
This is where you post your RPs for Warfare, Pay Per Views, and for character development! The deadline for RPs for the current card will be posted in a countdown timer at the top of the forum.
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Post by A.J »

We open the scene inside of a car the camera is turned around to show the camera man to be maven who is in the back seat,he smiles before turning back around to reveal alexa bliss driving the car.

Maven: so where are we going again.

Bliss: to jail.

Maven: why are we going to jail.

Bliss: to bail christian out i already told you this.
This is not how I wanted to spend my morning.

The camera cuts to show alexa walking back to the black Ford fusion with christian cage.

Maven: sup christian.

Christian turned to look at maven.

Cage: are you filming this right now?

Maven: well yeah for memorabilia.

Christian shook his head and got in the car.

The camera cuts again to show the trio driving.

Cage: so how did everyone take the news?

Bliss: well wes Ikeda was super pissed that you beat up that guy, he had to be talked out of firing you and he only agreed not to fire you if you publicly explain yourself.

Christian smiled.

Cage: well guess that means I'll show up on warfare next week.

Maven: anyone know a good Mexican restaurant around here.

Cage: I think there's one around the corner we'll go there.

The camera cuts.

"If you don't pay attention to me,I'm going to make you pay attention to me. I've always been that way."
- Alexa Bliss

"Watch Me"
-Liv Morgan