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Cage vs Tama

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2021 10:43 pm
by A.J

The scene opens near a pool at the home of The Instant Classic Christian Cage. We see Christian sitting in a chair wearing a White buttoned up shirt and Blue jeans.

Christian Cage: Welcome to my home it's nice isn't it,Now this Monday night I continue on in the King Of The Ring as I go one on one with Tama Tonga.

Christian shook his head.

Christian Cage:Man it seems that The Coalition and The Balor Club can never get away from each other,You know I thought this war would be over by now considering the fact that your leader barely shows up anymore Tama,I know your leader is a dude who occasionally puts on too much body paint while The Coalition is lead by The Instant Classic and The Goddess but come on.

Christian smirked.

Christian Cage:But enough about that let's talk about you Tama Tonga,One of the sons of Haku,Born from lightning and thunder or something stupid like that. Tama I have to admit you and Tonga Loa are one of the best tag teams in professional wrestling,But when it comes to singles competition you have yet to make your mark and unfortunately for you this Monday will not be the day because you have to go one on one with The Instant Classic Christian Cage.

Christian chuckled.

Christian Cage:Tama your dreams of becoming King and going on to win the world title are crashing down.

Christian looked around at his pool area.

Christian Cage:Tama you might think you're ready but you are not in my league, You cannot hang with me in the ring not today or any day. Tama I can beat you in my sleep. Tama you cannot stop me from advancing in the King Of The Ring and deep down in your heart you know it.

Christian got up from his chair.

Christian Cage: Tama you might be the son of a legend but that doesn't mean you have what it takes to be king and this Monday night you'll find out why.

Christian smiled.

Christian Cage:By the way The Coalition will always be better than The Balor Club no matter what,We have more accomplishments than you,We have more money than you,and we are smarter than you.
We are better than you in every way and Tama I am better than you in every way so after I beat you on Monday why you don't you go relay the message to your buddies.

Christian smirked.

Christian Cage:This Monday night I will beat Tama Tonga and advance in this tournament and eventually I will make it to the finals,Then I will win the King Of The Ring tournament,Then I will go on to Summerslam and beat Randy Orton to become the World Heavyweight champion and the peeps can finally have a World champion to be proud of.

Christian chuckled.

Christian Cage:But first it's time to get ready to beat Tama Tonga BECAUSE THAT' I roll.

Christian walked off as the scene faded to black.