Hollywood Becky 001

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Becky Lynch
Posts: 173
Joined: Tue Jan 07, 2020 2:06 pm

Hollywood Becky 001

Post by Becky Lynch »

After the Royal Rumble comes to an end, one would think that the Real Women’s Champion, the Cerebral Lassassin better known as Becky Lynch would have an issue with this, but nothing could be further from the truth. If anything, this is only further serving to make her seek greener pastures. Basically, Becky is the biggest star in the company, she and Winter know that she is the biggest star in the company, and her breaking into Hollywood is only serving to further their claims.

Right after the Women’s Royal Rumble match, Becky and Winter took a flight right to Los Angeles, California where the set for her next film will take place. After finishing the first film that she starred in, Becky was offered more starring roles in more films as well as guest star spots on hit television shows.


This second film that Becky is slated to star in sees her as a new recruit for a gang and works her way up to becoming the Boss. The first scene of this films sees Becky Lynch walking down the sidewalk. She walks by a man selling watches, asking her, “You wanna buy a watch? This shit’ll cost ya six hundred bucks in the store.”

Becky walks past the man trying to sell her a watch, and he responds with, “Oh, whatever” while waving Becky off.

Becky walks past a working girl, who is offering her services, “I can show you a good time.”

Off in the distance, gang members clad in yellow, members of the Vice Kings, are observing a wall with “Rollerz” spray-painted on it. “Aw, hell naw! Man, fuck the Rollerz! You gonna let those bitches disrespect us?” Says the man standing in the middle. The man to his left starts spray-painting over the tag.

Meanwhile, three gang members clad in blue walk up. The member of the Rollerz standing in the middle is holding a baseball, and speaks up. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”

The vocal member of the Vice Kings responds with, “Just bein’ civic minded is all.”

The vocal member of the Westside Rollerz responds with, “That so?”

“Yeah…” says the Vice Kings member. “Some dumbass cracka went and shit all over this wall. We just cleanin’ it up…”

The Vice Kings member gets whacked in the head with the baseball bat, and a fight breaks out with the Vice Kings winning the exchange… or so they thought. Right as they managed to run off the Westside Rollerz, a red convertible hastily approaches the area.

The gang members in the red convertible are, as one would expect, clad in red. These gang members represent Los Carnales. The passengers pulls out a Mac-10, and says, “Hector says, ‘Buenos Noches’.” The Carnales members manages to empty his clip, killing all but one member of the Rollerz and the Vice Kings each.

The Rollerz member shoots up the convertible and kills the driver and the passenger, forcing the car to speed away toward Becky, who at the last moment, dives out of the way. Thus, the car crashes into a wall.

The Rollerz member approaches the crashed car and notices that the surviving Carnales member is pinned down, and proceeds to execute him. The surviving Vice Kings member walks up behind the Rollerz member and shoots him in the head before turning his attention toward Becky, the only witness to this entire event, and approaches.

“Wrong time, wrong place, bitch!” say the Vice Kings member while pointing his gun at Becky.

Becky closes her eyes, waiting to hear the shot, waiting for her life to end. When she does hear the shot, it isn’t one that ends her life. She opens her eyes and sees the Vice Kings member lying on the pavement before looking up to see the leader of the Saints, Julius Little. “You okay, playa?” Julius says, reaching his hand out to help Becky up, the latter of whom accepts his hand, and stands up with his help before being led away from the flaming car that explodes right at the last second.

“Look, the Row ain’t safe no more. We got gangs fightin’ over shit that ain’t theirs. If you’re in the way, they don’t care if you’re representin’ or not.” Julius is interrupted by Troy who tells him that this isn’t the time to recruit. Julius turns to him and says, “Look, we need all the help we can get, son.” Troy tells him that they need to get their asses out of there. “In a minute.”

Julius turns his attention back to Becky. “Look. The Row’s got a problem. Come to the church when you want to be part of the solution.” With that said, Julius stands up and walks away with Troy.

Annnd SCENE!


Becky stands up and brushes herself off while Winter approaches her with a bottle of water. Becky takes the bottle of water offered to her. “Thanks.” Becky says before taking a sip.

“You know, Rebecca?” Winter asks. “I had no idea that you were able to sell fear. Fear is one of those terms that is synonymous with the both of us yet neither of us have ever felt it, yet you managed to show fear toward the end of that scene. It really goes to show how talented of an actress you are.”

Becky takes another sip while watching the scene back. After gulping down some more water, Becky responds. “I didn’t think I’d sell the fear well, because I fear nothin’. Like ya said, it shows how talented of an actress I am. Sadly, the same can’t be said about my opponent on Warfare.”

“Ronda Rousey…” Winter says with utter disdain in her voice. “Trust me, I have seen her do what she calls ‘acting’ and I can only say this. Even with my power as the Devil, I cannot turn her into a convincing actress.”

“There’s a reason why Ronnie hardly ever spoke in her movie roles, and that’s because whenever she speaks, it always sounds unconvincing. When she has a speakin’ role in a film, Ronnie puts people to sleep. That transcended to video games. There’s a reason why people would rather play as the Bridgette Wilson version of Sonya over the little weirdo’s version of Sonya. It’s because Bridgette Wilson can fookin’ act. Ronnie, on the other hand, makes Tyler Perry dressed in drag look like a competent actress…”

“And people only know who Tyler Perry is because of my doing.” Winter sighs before continuing. “That’s a favor I regret ever granting because he has since cornered the post-menopausal female market and has grown too powerful in Hollywood, so powerful that he had one of the best episodes of the Boondocks pulled because it made him cry like the little bitch that he is.”

“Speakin’ of cryin’ like a little bitch…” The Cerebral Lassassin begins. “I’m lookin’ to make Ronnie cry even harder than the first time I beat her. The first time I beat her, she cried and ran away fer a year…”

“Which has become a motif for her given her history in MMA.” The Satanic Diva chimes in.

“Right. Her arrogance and her ego couldn’t take a loss. I’ve taken losses before and I’m still with EBWF. I didn’t run away after a loss. I did whatever was possible or necessary in order to bounce back.” Becky says with a nod.

“If there was ever someone that I could say is the personification of perseverance, it would definitely be you, Rebecca. You are incapable of letting a loss get to you.” The Satanic Diva says.

“That’s right, and in the long run, it doesn’t matter because I’m the biggest star in the company. I’m starrin’ in critically acclaimed movies as well as critically acclaimed TV shows. My phone’s been ringin’ off the hook, My voicemail’s always full with offers to do movies, TV shows, talk shows. Everyone wants Becky Lynch in their production, whether it’s on the silver screen or on TV. Everyone wants a piece of me, and I can’t blame them one bit, because no one has as much natural talent as me.”

“And with all of these offers that have filled your voicemail, I can only surmise that your star will continue to rise and it will shine brighter than the sun itself.” Winter says before taking a sip of her glass of Johnnie Walker Black.

“Unless I get my well-earned title shot, I’ll have a lot more time to fulfill these offers. Ya see, Ronda Rousey is beneath me. I proved it last year, and I’ll prove it again on Warfare. Once I beat that little weirdo again, she’ll never see the light of day. Maybe, just maybe, she’ll pull her head outta her arse.”

“This is Ronda Rousey that we are discussing.” Winter says. “For her to pull her head out of her arse, she would have to be humble enough to even admit that it’s up there in the first place.”

“I beat her by pinfall last year. This year, I’m makin’ the bitch tap. If she doesn’t tap, I’ll pull her arm out and beat her senseless with it. So, in the end, I win either way. Tap or snap.”
Daffney: 1975-2021
Becky Achievements: Queen of the Ring (2020, 2021), Women's Last Survivor (2024), EBWF Women's Champion (1-Time), Best Actress (2021, 2022, 2023, 2024), Most Violent Scene in a Film (2021, 2022, 2023, 2024), Best Villain in a Film (2021, 2022, 2024), Best Antihero in a Film (2021, 2022, 2023, 2024), Best Hero in a Film (2021, 2022, 2023, 2024)
Allysin Kay Achievements: Queen of the Ring (2022)