
This is where you post your RPs for Warfare, Pay Per Views, and for character development! The deadline for RPs for the current card will be posted in a countdown timer at the top of the forum.
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Post by Ashlee »

Renee Young stood in front of Rated RKO's locker room door. She did not do an introduction, as she smoothed out her black sheath dress, and turned to knock. She was met with silence and knocked on the door a second time. Renee took a startled step back when the door swung open and The Rated R Superstar poked his head out.

Edge: Randy isn't here, and I don't have anything to say.

Renee Young: You don't want to say anything about your match against Jeff Jarrett tonight?

Edge: No, Renee, I don't.

Renee Young: Maybe something about your actions toward Bray Wyatt on Warfare two weeks ago?

Edge's eyes shifted down to meet Renee's and he sighed heavily. He stepped further into the hallway, allowing Renee to lift her microphone to his mouth.

Edge: Bray Wyatt is the reason that I can't concern myself with Jeff Jarrett. I'm not going to lie, Jeff. It's nice not being the oldest guy on the roster. Chris Jericho and I both really appreciate you carrying that mantle, but I don't know what the actual fuck you're doing here.

Renee Young: Um... might I remind you of the FCC, Edge.

Edge: Oh, I know. See the great thing about being around as long as I have is that, unlike Alexa Bliss, I know when I can drop an F-bomb. Now, for instance because this is being pre-recorded so you can bleep out that word. Even if this were live, I'd pay my fine and not complain about it. Interesting the company you keep, Jeff. You think you'd teach those young whipper snappers a thing or two, but no? You let them run the show and make you look stupid. Cool. I'll keep up that winning streak and make you look stupid tonight.

Renee Young: What did you mean by Bray Wyatt being the reason you can't focus on Jeff Jarrett?

Edge: Concern myself. That's what I said. You know, Renee. I can't figure it out. I mean, I've heard Paul Heyman say why he's having Bray Wyatt, the Fiend, whatever, target me. I just don't understand it. Of all the things he's said...

Renee Young: I believe he called you, um... 'the scourge'.

Edge: Yeah, I had to look that up. And while I'm to understand it as an insult it didn't clear things up for me. I'm the problem? I'm a blight on EBWF? For some God forsaken reason Aiden English is running around here with Elias and Chavo... Jay Reso, oh, excuse me... Christian Cage has single handedly selected the most ridiculous stable I've ever seen assembled and I was in The Brood! Christian was a Vampire! And the Coalition is still worse! Now, I could spend time getting into why Christian needs to surround himself with terrible talent to make himself feel over and successful, but we'd be here all day.

Renee smirked briefly, but kept it professional as she continued to hold the microphone.

Edge: Christian, Maven, Kane, Jeff Jarrett, an unlikely, out of sync quartet. So tell me, Paul, why would you let that cesspool of mediocrity survive in EBWF and set your sights on me? Is it because they pose no threat to The Fiend? Is it because there's no risk that they'll make you look like an ass? Now, I already know what you'll say, Paul. You'll say you don't care what other people think of you, and while I know you've expertly convinced yourself of that lie, it's not quite true is it? You don't need to be liked, Paul, I know that. But you do need to be the smartest, most cunning man in the room. You do want people to think they're in the presence of unmatched wrestling IQ. And that's why two weeks ago I went out there and I destroyed your homicidal Pee Wee Herman, and when the time comes and the Fiend decides to show his fucked up face in a fair fight, I'll destroy him too. If anything to prove to you that you're not as smart as you think you are. And there's no getting rid of the Rated R Superstar.

Edge chuckled, and looked down at Renee.

Edge: And you would think, after saying all of that, that I'm not focused on my match with Jeff Jarrett, but see... Jeff Jarrett is just a casualty in this very strategic game Paul has Rated RKO playing. Because Paul already knows, if Jeff is no threat to Bray Wyatt, then he certainly isn't a threat to me either. I will beat Jeff Jarrett tonight. I'll beat Elias or Maven in the next round. Then I'll win the next. And I won't stop until I'm standing face to face with Bray Wyatt on the other side of that ring. Then I'll win the King of the Ring tournament and go on to face Randy at Summerslam, where our dream match will happen without interruption.

Renee Young: Wait... are you predicting that you and Bray Wyatt will be the last two men in the King of the Ring finale?

Edge's charming smirk lit up his face as his eyes danced mischievously. He leaned back and reached for the doorknob, turning it to open the door to his locker room.

Edge: Oh Renee... that's not a prediction. It's a spoiler.

He winked at her before disappearing into his locker room, and the scene faded to black.
Writers aren't exactly people. They're a whole bunch of people. Trying to be one person.
The only living, breathing, Queen of Efeds in captivity
"You can't blame a writer for what the characters say." - Truman Capote