Lashley's Doom
Lashley's Doom
I was on my way to the arena to do my promo when the interviewer backstage walked up and asked me how do you feel facing Bobby Lashley,and I said I'm gonna Punch his face,knock him down again and again I am also gonna kick his face in and I will MAKE HIM TAP OUT!!! I then continue to making my way to the ring thinking how can I make that mushed Hershey Kiss look any worse,my music hits and I hear "LOUD CHEERS" I then got in the ring. -I grabbed a microphone and was about to start talking and the fans cheered loudly "JOHNNY WRESTLING" x3 I then began to insult "Bobbly Lashley" starting by saying> The only reason Bobby Lashley came back to WWE is because he was broke and needed some cash he left back then because he was scared> he was scared because of how his career and {Gimmick} was going he knew with that gimmick would never get him and title shots or any chances at Mr-Money In The Bank unlike someone -that someone was me i've always had a better career then "Bobby Lashley" ever will and thats why i'm gonna prove why I am the> "JOHNNY WRESTLING"... Bobby Lashley's music hits my mic drops i'm ready to smush down that Hershey Kiss more with one thing that one thing and word is "PAIN"!!!-