5 minutes. Nice to meet you.....
(Ishii steps in front of Charlton and appears to intimidate Caruso without saying a word, rather just staring and snarling)
Charlton: (In Japanese) Ishii-san, relax!
In English) Now, Charly, please, just two minutes of your time? I have some things to say on behalf of Tomohiro Ishii.
Caruso: Ok, What did you want to say?
Charlton: As you know, people are used to seeing taped promos of Tomohiro Ishii, spoken in Japanese and subtitled for the American audience. However, you will be seeing less of that in the future. As of today I have been appointed as Tomohiro's official spokesperson. Going forward, I will be the advocate for Tomohiro in the EBWF. I am fluent in Japanese and the Queen's English, not that bastardized American stuff, and I can converse on an intellectual level with The Stone Pitbull, Tomohiro Ishii. This is what is needed to get Ishii-san to the next level in the EBWF.
Caruso: That makes sense to me. Ishii is already a Breakout Champion but tonight he faces a different proposition altogether as he comes up against Randy Orton, The Gateway Champion.
Charlton: Yes that's right, and one of the reasons that we have sought you out for this interview Charly is because we know that you are Randy's preferred choice when it comes to interviews. In fact, we listened to what Randy had to say about Ishii-san and he levelled quite an accusation at him. Randy said that he believes that Tomohiro will not evolve in this business and that he will wait for Ishii-san to make mistakes, before picking him apart move by move until hitting the RKO.
Caruso: Well isn't that what Randy did last time he met Ishii?
Charlton: That was last time but tonight Ishii-san is a different prospect entirely. It is no secret that he has been out of sorts and lost a few matches he shouldn't have. Truth be told he has been banged up from all of the matches that he has been in each week but the last few weeks of rest have re-energized him, he has had a chance to soothe his wounds, and he is back with a vengeance tonight, in his quest to reach the next level, and become EBWF Gateway Champion.
Caruso: What can we expect differently from Tomohiro Ishii tonight, other than having a new spokesperson? Because it is what happens in the ring which will decide the match, and Randy seems to have Ishii's number.
Charlton: You will see the same as what you usually see, 100% grit, dogged determination and an unbridled anger. However, I am here to help Ishii-san channel all of that aggression towards a focused goal of becoming the best professional wrestler in this company, and that starts tonight when he defangs the Viper and becomes a double champion! Now Charly, we will go and make our last preparations for tonight, and when I send the Stone Pitbull out there he will be fighting smart and fighting with a game plan. Keep your eyes on this one!
(Ishii and Charlton walk off leaving Caruso just a few seconds to prepare for the pre-show)