Making an impression

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Making an impression

Post by A.J »

The scene opens with Renee Young backstage preparing to interview someone.

Renee Young: Ladies and Gentlemen please welcome Bobby Lashley.

The camera widens to show Lashley smiling.

Renee Young: Well Bobby last week you shocked everyone when you showed up on warfare probably the most shocked was Roman Reigns who lost his match due to your appearance.

Bobby Lashley: Well Renee Roman lost because he wasn't paying attention to the match you know its funny Roman go's on Twitter and this show talking about how he is the tribal chief and that he is better than everyone when he has yet to win a match here in ebwf.

Renee Young: Well Bobby tonight you make your return to the ring against a man who is also making his return Christian Cage.

Bobby Lashley: You see Renee i have alot of respect for Christian he has been one of the best in the world for years and what he did a few weeks ago i kinda respect that too.
But my respect for him won't stop me from beating him tonight because Bobby Lashley is back to become world heavyweight champion.

Lashley left.

"If you don't pay attention to me,I'm going to make you pay attention to me. I've always been that way."
- Alexa Bliss

"Watch Me"
-Liv Morgan