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Man on a Mission

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2020 8:25 pm
by D.J
The Rock was a man on a mission. At Fanniversary- Chris Jericho was pinned by Aiden English which, in turn, cost The Rock his very first EBWF Championship. It was a reign that ended really before it could even get started, and that was not sitting well with The People's Champion. Last week he had some pretty hard hitting words on Warfare about his intentions of taking back that title, but first he would be in action in Monday's main event against Tomohiro Ishii. The Rock would be set out to make an example out of Tomohiro as he moved towards his chance at regaining the EBWF Championship.

The scene opened up inside the Los Angeles, California home of The Rock. It was a massive house with 5 different expensive cars parked in an extremely large driveway. Apparently those were not the cars that The Rock was interested in driving that day as he pulled in in a large white Cadillac Escalde Truck. The car pulled into a spot- and the door swung open. The leg that escaped the truck was covered by a very nice pair of grey pants, as The Rock emerged, he was wearing a designer black button up and his signature shades. The Rock got out of the truck and looked right into the camera.

The Rock: Finally- The Rock- has come back to Los Angeles. As you can probably already tell, The Rock is here at his LA home just a few days away from EBWF Warfare. In 3 days The Rock- heading to Madison, Wisconsin. In 3 days, The Rock will be in the ring with one Tomohiro Ishii. Which means in 3 days, The Rock is quite simply just going to kick Tomohiro Ishii's Candy Ass and show him, show Aiden English, show the millions.. and millions of The Rock's fans who are watching here live on youtube right now, and who will be watching Monday Night- that The Rock right now.. is a man... on a mission. That mission starts on Monday Night, when The Rock is going to look into the eyes of that thin whivel having, man boob bouncing, japanese piece of monkey crap- and he's going to wax on... wax off.. wax on.. wax off.. wax.. a'las.. WHOOP THAT ASS- and show once again that The Rock is meant to be, destined to be, SUPPOSED to be, THE EBWF CHAMPION.. because The Rock is simply the best that the EBWF has to offer. Aiden English may have been able to take advantage of a Chris Jericho who's had one too many calzones.. to win The Rock's title- hell Aiden English might even be good.. but if Aiden English is good.. The Rock.. is simply.. better. The Rock is better than Aiden English and The Rock is most certainly better than Tomohiro Ishii. Tomohiro Ishii- the same man who comes on The Rock's show- and his little sidekick Chris Charlton stares at the camera and he says this to The Rock's fans.

The Rock spoke in a whiny mocking tone.

The Rock: Tomohiro can't speak any english- but he knows when you're disrespecting him. Tomohiro can't speak any english- but he can offer you a free sample at the mall.

The Rock paused.

The Rock: Tomohiro can't speak any english- but he has learned a phrase that is uttered to him by women everywhere...

The Rock cleared his throat.

The Rock: "That's it?"

The Rock stared into the camera and scratched his face with his pinky to subtly indicate that he thought Tomohiro had small.. shall we say.. manhood.

The Rock: Well Tomohiro- despite the fact that you don't speak much english. Despite the fact that you got a trouser tootsie roll.. despite the fact that the food from your country is one of The Rock's favorite at every shopping mall both here and abroad. The Rock is going to deliver a beating that is going to close the language gap- because let The Rock assure you of something Tomohiro.. The Rock's size 15 boot- turned sideways- and stuck STRAIGHT UP your candy ass- looks the same.. sounds the same.. FEELS THE SAME in any language jabroni. So The Rock says- Tomohiro.. bring your little mouthpiece.. bring your scowl and angry japanese yelling.. bring your big fat tig ol bitties.. but above all else.. JUST BRING IT.. because The Rock doesn't want to hear all your little excuses after he beats the miso soup out of you all of over Wisconsin.

The Rock looked into the camera extremely intense.

The Rock: You see as all of The Rock's fans watch this on youtube today. Tomohiro is in a dojo somewhere. EBWF Breakout Title in the corner. Tomohiro is sitting there and he's thinking. He's thinking to himself that this match, this opporuntity, this chance.. is one of the biggest of his 44 years on this earth. He knows that come Monday.. all 89 Billion Ka Gillion- citizens of Japan are going to turn on EBWF Warfare and they are going to see their buddy, their pal, their countryman.. waddle down to the ring.. and have the daunting task.. of going ONE.. ON.. ONE with The Great One.. but they'll be excited.. yeah! One of their own getting a chance to rub elbows with greatness.. to rub elbows with The People's Champion.. it's a once in a lifetime chance. The Rock can picture the scene.. Japanese fans all throughout the country.. all talking over each other.. all eating noodles.. all waiting with anticipation. Tomohiro is picturing his entire country watching that TV.. admiring him.. enjoying the show with high anticipation. Then it's going to happen.. "IF YA SMELL- WHAT THE ROCK- IS COOKIN" that iconic theme music hitting the PA..and Tomohiro knows.. just like The Rock knows.. that as soon as his country gets a glimpse of The Rock.. their admiration.. is going to shift.. it's going to shift... towards The Rock.

The Rock stared a hole into the camera.

The Rock: All the little Japanese ladies are going to stare at The Rock.. their going to look at The Rock.. GAWK at The Rock.. and understand that THAT is what a real man looks like. Tomohiro sits right now in his dojo, anxious, worried, SCARED that in 0.8 seconds flat.. the second The Rock walks down the people's ramp.. INTO the people's ring.. he knows that his entire country.. his entire fanbase.. is going to belong to the jabroni beating, pie eating, trailblazing, eye brow raising, if you want to be healthy enough to stay.. SAY YES SENSAI.. PEOPLE'S CHAMP- THE ROCK. Tomohiro- on any given week- you CAN do a lot of things. On any given week.. you could beat say.. The Miz.. you could beat.. Chris Jericho.. you could have a solid bowel movement, you could learn how to say "no thank you" to dessert- which certainly hasn't happened yet.. but it could.. but there's one thing.. AND THE ROCK MEANS.. one thing that you are simply not capable of doing.. and that is you can't stop.. CAN'T STOP.. The Rock. Especially not a Rock that is on such a clear mission, especially not a Rock that is locked and loaded- and ready to make a very LOUD and CLEAR example of you- Ishii-San.. meet Rock-san.. and Rock-san.. is HELL BENT.. on delievering to you Tomohiro Ishii.. the ass kicking.. of a lifetime.

The Rock bowed similar to the beginning of a karate sparring.


The Rock cocked an eyebrow and walked out of the scene towards his front door and the scene faded to black.