The Rock had done it. He had reclaimed the EBWF Championship for the second time with his victory over Aiden English at Christmas Eve of Destruction. Many wondered what or more specifically who, would be next for the new Champion. Their questions were answered promptly on the second Monday after Christmas Eve of Destruction when Randy Orton, after 444 days of being the Gateway Champion, decided to cash in his title to earn a shot at the EBWF Championship that has alluded him since 2013. In the subsequent weeks, The Rock seemed to have Orton's number getting the most of their exchanges on back to back shows going into the much anticipated clash at Royal Rumble. The Rock had proven a lot of the doubters, who had said that he'd be back for a small moment in time, only to disappear again. He was clearly serious when he said he was back and here to stay. Now a 2 time EBWF Champion, The Rock was hell bent on retaining his gold, and pushing forward as the face of the company, on the road to EBWF Wrestlemania.
The scene opened up in Houston, Texas site of EBWF Royal Rumble. We were at a Dave and Busters. The first sight was a nice shot of outside the popular game and food, destination. The camera zoomed in towards the building, and just before the viewer could be confused as to what was going on. A long black limo pulled up in front of the building. The first man to get out was Alex Riley. He had a large camera on his shoulder, that he was once again struggling with. Quickly the view of the camera changed to Alex's point of view. Following behind Riley, was the EBWF Champion, The Rock. He was wearing a designer gold shirt with a black Brahama Bull on the back, and black slacks. He had sunglasses on and the EBWF Championship over his shoulder. He got out of the limo and quickly faked giving Alex Riley an elbow which caused Riley to shy away and wobble the camera view. The Rock fixed the EBWF Championship up onto his shoulder, and looked right into the camera.
The Rock: FINALLY.. THE ROCK.. has come back to HOUSTON. The Rock, the people's champion, the EBWF Champion, the champion of playing darts, the best ice cream scooper you've ever met, the master of so many things.. is coming to you LIVE tonight.. via youtube.. to let the millions..
Alex Riley (behind the camera): AND MILLIONS!
The Rock's flow had been broken and he didn't look pleased. He stared right through the camera.
The Rock: Don't you ever AND THE ROCK MEANS.. ever.. interupt The Rock like that. You aren't being paid to talk.. you're being paid to stand there.. hold the camera.. HOLD THE CAMERA.
The Rock helped Riley prop the camera up higher.
The Rock: And keep it locked on who the Millions AND MILLIONS of The Rock's fans want to see. As The Rock was saying, he's coming to you live.. via youtube.. via this little jabroni's camera lens.. to let all of his fans.. to let all of his people know.. that with EBWF Royal Rumble on the horizon.. that The Rock.. is.. READY. He's ready to get Randy Orton in the ring, READY.. to look into his tiny marble sized yes.. READY to watch him move his neck around like he's a snake.. READY.. to watch him throw his arms in the air flamboyantly.. READY.. to counteract the emotion of Orton FINALLY cashing in the Gateway Championship to take a shot at the big time.. READY.. to quite simply WHOOP Randy Orton's candy ass all over Houston. You see Randy Orton has been a mainstay in the EBWF. He's married to the bosses sister.. he's been the EBWF Gateway Champion for 444 days.. he's the longest EBWF Champion of all time- he has all sorts of Mickey Mouse tattoo's running up and down his arms. He has cookouts in the summer with Wes Ikeda where they try to decide who's better looking, while their significant others look on confused and not turned on. To that The Rock says this. The Rock could give three drops of reindeer piss that Randy Orton is married to Ikeda's sister- The Rock could care even less that he's been the Gateway Champion for over a year- The Rock's not impressed by the tattoo's because quite frankly The Rock's tattoos.. better. Finally, it simply does NOT matter who's better looking because The Rock is better looking than both of them put together.. and The Rock CERTAINLY.. would know how to.. SATISFY.. any needs..
The Rock adjusted his pants.
The Rock: That their significant others might need. Which brings The Rock, to Royal Rumble and to tonight. You see The Rock - EBWF CHAMPION- going head to head with someone in Randy Orton who has done something that is extremely hard to do in this business. He has sat.. and WAITED. You see Randy Orton, once upon of time.. the longest reigning EBWF Champion in the history of the company. Once upon a time, Randy Orton one of the most respected, one of the toughest, one of the most feared men to ever step foot in an EBWF ring. Despite that.. the last time Randy was on top of the EBWF mountain was all the way back in 2013. He held the title briefly before losing to... Trent??
The Rock comically shrugged his shoulders making fun of the question mark at the end of Trent?
The Rock: A tough loss.. but without question a memorable one. So Randy Orton.. bringer of destruction.. sadistic.. instinctual killer.. loses.. to Trent? Loses the EBWF Title.. and then does NOT win it again.. it's been 7 years.. 7 YEARS since Randy Orton has been the EBWF Champion. Fast forward to 2019.. Randy Orton becomes the EBWF Gateway Champion. So surely.. surely.. he will quickly cash it in to try and become something that had.. to that point alluded him for 6 long years.. right? WRONG. Randy Orton instead decides to hold onto that EBWF Gateway Championship.. day after day.. month after month.. for a YEAR and a HALF. Waiting.. waiting.. I'm assuming for the right opportunity.. the right time.. the right moment.. the right.. opponent. Which you can imagine surprised.. well everyone.. even MORE surprising.. was that Randy Orton decided after all that time.. after all the waiting.. all the plotting.. all the strategizing.. that when he finally decided to cash in this championship.. he decided to cash it in against.. the jabroni beating.. pie eating.. trail blazing.. eye brow raising.. nothing short of number one.. choose to face him because you're REALLY REALLY dumb.. EBWF Champ and People's Champ THE ROCK. You see Orton, facing The Rock is not something that most people would go out of their way to do. If you don't have to face The Rock.. consider yourself lucky.. breathe easy.. grab a hot dog.. put a little ketchup on it.. maybe some mustard.. and enjoy it. You're the one getting off easy. Which is why it shows JUST how stupid you really are Randy.. that after 444 days of being the EBWF Gateway Champion.. you came in front of the Rock's fans and you decided to RKO The Rock- and let all of his fans know.. that FINALLY you would be cashing in your gold for a chance at the EBWF Title. You came in front of The Rock's fans on The Rock's show, Warfare, and you announced your intentions of going ONE.. on.. ONE with The GREAT ONE.. by doing so.. in theory announced that you quite simply are the world's biggest, dumbest, shaved head, neck turning, moron.. that this company has ever seen.
The Rock stared a hole in the camera. Riley dropped it a little. The Rock smirked.
Alex Riley (behind the camera): Sorry Rock.
The Rock: Well ok.. maybe the second biggest, dumbest, moron. Prop it up Riley, use your legs.
The Rock kicked Riley in the back of his calf, causing him to drop to one knee and the camera to go with him. He quickly stood up and followed The Rock into Dave and Busters. The Rock walked into the main lobby and already heads were turning and people were whispering. Almost instantly a crowd formed around The Rock. The Rock barely reacted, being used to being the center of attention at all times. A "Rocky" Chant broke out from this Dave and Busters crowd. You could see people not in the pile of people, beginning to look up from their table and throughout the entire game room.
The Rock: Dave and Busters- The Rock knows this is a big moment for all of you.. The Rock KNOWS that this is an opportunity for you to be face to face.. with the Brahma Bull.The Rock KNOWS.. that someday when all of you are old and gray..when the end is near.. or as this old timer calls it.. "now."
An old man smiled as did The Rock.
The Rock: You will be able to tell your grandkids.. your family members.. the young secretary at work that you're trying to impress.. that you once got to rub elbows.. with the MOST Electrifying Man in all of Sports Entertainment. So NATURALLY you're excited.. and The Rock is excited too. He loves Dave and Busters.. he loves everything about it. The games.. the chicken fingers.. the energy.. the drinks... and most importantly.. The Rock loves.. all of you.
More cheers and another Rocky chant from the crowd.
The Rock: It makes sense, that you are all thrilled to be able to see The Rock, hear The Rock, experience The Rock.. on a night where you thought you'd be doing nothing but ski ball. However, what doesn't make sense to The Rock, what doesn't compute with The Rock.. is why Randy Orton is excited to cash in the Gateway title to face The Great One. Randy Orton being excited to face The Rock.. is like this fat dumpy jabroni over here being excited to run a half marathon.. like this beautiful lady next to him.. yeah how you doing hunny? Being excited to dive into a calculus book. Like this piece of monkey crap Alex Riley being excited about going to his High School reunion, despite being a gigantic failure.
A fat guy, a ditsy blonde girl, were shown as The Rock mentioned them. Alex Riley bowed his head ashamed, which caused the camera to dip.
Alex quickly propped the camera back up. The Rock adjusted his EBWF Championship.
The Rock: The point is.. Randy Orton being excited to face The Rock- makes NO SENSE. The reason it makes no sense.. is because The Rock is going to kick Randy Orton's monkey ass up and down Houston.. AND WALK OUT.. Still EBWF World Champion. You see on a normal night, The Rock would do that because that's simply WHAT HE DOES. The Rock gets paid, The Rock cherishes, The Rock THRIVES on laying the smackdown on every piece of trash that the company throws his way. However with Randy Orton, this one is going to be.. JUST a little bit more fun. It's going to be more fun, because Randy Orton has made this.. PERSONAL. His choice of The Rock as the champion to cash his title in on.. his RKO'ing of The Rock.. as The Rock was about to defeat his horse mouthed, roody poo partner 1..2..3.. everything about Randy Orton's pursuit of The Rock's title.. has made this match at Royal Rumble.. without a SHADOW OF A DOUBT.. PERSONAL. Which is why The Rock is excited.. no he's elated.. no he's damn near estatic.. that at The Royal Rumble.. he's PERSONALLY.. going to drive Randy Orton's overpriveleged.. under performing.. overrated candy ass.. down know your role boulevard.. HANG THAT RIGHT.. onto Jabroni Drive.. and PERSONALLY check this piece of kangaroo crap.. DIRECTLY INTO.. the SMACKDOWN HOTEL!
The crowd cheered as The Rock started moving to the game room. He pulled out a Dave and Busters powercard.
The Rock: Yeah you didn't know how big of a fan The Rock was of D and B.. did you Riley?
The camera shook no.
The Rock: Keep the camera staight jabroni.
The Rock sat down at an Electronic Texas Hold Em set up. The crowd followed him and were standing behind him like friends supporting a buddy who was on a blackjack heater.
The Rock: Texas Hold Em- is a great game. The reason is that YES it's a game where luck helps. If you have good cards.. you obviously have a better chance to win the hand. However, Texas Hold Em also celebrates SKILL. You can bluff.. you can know when to fold your hand.. you can finesse your opponents into making the wrong decision. To some extent.. playing poker is less of a gamble than most table games.. because you do have SOME control over the results on any given day. Randy Orton, has decided to sit down at the table. He thinks that he has good cards.. he thinks.. that he has THE BEST cards in the business.. that he's ready to put up against the People's Champ. You think that don't you Randy? You think the cards that you have are good enough to topple the hand of The Rock.. that's what you think.. isn't it?
The Rock paused and looked into the camera as if he was waiting for Orton to answer.
The Rock: Unfortunately for you...THE ROCK WIPES A PANDA BEARS ASS.. with WHAT YOU THINK. You see Randy the only BLUFF that you are telling here.. is the one that you're telling yourself. Every day when you wake up in the morning.. and "slither" your way to your mirror.. and you look into the mirror.. maybe shake your tougne a little bit.. because you're a snakeee.. you're a snakee... you look yourself in the mirror.. and you tell yourself. "YOU are the best in this business. YOU are going to be the next EBWF Champion.. YOU are not worthless.. because like Nikki says.. it happens to LOTS of guys."
The Rock paused again. The crowd laughed and cheered.
The Rock: You tell yourself bluff after bluff.. LIE.. after LIE.. to convince yourself to keep going head first into every single day. However, unlike in Poker.. all of your lying..all of your bluffs to yourself.. they are NOT going to help you here.. they are NOT going to make you successful.. they are NOT going to change the fact that Wes Ikeda's beautiful sister.. lays in bed night in and night out.. wondering if you can even get up to the "spot of G" if you were reciting the alphabet. What they are going to do.. instead Randy.. is lead you down the people's ramp.. into the Rock's ring.. and those lies.. those bluffs.. that you tell yourself.. are going to get your CANDY ASS.. torn limb by limb.. by DAMN limb. And the ONLY person you're going to have to blame for this.. is YOURSELF. You Randy.. are the only one who finessed YOURSELF into making the wrong decision.. a bad decision.. a decision.. that is going to lead The Rock into taking that "HAND" that you think you have to defeat the Rock.. SHINING it up real nice.. shuffling them up.. a little upwards direction.. now to the side.. now move those cards all around.. TURN THEM SIDEWAYS.. AND STICK EM STRAIGHT UP.. YOUR CANDY ASS.
Another loud cheer from the Dave and Busters crowd.
The Rock: You see Randy Orton has foolishly decided to take all of his CHIPS.. and he's decided to go ALL IN..feeling confident that this isn't a complete GAMBLE.. Randy Orton is thinking that he has some control over the result.. because HE FEELS HE HAS THE SKILL. Randy Orton is not looking at this match with The Rock, as a complete gamble..and THAT is precisely why he is confident to RISK everything.. to Risk the title he's held for over 400 days.. for a chance to become the NEW EBWF Champion. Well The Rock says.. that that thought process.. continues to prove The Rock's point that Randy Orton may twist his neck around maniacally because he's trying to jiggle the 1 or 2 brain cells he has back into place.. because THE ROCK thinks.. no.. he knows.. NO.. he guaran DAMN TEES.. that as good as Randy Orton thinks he is.. The Rock is simply BETTER.. as much skill as Randy Orton thinks he has.. The Rock simply.. HAS MORE. The amount of CONTROL that Randy thinks he has on this match.. The Rock assures all of you.. he has NONE. Randy is correct in the fact that this match is NOT a gamble.. but the part he's missing.. is that it isn't a gamble.. ONLY.. because it's a certainty that he is going to WHAM Rock BOTTOM.. BAM.. People's Elbow.. and leave "the viper" laying on his back in the middle of the ring.. looking up at the lights.. wondering..questioning.. regretting.. sitting down at the table and THROWING away all his chips.. on such a stupid.. reckless.. IMPOSSIBLE TO WIN.. situation.
The Rock hit a couple buttons and all of a sudden the sound of chips behind pushed in the Rock's direction eminated from the game. The Rock cocked his eye brow as the scene faded.
The scene reopened at Minute Maid Park in Houston, Texas. It was now the day of the EBWF's Royal Rumble. The scene was backstage and we were about 10 minutes away from showtime. You saw numerous superstars starting to get ready, beginning to prepare for a night that could earn any of them a chance to compete in the Main Event at the grand daddy of them all, Wrestlemania. The EBWF logo was at the bottom of the screen, this current scene was apart of the Royal Rumble pre show. This became clear when Charly Caruso was pacing back and forth outside of a dressing room that had "THE ROCK" written on the door. She looked nervous and anxious to speak to the EBWF Champion, so close to his meeting with Randy Orton. The door opened and The Rock came out of his dressing room. Immediately he looked startled to see Charly outside of his door. He was in his ring trunks and a "Team Bring It" tank top. He had the EBWF Championship over his shoulder.
Charly Caruso: Rock I'm sorry to b..
The Rock held his hand up.
The Rock: Shh.. Shh.. Fevil Goes West.. mouse girl reporter.. SHH.. Shut your mouth.. and listen.. because THEY.. are CHANTING his NAME.
The Rock put his hand over the microphone that Charly was holding and the capacity crowd that was filing into Minute Maid Park became audible and a LOUD Rocky chant bellowed into the scene.
The Rock: You see Charly, The Rock knows why you're here. The Rock knows why you put on your little dress.. got all dolled up.. why you're all wet....
The Rock paused. Charly looked embarrased but blushed a bit.
The Rock: With perspiration.. as you paced outside The Rock's dressing room.. anticipating.. waiting.. for the EBWF Champ.. the PEOPLE'S CHAMP.. to emerge. The Rock knows that you want to ask him about his thoughts.. on his match that he is about to have with one, Randy Orton. Isn't that right?
Charly Caruso: Well I mean y..
The Rock: Na.. na.. na.. na. The Rock knows that right now.. he is the most sought after.. the most followed.. the most admired man in this entire company. The Rock is the EBWF World Champion.. The Rock.. has literally.. MILLIONS...
Charly looked up to hear the crowds response and smiled.
The Rock: Of fans watching live here tonight and all around the world.. and EVERY last one of them want to hear The Rock's final thoughts.. his final words.. about his match with Randy Orton. So here they come.. buckle up..
The Rock pantomimed buckling a seatbelt.
The Rock: Go on Charly.. buckle up..
He paused and she looked confused at first as to what he wanted her to do. He once again pantomimed buckling up his seatbelt. She smiled and mimicked the pantomime.
The Rock: There you go. You see Charly- The Rock's thoughts are simple. Not too long ago.. The Rock stood in front of his people.. and he exclaimed to the World that he had done.. EVERYTHING there is to do.. achieved EVERYTHING that he wanted to achieve.. both in the ring.. and on the big screen. The Rock exclaimed that he was an international and worldwide phenomenon- and that he was MORE than fulfilled with the level of success that he's been able to acquire over the course of his life. The one thing.. the one accomplishment that alluded The Rock.. was getting to the top of the mountain.. in this EMERGING global powerhouse of a Wrestling Promotion that we know as.. the EBWF.
The crowd cheered.
The Rock: So The Rock announced to all of his people.. all of his fans.. that he was indeed back in professional wrestling.. BACK.. in Sports Entertainment.. TO STAY. Many questioned The Rock's integrity, many doubted that The Rock was for real.. but The Rock.. as usual didn't care. The Rock has put every drop of blood, sweat, and tears into this company since his return.. and after making that bold and poignant statement.. The Rock.. became KING of the RING.
The crowd cheered and a Rocky chant broke out. The Rock let the chant die down before continuing.
The Rock: So now we had KING ROCK.. with a guaranteed title shot at the ONE CHAMPIONSHIP.. the ONE ACCOMPLISHMENT.. that he had his sights most FIRMLY set on. The Rock cashed in that opportunity at Summerslam.. where he defeated Chris Jericho.. that big glob of human toothpaste bubbles.. to become the EBWF Champion for the very first time. Happy ending right? Not so fast. Just one MONTH.. ONE MONTH later.. The Rock is asked to defend his title in a triple threat match with Aiden English and Chris Jericho at Fanniversary. It was there.. that Chris Jericho continue to be a rolly polly olly little bitch tits.. and got pinned by English.. to COST the Rock his title.. that he had most desired.. that he had worked so hard to gain after ALL these years. So what did The Rock do? Did he bitch? Moan? Complain? Quit? Go back to movies? Oh no.. no.. no.. no.. NO. The Rock got up.. he dusted himself off..and he set his sights on regaining that same championship. And Charly when The Rock sets his sights on something.. when he puts his focus on something.. when he is DETERMINED to do something.. HE DOES IT. So just one month.. ONE MONTH.. later at Christmas Eve of Destruction.. The Rock wiped the floor with that Rogaine Roger.. Aiden English.. and for the second time.. became EBWF Champion.. which leads us.. to tonight.
The Rock paused and looked intense. The crowd was loving this.
The Rock: You see tonight presents a different challenge.. a more interesting situation.. because tonight.. The Rock isn't going up against a Soccer Dad like Aiden English.. NO sireee.. The Rock is going up against a man who's name INSTANTLY incites a reaction.. a man.. who for MANY YEARS has been a major player in the EBWF.. a man.. who has quite literally SLEPT his way into the family that runs this ENTIRE COMPANY.. a man.. named Randy.
A mixed reaction for Orton who despite his allignment, or opponent.. always had supporters.
The Rock: You see Randy Orton- is a guy that's always a threat, always in play, always a possibly to quite literally STRIKE out of nowhere at any moment. A man who acts cool, crazy, manaical, sadistic even, like he's got a screw loose and some of the people.. yeah.. they dig it.. you're cool Randy.. people LOVE IT.. the VIPER!! Yeah!!
The Rock smiled which made Caruso smile.. The Rock's smile quickly vanished and turn back to an intense look.
The Rock: However, Randy Orton, .. there's NOTHING.. and THE ROCK MEANS.. NOTHING.. that you do.. that impresses The Rock.. NOTHING.. you do that intimidates The Rock.. NOTHING.. that you do.. that even remotely puts a little twinge of anxiety into The Rock's gut. The Rock is NOT impressed or intimidated when you come down the ramp at 0.65 Miles Per Hour.. like you crapped your pants and you're trying to not have any of it spill out onto the floor. The Rock is not impressed when you get on the turnbuckle.. and do your.. "look at me I'm the biggest Roody Poo walking God's Green Earth" arm motion.
The Rock mimicked Orton's signature Pose.
The Rock: The Rock's not impressed when you get on your knees like you're in a quiet room with Edge after one too many drinks- and you start slamming the mat.. like a little baby that wants more mashed up carrots.
The Rock pantomimed this as well, making fun of Orton's face when he sets up for The RKO.
The Rock: Most importantly.. The Rock isn't impressed by the fact that the ONLY time you've gotten the upper hand on The Rock.. this entire month.. is when you came out of the crowd and blind sided the People's Champ. Well tonight.. just like last week.. and the WEEK BEFORE THAT.. The Rock- is not going to be blindsided. Randy Orton.. TONIGHT.. you will be staring straight into the eyes.. FACE TO FACE.. with the Brahma Bull.. with the EBWF Champion.. and it will be in that moment.. that you will realize.. that despite all of your accomplishments.. despite your family tree.. despite being in the EBWF's popular kids club.. despite your dopey poses.. despite your tantrum ring pounds.. despite your sneak attack RKO's.. you will realize that none of that.. ABSOLUTELY NONE OF THAT.. will help you tonight.. NONE of that will change the fact.. that you can't STOP.. CANNNNN'T STOP.. The Rock.. and none of that will change the fact that you are going to have to accept the fact.. that whether you held the Gateway Title for 2 days, 200 days, 400 days, 4 million days.. you are going to have to accept the fact that all of those days.. all of the "Will I cash in's?" "Should I cash in." "Am I going to Cash in?" All of those days that you held that Gateway title.. thinking.. hoping.. anticipating.. that it would lead to you becoming THE MAN.. the EBWF Champion.. for the first time in 7 LONG years.. all of those days Randy.. were.. for.. nothing.. because as sure as The Rock is standing here.. KNOWING.. that he's the great one.. as sure as The Rock is standing here.. KNOWING.. that he is the chosen one.. is as sure as The Rock is.. that tonight.. Royal Rumble.. Houston,Texas.. that The Rock is going to WHOOP YOUR MONKEY ASS from pillar to post.. and when the dust settles.. the final bell rings.. and the crowd is on their way out of Minute Maid Park.. they will know without a SHADOW OF A DOUBT.. that the only person made for, build for, SUPPOSED TO BE.. THE MAN....
The Rock cocked an eyebrow, and swiftly exited the scene. Leaving Charly Caruso standing there with a look of admiration. The scene faded to black.
The One Man- The Only Man (The Rock)
The One Man- The Only Man (The Rock)
EBWF World Champion (x7- Current) EBWF Intercontinental Champion (x3) EBWF Tag Team Champion (x2) EBWF PTG Champion (x2 ) EBWF Gateway Champion (1x)
EBWF World Champion (x7- Current) EBWF Intercontinental Champion (x3) EBWF Tag Team Champion (x2) EBWF PTG Champion (x2 ) EBWF Gateway Champion (1x)