Raven who?
Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2021 10:41 pm
The scene opens up to Jeff Hardy once again sitting in his therapy group. He hates these sessions, they are really one long bitch session. The Rainbow Haired Warrior really has better things to do than sit in this circle and listen to grown men whine about the problems in their lives. This therapy is supposed to be to help Hardy stay clean, it is not, he becomes more and more frustrated each week.
Counselor: “Mr. Hardy, are you going to participate? Everyone else is sharing, it is your turn. How was your week?”
The Extreme Enigma: “I really do not feel comfortable discussing my life issues in front of all these pathetic head cases. My life is none of their business.”
Counselor: “Jeff insulting your fellow group members is not getting you anywhere. There has to be something you can share.”
Hardy: “Okay, last week I traveled to Detroit. I competed in two wrestling matches. One I won, the other not so lucky. The one that counted I lost. I feel like a failure. Is that what you want to hear?”
Counselor: “Can you elaborate on your feelings of failure?”
The Rainbow Haired Warrior:”I’m done sharing.”
Hardy gets up and walks towards the door. One of the men from the group also gets up, following Jeff to the door, he grabs onto Hardy’s arm and spins him around.
Man:”Where in the hell do you think you are going? You think that what you do for a living makes you special? You come here each week, sitting in silence and insulting the rest of us. I don’t give a crap who you are. We all put our pants on one leg at a time. You aren’t special, in fact you are just an asshole!”
The Rainbow Haired Warrior:”I don’t know who the hell you think you are putting your hands on me. What I do and don’t do are none of your concern. If you ever put your hands on me again I will kick your ass all over this room.”
The man yanks Hardy backwards by his arm. Jeff spins around balling up his fist and punches the man right in the center of the face. All hell breaks loose. The counselor is yelling for everyone to stop and control themselves, no one is listening. This therapy session has turned into total anarchy.
The scene fades to balck just as Hardy spears the man across the room knocking over chairs.
Scene two
The scene opens up to The Extreme Enigma laying on a thin green cot in a dirty jail cell. This is where he ended up after the brawl in his therapy group. Jeff does not regret kicking the shit out of the stupid fat man that put his hands on him, but he is upset with himself. This is not going to look good to Beth. She is going to be pissed.
Deputy: “Hardy, you made bail.”
Jeff gets up from the cot and exits the cell, following the deputy out to see who has posted his bail. When he turns the corner he can see Beth sitting on the bench waiting. She looks very agitated. She spots him and gives him a scowl. The deputy gives Hardy his wallet and car keys. As he walks out from behind the counter Beth greets him.
Beth:”What the hell were you thinking? You are lucky that man isn’t going to press charges. What has gotten into you?”
The Rainbow Haired Warrior:”I was just upset. The counselor is always in my face, and that fat ass had it coming, he put his hands on me first. I was just trying to leave. These sessions are not helping me. All they are is a bitch session. The other men get together and whine. No real problems are talked about. My addiction is not being addressed. I need one-on-one therapy. I’m not going back to that group babe, I’m sorry.”
Beth:”Okay, if one on one is going to help you more, let’s do that. I just want you to keep getting help. I can’t believe you speared him! You could have just left.”
Hardy:”I was just too angry at that point. I couldn’t help myself. Are you hungry?”
Beth:”I could eat. Let’s get lunch.”
The couple get into their car and exit the police parking lot. Beth drives them to the nearest restaurant, pulls into the parking lot and shuts off the car.
The scene fades to black as the couple enters the restaurant.
Scene 3
The scene opens up to Jeff walking through the backstage area at the Scotiabank Arena in Toronto. He pays no attention to the backstage crew who are trying to talk to him. He has no time for them. He has more important things on his mind, like winning his match tonight. Ever since his losing King of the Ring finals match against Rey Mysterio, Hardy has felt like such a loser. It is time for that to change. Just as he arrives at his locker room door, a female interviewer approaches him.
Female Interviewer: “Jeff, do you have a few minutes to talk to me?”
The Extreme Enigma:”If I must.”
Female Interviewer:”You had an exceptional match in the semi-finals at KIng of the ring, which you won. You went on to the finals where you were not as successful. What are you going to do differently tonight when you face Raven?”
Hardy signs, then continues to speak.
Jeff:”I don’t need to do anything differently. I was cheated in that match.I clearly had the upper hand when Mysterio took the coward’s way out with a roll-up. He knew I had him beat. I am the true king of the ring.”
Female Interviewer:”You can say you were cheated but the fact is your hand was not raised in victory. What are your plans for your match against Raven tonight?”
The Extreme Enigma smirks and continues to speak.
Hardy:”My plans? My plans are to win. I give my all in each and every match. I have a fairly decent win/loss record here in EBWF. I didn’t make it all the way to the King of the RIng finals for no reason. I made it because I am the best, I get in the ring and kick ass. I leave my opponents laying flat on their backs in the middle of the ring.”
Female Interviewer:”Do you have anything to say to your opponent tonight?”
The Rainbow Haired Warrior brushes his hair out of his face and continues to speak.
The Rainbow Haired Warrior:”Raven, you keep yourself shrouded in mystery, I think you do this so that people will be scared of you. In reality no one is scared of you because you are just a scared little boy who hides behind his so-called flock. You put them up to doing your dirty work well I have already defeated half of your flock. I know I will also defeat you.”
Female Interviewer:”Is that it?”
Hardy looks directly into the camera and continues to speak.
Jeff:”Raven tonight when you step into the ring with me there will be no hiding behind your flock. It is going to be just you and me. You think you are so great, the truth is you are really just a washed up, bitter old man who needs to retire. I mean really, when is the last time you were even relevant? Hasn’t it been like 20 years? It is time for you to realize your time is over, stop embarrassing yourself. No one even cares about you or your pathetic little flock. Men like you just keep wrestling way past their prime, trying to soak up the spotlight, not giving any thought to others around you. Raven, tonight when I am finished with you, you are going to wish that you were already retired. I am going to kick your ass all over the ring. The end result will be my arm raised as the winner, and you will be looking up at me as you are lying on your back. I mean really old man, give it up!!”
Female Interviewer:”Well there you have it, Jeff Hardy has spoken.”
Hardy shoves the mic out of his face and pushes open his locker room door. The scene fades to black as Hardy enters the locker room closing the door behind him.