With the EBWF Women's Championship hanging from her shoulder, Tam embraced the cameras with a whimsical grin as they approached her backstage.
Tam Nakano: Kon'nichiawa EBWF Universe! Tonight I have a very special surprise in store for all of you, because tonight marks the return of a certain someone who has been missed dearly during his absence. Just a few weeks ago, I wasn't even sure if he'd be able to overcome the injuries he suffered, but through unshakeable perseverance and some intense rehabilitation, he's back and he's better than ever! So please give me a hand in welcoming the cutest little panda on the planet, P-Chan!
Tam revealed her pint-sized partner-in-crime sitting on the end of her arm, visibly with some bandaging about his neck and head.
P-Chan: Hey, hey, hey, EBWF Universe! It feels good to be back! But Tam, if you're going to introduce me to our friends, at least do it properly!
P-Chan cleared his throat before continuing.
P-Chan: Ahem... ladies and gentlemen, my name is P-Chan. The roughest, the toughest, the brains behind our reigning, defending EBWF Women's Champion of the world... TAM NAKAAAAAANO!
Tam Nakano: Why does that sound familiar...
P-Chan: And I am officially BACK here in EBWF to assist my client in reaching even greater successes than she already has! Oh, and I am a single man for any of you lonely panda ladies watching out there. Kakakakakaka!
Tam Nakano: Welcome home, P-Chan! I think I speak for everybody in the building tonight when I say we missed having you here. It just wasn't the same without you!
P-Chan: Well thanks, kiddo! And allow me to congratulate you on becoming EBWF Women's Champion at the Royal Rumble! I knew you could do it! But enough about that. Fill me in on everything I missed! Share the deetz! Spill the tea! I'm parched!
Tam scratched the back of her head, unsure of how to break the news of last week's shenanigans to him.
Tam Nakano: Well, you see... there's this girl who found herself on the receiving end of a vicious beatdown last week on Warfare, and being the respectable EBWF Women's Champion that I am, I had to do what's right! So I ran down to the ring, I fended off her attackers, and now all four of us are scheduled to compete tonight in a Tag Team match!
P-Chan: Atta girl! Always doing the right thing, even it if means putting yourself in danger! So who is this poor girl you managed to rescue?
Tam Nakano: Well, that's the thing... it was Alexa Bliss.
Silence briefly ensued as P-Chan tilted his head.
P-Chan: Excuse me?
Tam Nakano: I saved Alexa Bliss from Ronda Rousey and Raquel Diaz. I had to, P-Chan! I couldn't just feed her to the wolves like that!
P-Chan: Of course you can! Are you forgetting who it was that put me in the hospital in the first place!? That's right, Alexa Bliss! If you ask me, she had it coming!
Tam Nakano: I promised I'd be a champion the EBWF Universe can be proud of, P-Chan. And regardless of what Alexa might have done to us in the past? I couldn't sit idle and watch her suffer.
P-Chan let out a sigh, shaking his head.
P-Chan: You're too nice for your own good, kiddo.
Tam Nakano: Do you forgive me?
P-Chan: Of course I do! Just make sure Alexa stays as far away from me as possible tonight, or she'll get a karate kick right in the chops! HIEEEEEE-YAH!
P-Chan executed a kick to the air that even Bruce Lee would be proud of before scurrying away, allowing Tam to take center stage.
Tam Nakano: Raquel? Ronda? Tonight will be a teaching lesson for both of you. You can't just go around attacking the other women, even if they are as annoying as Alexa! And as the EBWF Women's Champion? It's my duty to ensure the women's division upholds to a certain level of respect that the two of you are putting to shame! As for you, Alexa? Don't take my kindess for weakness. Hopefully we can leave everything that happened between us in the past, and if not? Let's at least try to work together tonight to teach these ladies some manners. Let's go!
Tam punched the air before dashing out of shot, bringing the scene to its conclusion.
Second Chances
Re: Second Chances

"If you don't pay attention to me,I'm going to make you pay attention to me. I've always been that way."
- Alexa Bliss
"Watch Me"
-Liv Morgan