Rivalry renewed

This is where you post your RPs for Warfare, Pay Per Views, and for character development! The deadline for RPs for the current card will be posted in a countdown timer at the top of the forum.
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Rivalry renewed

Post by A.J »


A few days before Warfare a camera crew was sent to the home of Christian Cage to get his thoughts on his opponent Jeff Hardy.


Christian Cage:My history with Jeff Hardy is a secret to nobody,Jeff and I have been apart of some of the greatest matches of all time,We were apart of the first tag team ladder match and we were apart of the first three TLC matches in professional wrestling.

Christian sighed.


Christian Cage:After those matches Jeff we were on the path to success and we have achieved a lot,
Jeff over the years I had a lot of respect for you and at times considered you a friend.


Christian Cage:Jeff i look at you these days and all I see is a guy who is blaming the entire world for his problems,A guy who needs to look in a mirror to find the cause of his problems.
Jeff you have become nothing more than a broken shell of a man,Jeff you wanna talk about your successes well let's go back to the TLC matches because if I remember correctly I won those matches,let's fast forward a bit to EBWF if I remember correctly I became world champion before you,let's fast forward again to this years King Of The Ring pay-per-view,You lost in the finals of the tournament while I beat two guys to become number one contender to the Breakout championship.

Christian chuckled.

Christian Cage:Jeff the point is that I am better than you and after I beat you on Warfare,I want you to go confide in your wife and kids because they're all you have left because you pissed away every friend you ever had and I will celebrate with my friends because that's how I roll.

"If you don't pay attention to me,I'm going to make you pay attention to me. I've always been that way."
- Alexa Bliss

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