EBWF YouTube Exclusive

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EBWF YouTube Exclusive

Post by Billy »

The YouTube video opened on Mauro Ranallo standing in front of a black EBWF banner. His red tie stood out in a sea of blacks and whites. He had a somber look about him.

Mauro Ranallo
Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to thank you for taking time out of your day to watch this EBWF exclusive. The events you are about to witness took place during this week’s episode of Warfare. Unfortunately, they were too graphic and violent for broadcast television. I must warn you, what you’re about to witness is very upsetting and may not be appropriate for all audiences.

The scene cut away from Mauro and to a hallway lined with the EBWF production crates. A handful of security were being fended off by Chavo Guerrero Junior and Elias Samson. The two men had blocked the cameraman and security from a side hall that echoed with the noises of a brawl. The grunts and groans grew louder. One of the security officers lunged at Chavo only to catch a boot to the stomach. Chavo shoved the man back into his companions creating an opening just big enough for the camera to slip through into the hall. Nikki Cross slammed into the wall and slumped to her knees. Raquel Diaz followed her, slowly. Diaz took ahold of Nikki’s hair and wrenched her head backwards. She stared down at her.

Raquel Diaz
I’m so glad the two of us could catch up Cross. It’s been ages since we’ve been able to do this!

Raquel used the grip on Nikki’s hair to pull her up to her feet. She chuckled and slammed Cross’s face into the painted concrete bricks of the arena wall. She bounced her head off the wall a half dozen times before she tossed her backwards into the center of the hallway. Nikki stumbled backwards and collapsed to a seated position. Raquel loomed over her.

Raquel Diaz
Now, are you prepared to do what I ask? Or do you need more convincente?

Nikki shook her head defiantly as she backed away from the Women’s Champion. Raquel broke into a sinister laughter. She stomped on Cross’s left leg calling forth a scream of agony. Nikki clutched at her knee but not quick enough to stop the second stomp from Diaz. She cried out in pain again. Raquel picked up her foot and tucked it under her arm. She crossed the right leg over and locked in the Lasso from El Paso. Nikki clawed at the floor, flailing, and grabbing for anything she could get her hands on. She wailed, and screamed, and tapped the ground furiously. With each rapid change to her behavior, the smile on Raquel’s face widened.

Nikki Cross
Alright! I’ll say it.

Raquel dropped Nikki’s legs and stepped away few paces. Cross curled up in a ball holding her left knee tightly. Raquel paced like a starving animal with her hands on her hips.

Raquel Diaz
You don’t understand Cross, this isn’t my fault. I don’t want to do these things. I’m the Queen of the EBWF, THE TRUE WOMEN’S CHAMPION. I should be leading by example and not with an iron fist. But, your friend Becky took off with my title.

Raquel took a knee next to Nikki. She placed her hand under her chin, took hold of it, and forced her to make eye contact.

Raquel Diaz
This is all Becky’s fault Nikki. She made me do this. She took my title and she ran away. You know where she is. I know that you do. We both know that you do! And, since you’ve sworn that you won’t give her up, you and I are going to send her a message right now. You let Becky know what she’s caused. Let her know about the pain she’s brought you. Let her know how it feels. How long is it going to be before you’re complete enough to climb back in that ring and compete. You’re going to let Becky know that I’m going to end your career if she doesn’t come back and face me like a WOMAN.

Nikki gathered her strength and spat in Raquel’s face. Raquel wiped the spit from her eyes and looked intently at her hand. She chuckled. It wasn’t a friendly chuckle.

Raquel Diaz
Where was I? Oh yes! You’re going to let Becky know that as long as she’s running from me, I’m going to continue to hurt the people closest to her. Inside the ring. Outside the ring. Those within the EBWF and even those outside of it.

Raquel held up the sign of the Four Horsemen to the cameraman.

Raquel Diaz
Now, you can tell her or I can break your crazy little legs.

Raquel took hold of Nikki’s hair again and struck her in the face repeatedly with a flurry of forearm strikes. She drug Nikki up to face the camera. Cross was clearly out of it, her head swung about like a rag doll and her eyes hung half closed and glazed over.

Nikki Cross
Beeeeccccccccckkkkkkyyyyyy! Come back Beeeeeccccckkkkkyyyyyyyy!

Raquel laughed. Without Raquel prying her up Nikki Cross collapsed back down to the concrete floor of the hallway.

Raquel Diaz
How long are you going to let them suffer for your mistakes? How long are you going to ignore me?

Raquel stomped on Nikki’s spine with a sickening thud. Nikki rolled to her back instinctually. Raquel took hold of the camera and pulled it closer. Her wicked grin filled the screen.

Raquel Diaz
You’re running out of connections in the industry Lynch.

The camera pulled away from Raquel with force. As the camera stumbled backwards, Raquel moved to Nikki’s feet. The camera steadied as Diaz scooped up Nikki’s legs for a second time and once again locked in the Lasso from El Paso. Nikki struggled to free herself from the standing Texas Cloverleaf as Raquel cackled. The move seemed to linger for minutes before Chavo and Elias made their way down the hall. They forced Raquel to break the hold and hauled her away from the scene as she fought them tooth and nail to continue her assault on Nikki Cross. The camera focused on Nikki clutching her knee in agony. The screen faded to black with an EBWF logo.
Shaul Guerrero
*EBWF Women's Champion (x2)*
*2019 & 2021 Women's Royal Rumble Winner*
Aiden English
*EBWF World Champion (x3), Gateway Champion, Breakout Champion (x2)*
*2019 King of the Ring and Royal Rumble Winner*