Destruction and pain

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Destruction and pain

Post by A.J »

Backstage we see a red room then the camera turns and we see a tall man with a black towel on his head.

???: pain ... pain is something that everyone feels in their life...pain is a feeling that no one wants but sometimes they are forced to feel it anyway.

???: the best thing about pain is forcing it on someone..making someone feel pain and looking at the agony in their face it feels so gooood.

The figure laughs.

???: aj styles this Monday night you will feel pain you will be in agony.. and after I'm done with you I will go on to the royal rumble where I will inflict pain on 29 victims and the destruction will be so barbaric so BRUTAL THAT THE DEVIL HIMSELF WILL RISE UP AND BEG FOR IT TO END... then I will go on to wrestlemania and destroy the world champion and take his title for myself as my holy grail.

The man then took the towel off to reveal the big red machine kane.

Kane: welcome to hell.

kane laughed eerily as the camera faded to black.

"If you don't pay attention to me,I'm going to make you pay attention to me. I've always been that way."
- Alexa Bliss

"Watch Me"
-Liv Morgan